RE: My Pledge Going Forward: ZERO Self-Votes!
Well, I guess we've taken similar approaches with self-voting until now.
In some cases, self-voting would be bad. Imagine any of the accounts of Steemit Inc. (or personal accounts of Ned and staff) self-voting. They rarely upvote, as far as I know, but a self-vote from them is almost unimaginable.
As always, there are abusers, and they will take this freedom to self-vote to the extreme. And they will continuously find new ways to game a system, if that's their plan.
When done with moderation and especially by small players with little influence on the reward pool, trending page and so on, I don't think there's an issue with self-voting.
It's more a situation of personal choice. As I said in the post, it might be more difficult to change my mind later on, when my vote worth would be higher, than now, when it's only a few cents.