Project Hope, repercussions in venezuela (Education)

in #steemit5 years ago

A few days ago I wrote a publication where I refer to the positive impact that project hope is having on people, I am very grateful for what this initiative is doing with some people in Venezuela, in the publication you can read here, I show the impact outside of the platform through a project that I carry out with some leaders, a project that has its origin in steemit initiated by @crypto.piotr, and that we are taking to the streets of Venezuela in the form of help with food and equipment to some people in need .

Project Hope Repercussions in Venezuela.jpg

But the project is not limited to only helping families with food, but also trying to deliver a tool in the hands of some people with Internet access, have a talent for writing, want to tell their story and need an opportunity to try to generate some I enter this platform, and they need our support so that their beginning in this medium is not frustrating.

Process methodology.

On this tour it is necessary to make a good effort, I am trying to educate about cryptography, talking about cryptocurrencies to many people who are not familiar with the terms used in blockchain, since most have never heard of cryptocurrencies, much less steemit.

In this process I have tried to be very transparent with the people I am introducing on the platform, explaining to them the fact that they should strive to create quality content, trying to improve every day, have the commitment to interact and support the other members of the platform, I teach you how to publish, the use of tags, prudent estimated time between posts, plagiarism, spam, rewards the ABC of steemit without generating false expectations on them.

I am trying to give them the opportunities that I could not have in my beginnings on the platform, learning opportunities that I found almost a year later through @projecthope.

Help me to help

I am not going to ask you for money for them so please continue reading, I just want us to give them the best welcome, to take the time to read their publications, to leave a valuable comment, upvote in their publication, to give them some advice, recommendations, delegations and if possible any help more than this within your reach and you can give.

Cruz David

@cruz26 is a young pro-active, hardworking, father of a family with just one year of marriage, but with a huge desire to get ahead but the current situation in our country does not give him many alternatives to overcome and take care of his family, he arrives To steemit with the desire to strive or grow in this ecosystem, this is his introductory publication: My personal presentation

Iriannys Guevara

@iriannys is a woman fighter, wife, mother of two children, works in an educational institution in the dining room as a food processor. This woman, her husband is recovering from an Operation where they removed a small tumor that blocked her spinal cord and was on the verge of death, today she successfully recovers from that operation and this is her introductory publication: Hi Steemit, this is my presentation


Steemit is more than reward and business, it is friendship, relationships, solidarity, companionship and community, let's make these people feel part of something, feel included, let's demonstrate all the good things that this platform represents, what we receive here we will share and Let's give hope to those who need it.

project hope will continue to expand and bring hope to the streets of my country @cruz26 and @iriannys is just the beginning of many people that we will bring here to add value to this platform, right now two more people are in the process of training that in the next few days we will be presenting in the community, the success they have on the platform will depend on their effort, their learning and the support they can get in us, I for my part I am willing to contribute my share

Thank you friends for your support!

PROJECT #HOPE An Initiative to give hope!

@crypto.piotr, @project.hope, @cyberspacegod, @achim03, @lanzjoseg, @fucho80, @neavvy, @juanmolina, @jadams2k18, @machnbirdsparo, @honarparvar, @guruvaj, @alokkumar121, @edgarare1, @flash07, @djennyfloro, @gandhibaba, @reverseacid, @yonnathang, @mariusfebruary.

Proyecto Esperanza.jpg


Please do not confuse steem with steemit, @fucho80. There are so many other dApps running on steem that will help you and your friends grow here. I have not used steemit for over one year and do not suggest it for anyone. You too, should stop using it for much better results.

For browsing and wallet transactions, steempeak is far superior to steemit.

For posting, all of these dApps pay for your post with upvotes and work on a windows laptop. Some are good for mobile and apple too:

  • esteem
  • busy
  • nTopaz - Photography
  • travel related
  • tasteem - restaurant reviews
  • dpoll

There are many more paying dApps - these are just the ones I use.

I also recommend your friends freewrite daily with @mariannewest to get started here and continue on as they like. This is a great place to learn you to work here and to get a daily post out.

I also have a current list of good contests to enter for visibility on STEEM. It is best not to post your work as is and hope people arrive. Posting to something established is a much better route:

Hi @fitinfun, thank you for supporting the Venezuelan community.

Your advice is always useful and I think that these people and I will be very helpful.

Thank you!

You're welcome, @fucho80. It is not easy to succeed here, but we do have some tools to help :)

Thank you for all this information and recommendations.

Dear @fitinfun, @fucho80

Please do not confuse steem with steemit

The other day I've read someone having a great point. He said that trying to separate Steem from Steemit is almost like saying "please do not confuse Apple with iPhone".
And there is also a bit of truth in those words.

I have not used steemit for over one year and do not suggest it for anyone. You too, should stop using it for much better results.

