[Future Food] Thank you Steemit! I’m spending my Steemdollars on 500 posters distributed around the city of Amsterdam. Vote for your favourite poster design!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Giving back

The moment my introduce yourself post went from 79,- to 638,- was something I will never forget. I was amazed, thrilled and so excited! With the money I earned I buy could loads of things. While I saw myself spending the money, something in me told me to do something different. What if I would make a thankful gesture towards the Steemit community that made this success possible?

Offline visibility

I decided to put the money into an offline campaign that would communicate all the names that voted on my first post. I found a company that is specialised in distributing medium sized posters throughout the city centre of Amsterdam. That is also what I could afford for now. This campaign is a “thank you” and should not be mixed up with @steemdrive or @projectsteemcar campaigns! I’ve been in contact with @steemdrive, and we might collaborate. More on that later.

City Centre

Amsterdam is a very dense city that mostly revolves around the city centre. I’ve therefore strategically placed out the posters in this area so both tourists and locals can spot them. As it is summer time, there’s currently a good amount of tourists in the city. These target areas have a priority since they attract the largest groups of mixed demographics.

Nine Streets District, Leidseplein & Spui. Memorable night live area.

Museum Square. Located on this square are the De Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh Museum and De Stedelijk Museum

Haarlemmerdijk, Nieuwendijk and Kalverstraat. Shopping street all lead to the Central train and Metro station.

The areas above are focus targets. Since the area has overlapping points the in between areas will be used as well. A campaign like this has a lifespan of about 2 to 3 weeks.


Due to Amsterdam’s denseness, a bicycle is the predominant form of transportation. In this research report conducted in 2011 the estimated amount of bicycles was put at 881.000 and according to the research it shows that 58% of the people in Amsterdam use their bikes on a daily base. A relative small poster campaign could nevertheless be very efficient due to the amount of people on bikes.

The designs

I have made four designs. Please note that my design skills are not the best. What I have tried to do is make a very clear message yet keeping the Steemit look intact. In my opinion, the list of the people that upvoted me is a fundamental element in the poster design. Still, I’ve made one without, just to see how that would look.

Poster 1
This one is the most straightforward design. Clear, flirting with a corporate look. The header states the message with the up voters in the centre. Bottom serves a clear and convincing message.

Poster 2
In this design, the focus shifts towards Steemit as a community. The up voters play a less dominant role.Steemit logo and punchline are more connected at the bottom.

Poster 3
With this design, we completely skip the names and focus entirely on the community message. The primary message in the header; all attention then shifts to the logo.

Poster 4
By starting with a small Steemit logo on top, the message that follows is directly linked to Steemit. This provides a more formal structure.

Below a couple of examples of how the posters would look in the city environment.


I hope this is a good way of thanking the community that is building Steemit together. Let’s hope it also increases the amount of Dutch people on Steemit. So far the response has been overwhelming. Let’s hope it continues this way!

Please vote in the comment field below on the poster design you like the most by writing 1,2,3 or 4.

If you want, provide some feedback why you prefer your choice as this will help me in choosing the right design. If there are any designers out there that would like to help me with this, get in contact!


Awesome man! just awesome!

WHOOOHOOOO!! Thanks for the support man! Going through your blogs It seems as we should team for a follow up campaign!! Your designs are amazing!!

Number 3 lets go!

So far nmbr 3 is popular! Thnx for your vote!

hey @futurefood :) congratulations to your successful introduction!!
i recently created a free sticker giveaway -> https://steemit.com/steemit/@dunja/free-steemit-stickers
And did a few other things design wise if you check my blog. I would love to help you out on the project. Just ping me what you need and I will try to assist :)

and as for feedback about the posters you made:

  • the big "FUTURE FOOD" may be very misleading what it is about
  • the long list of people who upvoted is neat but it still doesn't give the idea what this poster is about and i doubt it will convert very well
  • in my personal opinion the messaging of steemit shouldnt be "Blog! Get paid!" this will lure even more people onto the platform that are just up to some quick money... i see a lot of posts in poor quality or just copy pasting content

Overall I would definitely rethink what you want to show and how you want to convert people that see the poster into actual members. And then do the design. A QR code would be neat as well...

I agree with @dunja that Future food could be smaller. Future food is the documentary you are making @futurefood? I also agree that we need a better message to the audience. What could it be?

Yes, Future Food is the documentary I'm making. Its might be a bit to messy. Mixed messages. I could also skip the emphases on the documentary and just have my Steemit name, @futurefood

That way the focus will be on the platform/community and that will lead them back to me (and my documentary)

Have it on the poster! Just maybe tone it down.

Thnx for the feedback! That is such a good and clear summation!

Since you mentioned QR, that could be linked to a video right? Perhaps in that video I could elaborate on the content of the poster? Or whould you suggest link straight to a Steemit post?

The QR code could link directly to steemit. Or to this post? I'm fine with the future food since that is your deal. Blog. Get Paid! will maybe lure the wrong people onto the platform. What else could it be @dunja? It's clearly a community where you also get paid. Build a community! Get paid!

QR codes tend to be a bit outdated. Or so I here around me, then again its used in crypto all the time. How could we make the QR more "sexy" for non crypto people?

QR codes might be dated but they are very effective. They will lead people straight to the website. There's no URL on the poster.

