Are You Losing Out By Upvoting Other Steemians Content?
I'm sure a lot of new Steemians are wondering what effects if any, upvoing other Steemians posts and comments have on their own Steemit accounts. I don't believe upvoting has any negative effects on our accounts, I actually believe if helps our efforts but still being fairly new myself I can't give a verifiable answer to this one.
The reason this topic's on my mind?
I have noticed some pretty good posts with very little upvotes being commented on by fairly established Steemians but when I look to see who has upvoted the posts, little to none of the votes are coming from these established Steemians. This fact leads me to wonder, what do they know about upvoting that I don't? I understand that it's our own prerogative to vote or not vote on whatever we choose but am I crossing a line when I wonder what moves someone to leave a beautiful comment but not upvote the content?
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Please don't be shy, voice your Opinions, Follow Me and give your Upvote Upvote Upvote! (in my spooky voice) LOL