I presume that you're using Steempeak now?


You can see the dApps I use in the comment I made above, @crypto.piotr. I use steempeak for admin, wallet, and browsing, but not to post with.

Great and valuable comment!
Thank you very much dear @fitinfun.

Dear @fucho80

Good read. Upvote on the way, Catch :)

How's your preparation to have new baby? Did you wife give birth already?

But the project is not limited to only helping families with food, but also trying to deliver a tool in the hands of some people with Internet access, have a talent for writing

I believe that it's time for me to sit down, think of vision for project hope, write it all down and create some small website. So it would be clear from the begining what's our goal and vision.

Yours, Piotr

Hello @crypto.piotr

I believe that it's time for me to sit down, think of vision for project hope, write it all down and create some small website. So it would be clear from the begining what's our goal and vision.

Sure leader, I think this project is expanding its scope, maybe it was not something you planned like that, but it is pushing us in that direction, you have more vision to help and also business, we must do something that helps people, but That has economic support so that it can remain in time and be sustainable.

This project has become a true hope!

Take care, stay healthy.

Hi @fucho80

Friend this circle of hope has transcended,

He started with us and we have taken him to our own circles of hope,

The great help we have received from @crypto.piotr of our project is transferred to our borders.
In many ways we can help and what you are doing is a way to integrate more people into steemit.

I congratulate you friend.

I send blessings to your family.

Hello my dear teacher @lanzjoseg, it is an honor to have you here.

I've started with us and we have taken him to our own circles of hope,

Friend, the impact it is having is impressive, it is not only about what we can do in Venezuela, project hope is spreading in several nations giving hope and growth to many people, specifically on this platform, which was a small beginning. It's becoming something big.

In a comment in this publication our friend @djennyfloro gave testimony of how in France she reached her @project.hope and is helping her in her growth and in other personal projects, that's fantastic.

Thank you for your comment and continue to bring hope!

Hi Fucho80,

Thanks you very much for your help.
You have got a full upvote from me.

Regards, Achim

Hi @achimmertens, thanks for your support.

Thanks you very much for your help.
You have got a full upvote from me.

Brother, those of us who live in Venezuela know the difficulties that families live here, I found support on this platform and the least I can do is return the favor received by bringing other people here.

Thank you for your comment and your upvote, Nobel token has helped me a lot in project hope and with my family, thanks friend.

Continue to give hope.

I have been a little absent recently. I am most glad that the project is online. Just as an addition to this post, I'd like to add that it's not only in Venezuela. I live in France, and the project.hope has given me a big boost and is constantly helping me networking with people, growing my audience, and atop of giving me more food on the table, it also helps me get investment for my own project. So it's an extremely beneficial project for all those who participate in it!

Hello dear @djennyfloro, how nice to have you here.

I'd like to add that it's not only in Venezuela. I live in France, and the project.hope has given me a big boost and is constantly helping me networking with people, growing my audience, and atop of giving me more food on the table, it also helps me get investment for my own project . So it's an extremely beneficial project for all those who participate in it!

Wooo is impressive what project hope is achieving in the world, a small initiative advanced by our friend @crypto.piotr is taking large dimensions, for me it is a joy to know that I am part of something so important that it is helping people around world.

I am sure that this will continue to grow, many more people will receive help to grow and many will contribute financially to this project.

Thanks friend, I'm glad to know what @projet.hope and @crypto.piotr are doing for you.

I will follow both and left some tips for them which they hopefully understand.

Please tell them to join with each post a contest so they will be noticed.

Good luck with the project this is a very good idea. Preparing to the future. 👍

I hope you and your wife are doing fine, tag me if you need something. It is easier for me to find you with my slow connection.

A lovely day to you all 💕

Posted using Partiko Android

Hello dear @wakeupkitty, thank you very much for being here.

I will follow both and left some tips for them which they hopefully understand.

Thank you for the support, you know that steemit is usually a difficult place for growth, but when you are new and have no knowledge, I hope they know how to value and take advantage of all these tips and can succeed here.

Please tell them to join with each post a contest so they will be noticed.

I am letting you know, what happens is that they have some problems with the internet, however, they will catch up soon. Thank you, your input is very valuable, I am sure it will help you a lot.

I hope you and your wife are doing fine, tag me if you need something. It is easier for me to find you with my slow connection.

Thank you, thank you my wife is fine, still waiting for the baby's birth, however, a little worried because the month is over and she has only had mild discomfort.

Thank you, keep giving hope!

I know how it feels to have no internet. As long as they write a post and join a contest with it, it will work fine.

I assume with the month is over you don't mean to say she is already one month over time?. Two weeks is still normal here, two weeks earlier too. I guess it is comfortable in there. I keep my fingers crossed for you.

