Planting a Flower in what used to be a war-zone

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

It is a fact of life, we plan for something great and then something changes and whatever we planned have become null and void. So I burned this article and planted a flower in its place because we have forgiven one another and moved forward.

Thank you for being awesome and constructive in criticism


Can I ask, same as was asked when you were reacting poorly in chat. I can't imagine this money was spent without a solid plan made.
Why isn't a photo of the agreement included?
She asked for it, several others asked for it during your chat takeover....
It sucks if it happened as you say, but do we just accept your word?

Yes, seeing how professional @fyrstikken is and all, I'm sure there are receipts and such for this national TV spotlight. But considering how fyrstikken has made libelous statements about @stellabelle, made false accusations against me, made condescending comments and horrible derogatory comments towards @heiditravels (and all within a 48 hour period nonetheless), I'd hope that we as a Community can find a much better, more balanced, well spoken individual than fyrstikken.

I would also like to point out that he's asking for forgiveness for saying some really horrible things about someone for simply not being able to make an appointment, one that he's yet to prove was agreed to by both parties or prove it even existed, while he's apparently unable to forgive her for simply not being able to make an appointment with a complete stranger in a country she does not reside.

If you haven't seen the screenshots of what @fyrstikken had to say about Heidi (check out user @clayking for that) for simply not being able to make an appointment, you should consider locating them before passing judgement on her character and take a look at the kind of individual (who she does not know) she was being asked to meet with in a foreign country. If I were her, I would feel thankful that I avoided this person who apparently lacks any sort of moral compass and continues to display sociopathic behavior online.

Fyrstikken also claims to be a multi-millionaire on more than one occasion (like daily), yet is claiming he is very upset over $1,000. In one post he says he donated something like $20 million dollars to the Peruvian charities (see image below) yet he can't donate $1,000 to a local TV camera crew without going into a tirade against Heidi? This makes no sense.

Edit : Corrected slander to libel.

Upvoted to encourage you to make future public appearances without your facial hair.

She missed an interview that would've brang thousands of new people to Steemit. Not something you want to do if you'r a true Steemian.

I´m sure something better will come along, and we´ll do proper PR another time.

I agree, but she wasted time and money.

I know, life is full of disappointments. If it was money she wanted I´d be happy to forward her a thousand dollars as well, but she did not ask for anything. Just scheduled it publicly in steemit rocket chat.

True steemians don't have any obligations. Steemians are not obliged to meet anyone or to do any interview with who they don't want to.

fyrstikken is a big gentle fuzzy bear, he would not harm a fly. If he made such comments that you do not agree with, you need to understand why he made them. People like @fyrstikken say what on their minds at any moment, they do not fake it, they do not care for social etiquette. But people like that are the ones that usually do not hold grudges, and are quick to forgive and forget, as easily as they get mad and blurt what they feel. Maybe to some of us missing an appointment is not such a big deal to cause this reaction, but some of us is not all of us.

You approve this disgusting behavior? Try and show the good example, and stop approving these savage behaviors. This guy is an adult, but act like a little child. Come on guys.

where did I say I approved or disapproved anything? I was only trying to defuse the situation. Also me approving or disapproving has no bearing on what happened since it was after the fact. I just call for more understanding and peace. After all it is only in the hands of the parties concerned. Sorry if it sounded to you like I support any kind of behavior. How people behave is their own thing, it's what makes their personality.

There are better ways to solve this issue than doing it in public like this as a little child. Going on chat using perverse language promoting others to join his stand. By saying that Fyrstikken is only saying what's on his mind and he is a good person because he is not holding grudges is like approving his action. Diffusing a behavior without pointing out what is wrong is like allowing that behavior to persist in the future. A sane grown up take his own responsibility for when he is doing thing wrong.

Since you're now making nearly $1,000 off of your "apology" post, yet still refuse to forgive Heidi, which no one knows if she needs to be forgiven for anything or not at this point, I think it's only fair to show how you reacted to someone simply not (allegedly) making an appointment, which both sides may or may not have been aware of was a real event.