Yes, it seems QR will have to be integrated as an URL on a poster is less interactive.

Hey @dunja! I saw those stickers. really awesome. How is that going atm?

Yes @dunja the stickers are great! Are you form the UK by any chance?

I vote for 1!

Great. Any feedback on why you like poster 1?

I really think it's fun to print all of those names! It's weird and funny. You never see posters like that. People won't understand what it is all about.

No that's true. Its very stramge. Could that be a down side?

I think so. Eventhough I like your posters! I think it would be great to see them around Amsterdam!

Maybe weird is good? Who knows?

I think weird works as long as the underlying message gets through. Lets see. Its been up only one hour. Really curious if there are more serious designers out there who would give their expert opinion!

Great idea, I also would vote for a version without all the names on it. Instead, as someone already said; I would center the poster with a big qr-code that leads to a special post you should create to welcome all the poster readers.
Here is an inspiring example from another post: https://steemit.com/steemit/@minion/the-steemit-qr-code-making-this-world-a-better-place#@fuzzyvest/re-minion-the-steemit-qr-code-making-this-world-a-better-place-20160727t044446895z

Further you could say something like: 'Futurefood Documentary' - Proudly got fundet through (supported by) steemit. Visit Steemit! Blogging. Funding. Charity

I like your "proudly got funded through" I do think it's important to put something that makes steemit different than reddit etc. That's their monetization. So that should be clearly explained.

Yes, that punchline is a great way to deliver the message of Steemit and at the same time it allows some insight in my documentary process. It could make film people in Amsterdam curious as funding is pretty tough game to get into at the moment.

Thank you for the solid feedback @shortcut Food for thought indeed. Refreshing to read those punchlines you came up with. Will work with that for sure! And the post is a very good example of how QR can be integrated.


You're welcome, I'm happy if I can help. I tried a free online QR-generator, but this one embeds an advert when using the free acoount. Maybe there are others that don't. Visual_QR_DO_NOT_RESIZE_BELOW_25mm069e4.png

That's something to look into. Worth spending on I'd say. The QR could be used for other offline expressions. I'll let you know if I found something proper or on a budget. But.. for the poster would it matter to just get a free QR code and slide a logo under it?

If you buy the monthly plan, you could get the code for $15 .85 with unlimited scans according to the pricing page. http://www.visualead.com/pricing/
Maybe you can create something similar in photoshop but the biggest problem would be that a black code in front of the blue logo will not work very well.

So the design is much more rigid. And I kept your punchline
: ) Curious what you think!

ah yes I see what you mean. Cause I'm working on a free QR code now with a logo in the middle. But it's not even half as big as the one you showed.

Any way will post it in a bit. Almost there : )

Sorry, I cannot reply directly to your new design-post below. Must be a bug. I found the layout of the Version #3 a lot better than the new version. I would just change the punchline and consider adding the qr-code somewhere. The visuallead version looks great, but I can understand that you don't want to spend more money than neccessary on that. I just wouldn't center all the words and 'scan the qr-code' isn't neccessary, as most people already know that.. Also the 'Blog. Get paid.' punchline is not so bad in my opinion. Just my 5 cents. I'm sure, you will do a great design anyway.

That looks so great! But yes, it is possible to just "fake this" if its offline. Just a few layers in photoshop / indesign? or...?

Thanks for the post!!

Thank you so much! So which poster would you choose?

bot chooses 1. Weird4ever


@fleuri any updates on the extension you built? super curious!!

Poster 3! Having so much on a poster like all those names is too busy. So my vote is poster 3!

Yes. It might be a lot to take in on one poster. Thnx for your feedback!

I like that you are giving back to the community! You get my upvote for that. Did you design these posters yourself? It's great to see people making their own version of what steemit can be! I will vote for 3! I also like 1 but from a UX point of view number 3 is easy to understand and has more impact on a passing biker!

Thank you for the upvote!!

Yes, I designed them myself. Number 3 really seems to be the favourite choice. I get it. It does create more "brand awareness" so to say. From an UX perspective, what would you design?

It does create more awareness. From a UX perspective I think number 3 works the best. From my heart I think number 1. Number 1 is more about the community. When Steemit grows really big it might hard to keep a good community functioning.

I tend to do what the heart tells me to do. I mean thats how I got to start this project. But the heart can be tricky advisor once you have to hardball within the field of communication.

If budgets would allow I'd to 2 posters. Next to each other. B2B lol

Nice! I would also think about your headline of this post. From a UX point of view its a bit too long. The content disappears. Possible to fix?

Good point on the header. There is a limited time to edit your post. Not sure how long exactly. But atm we're passed it.

Poster #3 gets my vote. I am a pro designer and always believe less is more.

All right, Thnx for the feedback! Good to here from a pro designer : )

I also think you will see this sign well from far away. Thus, attracting more attention.

jup. Very solid point indeed!

Im suggesting for a next batch of entries. All are not so attractive. with small fonts and undefined words listed.

All right. thnx for your feedback! What exactly do you mean by "undefined words" ?

people might think what are those words at the first place unless you have personnel whos always there to do some feedbacks. 1personnel ea banner. lol

Yeah I understand what you mean. But don't you think people will google it, if they are really curious? Like: "What is this Steemit I'm seeing everywhere?"

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