I never had any discomfort or contractions really but after the birth ☹
Blessings for you two and let me know if you need something. 💕

P.s. A Sunday child would be great. I have one, also born with the "helmet" both are sign of luck they say here.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @wakeupkitty

I assume with the month is over you don't mean to say she is already one month over time ?. Two weeks is still normal here, two weeks earlier too. I guess it is comfortable in there. I keep my fingers crossed for you.

Yes, what happens is that she has three children and all according to what the doctors said they were born a day apart, and everyone was born on Saturday, but it would be good if she was born on Sunday.

I never had any discomfort or contractions really but after the birth ☹
Blessings for you two and let me know if you need something.

Ok, I'm glad for you and all your children ... how many do you have?
There are many needs in Venezuela and the inflation is very high, when you say if we need anything, well the truth is that yes, but you have supported me and I would not like to see myself as someone who uses his family to obtain benefits, I do not know how they see that over there. If you want to support me with something, do it, if not, I am grateful.

Thank you friend, I really appreciate your support.

@fucho80 I have 5 children. Two are 35 an 33, one is 28 and the youngest two... it will take some years till they are adults.

They were all born on different days but like in many families most in the same months.

With us 2 in March, me and a daughter in Sept and the youngest tomorrow. One in December (family in law all December).

My mother was in Sept too, my father in October, so were his siblings and parents. Kind of weird or perhaps it has to do with the weather.

I hope she feels well and you can hold your baby soon. Will see what I can do in the next week. 💕

Hi @wakeupkitty, we are all fine.

I hope she feels well and you can hold your baby soon. Will see what I can do in the next week. 💕

All good so far, today we went to the doctor and he ratified what you said before in a comment, it is normal that I can give birth a week after the expected date, so everything is fine.

What you can do will be appreciated

Even two weeks later is fine. It is just not great to wait. Today is a nice day. It is my youngest's birthday 😁

I keep my fingers crossed for you. 💕

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @wakeupkitty

It is my youngest's birthday 😁

Greetings to the family, may your child have a happy birthday, have a great time.

Steemit is more than reward and business, it is friendship, relationships, solidarity, companionship and community, let's make these people feel part of something, feel included, let's demonstrate all the good things that this platform represents, what we receive here we will share and Let's give hope to those who need it.

Much more than what Facebook created.

Hello dear @machnbirdsparo, thanks for stopping by.

Much more than what Facebook created.

That is correct, but I think we can do much more, the project hope within this platform can continue promoting that spirit of brotherhood, solidarity and mutual support that must reign in steemit, I think chiselly that this is the beginning of something bigger, based in relationships and mutual support commitment. You agree with me?...

Thank you for your support friend, keep contributing with hope.

something bigger, based in relationships and mutual support commitment

I do.

There are a few reasons why. We now have vested time and a mechanism for value. We also have a place to build a future that is our own. We needn't overly concern ourselves with a totalitarian administrative body radically altering how we do things with no input from citizens.

Hi @fucho80,

I believe that you are doing a great job helping people around you to become more independent and to show them a way to earn an income online. I will check their posts and give an upvote.

Best regards,

Hi @achim03. thanks for the support.

I believe that you are doing a great job helping people around you to become more independent and to show them a way to earn an income online. I will check their posts and give an upvote.

Friend, the example I have had of you with your projects that support people is very important, I want these people to have the support that I lack when I start on this platform, I will help you in whatever way I can to learn the handling of the platform and then they will decide if they continue working or not.

Thank you for supporting this initiative.

You have my admiration and respect my friend.
Spreading the word and helping new people to this amazing platform is admirable.
With the price of steem very low at the moment the only way is up. I wish you and your new steemians very good luck.

Hi @andyjem, thanks for your support.

You have my admiration and respect my friend.
Spreading the word and helping new people to this amazing platform is admirable.

Thank you friend, I just try to give back some of the support I have received here, helping people is gratifying, then it depends on them the effort to stay, but we are going to give you a hand.

With the price of steem very low at the moment the only way is up. I wish you and your new steemians very good luck.

As my friend @lanzjoseg says, in Venezuela every penny counts brother, it is true that the price of steem is very low but we hope it will recover.

Thank you for supporting this cause brother, it is very important for these people.

As always, congratulations and recognition for helping others and teaching how they can help themselves and others in the future.

I wish you the best of success and may the seed you sow bear fruit in abundance.

Hello my dear @pedrobrito2004, it is a pleasure to have you here.

As always, congratulations and recognition for helping others and teaching how they can help themselves and others in the future.

Thank you friend, it is a difficult task but within everything that the country lives is just a grain of sand that we can contribute to help others find alternative sources of income.

Thank you for your support of this project, I hope you are well and continue to contribute with hope.

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