This is #nsfw comments by @fyrstikken towards @heiditravels for allegedly not being able to show up for an appointment. There are more, but these are some highlights. And again I'll say she should feel lucky that she allegedly missed an appointment with this stranger in a country she was visiting.

There's also no way of knowing if anyone would have signed up, despite the assurances of "I'm sure", had this alleged TV interview taken place. There's also no way of knowing how many people would have been tuned in, the numbers are simply speculation.

BTW, what exactly does "dig sand" mean to you @fyrstikken? I ask because that is a common racial slur (or threat) used in some areas. But I'm sure, judging by your past 48 hours filled with libelous post, false accusations, hysteria, condescending comments and derogatory comments at women, it's completely benign.

Edit : Corrected slander to libel.


I see you've flagged my comment, given no reason, nor answered any questions regarding your actions. So you're now going from verbally abusing women online to abusing the flagging system on Steemit by flagging anyone bringing attention to your actions.

Yep, this guy deserves more support Steemit! Keep upvoting this sociopath!

@fyrstikken has been one of the most authentic steemers on here period point blank. People are butt hurt when someone speaks truth that's standard in society now, fact is she didn't honor her word nor did she refute anything?!

Some screenshots of their correspondence would go a long way. Do you not think it is strange that no actual evidence has been presented? I hope this doesn't set a precedent so we become, the site where we financially reward people for making accusations without evidence.

That's a good example of the halo effect @arcaneinfo. Whatever reputation @fyrstikken has, he still needs to prove his allegations.

If someone would pull up a move like this on me, I would also call her a cunt. Don't even care how the guy reacted, she fucked him up to go for a bigger payout with the @redneckvigillante

Better to release negative energy than hold it in:) Name calling helps release negative vibrations! Seems she sure did act like a cu*T.

You are a brave man Tuck. I don't know anything about what is going on here but I hope resolve is found. You have always appeared to be an honorable guy from what I know. I hope some real conclusive proof is provided so we can have closure. I also hope that whoever is "wrong" makes amends for it.
Mistakes happen, but it kinda sucks to see divide and fighting amongst big names in Steemit, it especially sucks that posts about drama are making thousands of dollars and I am over feeding hundreds of free meals running a sustainable community but instead people are busy UPvoting fighting.
I do feel we need resolution and amends but getting paid for fighting?
Wish you the best~*~

There's only one person getting paid in this scenario and I'm not fighting anyone. I am bringing the truth about this person to light. So far he's been paid for what could be considered a libelous post about one woman and now paid again for basically pushing the blame onto his victim of his latest derogatory tirade at another woman.

The sad thing is, there was no reason for any of it. He just decided to use one woman to paint a picture of drama to increase the frenzy in the hive mind he's surrounded himself with online, while apparently attempting to tarnish her reputation.

Then he went full throttle sociopath on another woman for missing an alleged meeting while making wild claims about signups and viewers, and about how upset he is over $1,000 while claiming to be a multi-millionaire who donated $20 million to charity.

People vote how they want. In these cases that would be irrationally and poorly IMHO. So it's not about the money he's received. It's about how this person is treating other human beings and it's about, as you mention, the other people on Steemit that do good for others and receive little to no upvotes/rewards.

If this is the type of people Steemit wants to reward with thousands of dollars, versus a person feeding needy people or anyone else doing good or posting original content on Steemit, so be it. The platform will crash as fast as this guys moral compass and ultimately, that's what it deserved for selecting people like this as their upvotes benefactors over more deserving human beings.

What content exactly is this post that's now receiving over $1,000? Here's a summary ...

"I'm a multi-millionaire out $1,000 that cursed out a woman horribly for not showing up for an appointment, but she went and did an interview with someone else. Please forgive me, but not her."

