Stories: "My experience in Steemit, experiences and recommendations".

in #steemit6 years ago

Historias, is an initiative of ProVenezuela to show everyone - especially new users - that this wonderful platform represents an opportunity for those with sufficient determination and patience. Today, we present this adventure told from the perspective of @johjandri

Hello dear readers, in this article I will tell you a little about my experience in steemit, and how little by little I have been progressing during all these months. Before starting I wanted to thank the invitation of the Project Venezuela team, who are carrying out an excellent initiative that seeks the incorporation of new users in the platform, as well as the support to the existing community. They are doing an extraordinary job. Congratulations from me.

As many already know the economic situation in my country Venezuela has been increasing over the years, this forces many Venezuelans to seek new alternatives that serve as a lifeline for their finances within the suffocating economic contraction prevailing in the country.

My situation does not escape this fact and at the end of 2015 I started, in the hands of a friend, in the world of Cryptocurrency, I saw in them an alternative to generate extra income to help in times of crisis. My beginnings were spectacular, mostly due to ignorance, entering into false business opportunities, which turned out to be fraudulent pyramid schemes.

After these bad experiences, I continued to look for an alternative that would help me move forward, I never surrendered in my search, until I came across a piece of news published by a digital newspaper about the existence of a revolutionary platform in which only publish content, they received earnings in a new Altcoin called STEEM.

After digesting the news well, I register on the page and make my first publication of only 4 lines, I was actually skeptical that only publishing "anything" as you do on Facebook could make money, of course, had already had many bad experiences in some places

The day after my publication, I entered the platform again to continue investigating how the proposal really worked, my astonishment was immense when I see that the short post previously published had generated $ 45, there was still in me doubts that it was real money and that could be charged.

I continued to investigate hard and the thing seemed serious, rummaging through the blogs of other users I realize that there is almost no content in Spanish and I started to exploit this opportunity. I started creating some post that did not really reach many Upvote and the reward was almost nil. Thus began my adventure in Steemit.

The lack of Spanish-speaking users was the main reason why the post in Spanish had no audience, forcing many to publish content in English, most with the Google translator;), and the truth did not work much either.

After some time I dedicated myself to investigate how one could have more visualization within the platform, studying the users who were successful and what they wrote about. At that time I was taking my first steps in the editing of videos and graphic material, so I dedicated myself to publish edited images and digital artistic works, as well as videos of my family and steemit (To this day I still do it)

In the same way I noticed that it was necessary to work in the interaction with the other users and post comments in the post of the steemers with more target of the platform, so without hesitation I put myself in it, this gave me the opportunity to meet many people and exchange ideas and experiences.

All this came to bear fruit, getting my first potential followers who were interested in my post, and little by little I was gaining reputation. It was not overnight, it took many months to get at least 100 followers, yes, it was more difficult at the beginning than now.

                                         The most difficult part for Me

The first months at Steemit were very hard, you had to dedicate a lot of time to creating content that would attract a mostly Anglo community, the community was growing little by little and more and more you found material in your language, which motivated me to the creation of more elaborate articles with better content.

This was a challenge for me, as I had no experience in writing articles, let alone how they should be structured correctly. In a series of tests and errors, I found the way. With constancy and dedication I was improving in what I did, my articles were very varied, I wrote of anything interesting or transcendental that happened at the time.

My stay in steemit had its ups and downs at various times, because on many occasions I found myself with mediocre articles that inexplicably had more attention than my articles with a lot of content, this took me to the land of despair and I felt very unmotivated, moving away from the platform for seasons.

This forced me to analyze what I was doing wrong and also accept that the situation depends on many variables. One of them is to create an audience based on your personal signature, focused on creating articles from your domain and with which you feel more identified. Writing about topics about which you do not have much knowledge makes you strive even more to research and write more efficiently. Although over time I became a more versatile user, at the beginning it is always advisable to start with topics known to you.

In the way traveled in steemit I have met with colleagues who have served as an example, with their advice and perseverance have shown me that if you can dream of achieving economic independence with this new social network. Steemers like @cervantes, @erick, @ hr1, @johjandri, among others, have motivated me to move forward, believe in what I do and how to do things well.

I can not continue without giving his deserved recognition to the team of @cervantes, a wonderful project that has helped me a lot to get where I am in the community. Your support and advice have made me a user with a track record and much of my success I owe to them.

At some time I made the most common mistake of any newbie here in steemit, copy textual content from some source without citing it, that was devastating for me, I was included in a blacklist and my post was followed for a long time by the team in search of some infraction, and none was voted for them.

I publicly apologize to the community and to @pcgargo, who gave me their support and gave me their respective tug of the ears. This situation has given me the experience to never again do anything wrong and undermine the integrity of the regulations within the community.

The creation of original content is the main premise of this community, along with good writing, quality content and effective interaction with other users, is the breeding ground for the creation of a positive and growing community in steemit. By integrating all this we will have assured success.

A year ago ago it was not my mind to become a full-time blogger and thanks to Steemit I have learned a lot about this trade and it has also left me with new and valuable knowledge after researching and writing many articles on science and technology, an added benefit for being part of this wonderful social network.

                                                         Important Tips for New Users.

The perseverance, determination and staying motivated with your work, will make a difference within the community. Never give up for any reason, go ahead with dedication and you will succeed.

Create original content that expresses your views on the subject, never plagiarize any content on the network or outside it. Copyright is a very sensitive issue here. If you use a fragment of the text in the development, correctly use the citations within your article.

The interaction with users in the community is an important link in the creation of your personal signature within steemit. It is not only important to comment on the articles and chat a bit in the chat, you must make community with our blogs, talk about your experiences, share content that has to do with your lifestyle, etc. Knowing ourselves is very important in the formation of a successful community.

Work efficiently on your personal brand, use original striking covers that identify in each post you make, use the same format in your posts, adding new things that improve reading and understanding.

Depending on the theme you use, be it poetry, music, technology, stories, drawings, etc. Create series or sagas that help a lot to enrich your blog, making it more fun and interesting.

Take care of grammar and spelling, is an intrinsic theme for a blogger who respects himself, and helps you get more followers. We all like to read good content, so you should focus on sharing quality content.

I want to share with you an important thought: beyond the economic benefit that steemit has given me at this moment, the new and enriching knowledge that the writing of articles has given me this last year is invaluable. I have taken love with reading and creating content, so steemit came to my life to stay.

I say goodbye to you with a warm greeting to the Venezuelan public, but not before thanking infinitely the @provenezuela project for the immense work they are doing, as well as the team @cervantes that daily carry out an arduous work for the benefit of the entire community Hispanic


If you really want to be successful, you need to stop copy and pasting other peoples' work. When they discover this, they will get their followers to downvote you and pretty soon your reputation will be at 0.

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