Yep, completely deserves $1,000. That's some "original content" right there that really helps humanity as a whole. Or maybe the voters are giving a multi-millionaire his $1,000 back that he hasn't proven he's actually out. That's also some choice voting right there!

So take that as a big "screw you quinneaker for feeding homeless people!" and anyone else that's actually posting anything worthwhile. And @quinneaker ...

You would make more here slapping an old lady around, uploading a video of it and blaming Grandma for making you hit her because she stepped on your brand new Nike's.

But be sure you follow up that video post with an apology indicating how many Youtube hits your video got with the Steemit logo in it and be sure to throw in some fanciful numbers about how many signups you would have brought here, if not for Grandma bleeding in the video ... because that's another grand for you baby!

Edit : Upvoting my comment because fyrstikkens' going around flagging anyone bringing attention to his actions.

Dude that sounds awesome. Maybe instead of a real old lady we get a couple of young guys to dress the part. Do it in a busy intersection and film reactions.

Do you think a show about people acting like a bunch of jackasses would fly?

There's no way anyone could make money from that, people are too smart.

While so many decent people post their stories and make nearly nothing this immature crap makes thousands . I feel I am in a Kindergarden of wanna be celebrities bursting out in anger and rage. Not sociopath but narcissistic egomaniacs . I am wondering what this travel girl has to say while some defend her wrong doing and an obviously popular steemer loosing his mind with nasty unacceptable words towards a woman ?
I am ashamed to even pay attention to so much " PAID" nonsense and rudeness on all ends. .

What a profound conversation. My hat off to you, gentlemen.

@fyrstikken I flagged your post ealier today and I want you to know why:

  • You use a very offensive language against other user (a popular one) without presenting a proof.
  • Your post contains a hidden message: "I spent X dollars on...". It starting to be popular on Steemit to say such things, don't you think?

You have an interesting profile and I honestly believe you could solve it in a better way. I am a 'small fish' here, my flag alone can do nothing to you, no worries.
Unfortunately, there are many scenarios in which you may only seek for attention and make noise. I hope, it is not a fake. I will happily remove my flag if you show a proof for all presented statements.

A deal is a deal. One should keep their promises.

A deal is a deal, but from my understanding she denied that a deal existed, and we have yet to see evidence that it did. It's one person's word against anothers.

Yeah @neoxian that is what is so darned about this whole thing. Heidi would have been such great publicity for steemit in Perú. And if you have followed me from the start, you know that I am 100% behind welcoming Peruvians to the Steemit Platform.

Flagging until proof of this interview is given and even then I may leave my flag because this person is capitalizing far too much for what he said to this woman for missing an interview. He also flagged my post for simply taking excerpts and quotes of his own words in a comic and called it "harassment" for using his own words that were directed at me, stellabelle and others.

She didn't fly home to do an interview with me. She was already there and I had just connected with her hours before (as she said in her post) and I happened to be just connecting through Miami for a few hours on my way to DR.

Women do often drop everything for a chance to meet me... but this wasn't the case this time. :P

hahahahahahha, the ladies man ahahah,!!!! Man this platform changed people I use to follow and respect, money is a muthafka self centered muthafka is money. @fyrstikken is 100% correct, Many including @hiedi im learning just want thier muthafkn dolla. Thanks @fyrstikken incredible share!!!

hahahahaha I know what you mean ;-)>

Is this the new late, late, late, late, laid show? It starts to get funny here :)

Hehehe - well, the details of your interview with her @dollarvigilante is I guess OK. It is not your fault that she did not keep her commitment to me when she was in Perú. It just feels like a waste of time really.

I´ll guess someone else will come along and we´ll do a proper PR then. I´m sure you know how it is when things are not going according to the plan.

Speaking of which, hey @dollarvigilante, when someone doesn't make an interview with you is it customary to publicly call them a "c-unt" and tell them to "suck a d-ick" and to "travel to Hell" like @fyrstikken does? I'm curious how that whole interview process works.

This happened in Miami?
Why didn't know about this?
I live in Miami.