The Great Steem Debate: Berwick VS Sovryn - Steem Discussed for Hours on National Radio!

in #steemit8 years ago

On Sunday's edition of my nationally syndicated talk show, Free Talk Live, a caller brought up Steem and we talked about it for several minutes.  The caller was inspired by Jeff Berwick's posts to Steemit and so Jeff offered to come on Free Talk Live to discuss Steem in greater detail.  We've had Jeff on our show before so of course we welcomed him back for what turned out to be more than an hour of discussion about Steem and Steemit.

After half the show had gone by, we wished Jeff a good night, took several calls, then brought on "Sovryn Tech" host Brian Sovryn to hear his critiques of Steem.  Pretty much the entire show with the exception of a few callers was focused on Steem and Steemit.  I hope you get some value out of it.  As always, please share, edit, or do what you want with the archives - I don't believe in intellectual property.  Here are the video and audio archives of tonight's show:

Here's the audio archive of the show via Soundcloud:

Here's the YouTube version:

And the Facebook Video version:  (due to facebook's limitations, they are broken into one hour blocks)

Hour 1, Hour 2, Hour 3


Subjectivity, a subject's personal perspective, feelings, beliefs, desires or discovery, as opposed to those made from an independent, objective, point of view .... *wikipedia

Yeah, I think so! That's just his character.

I really am not a fan of his. I've done a video on YT describing how his "debate" with Sam Seder made libertarianism look like a joke. I will say he has a good radio voice when he's reading promos. When he's talking, he just interrupts like mad and gets hyper-excited and seems to speak without any careful consideration of what he's about to say. He had all this negative stuff to say about Steemit and he never once had his facts straight, even when he was reading from the white paper. He was taking things out of context and not understanding the underlying purpose of any of the checks and balances that are in place to actually protect the platform. SHEESH!!

fully agreed,
a few years back Mark seemed to be getting dumped on a lot. Nightly.
It really bugged the fuck outta me. It seemed timed with Darryl being brought up from Alabama.
Giving his the cred by having him on the show has created in Darryl's head a fall sense of intellectual value. I HAD NO IDEA he debated Seder! OUCH! I can't imagine that going well, AT ALL.
I really wish they'd send him back to Mobile. And he reads the news in that cooker cutter old fashioned newsman style, super annoying. Years ago, I mused the notion that the best example of Darryl's capabilities was the inane commercial he put together for his creative commons site, the music sucks, the voice over lacks any motivation. Every time the jingle came on it made me turn the channel... hadn't listened to the show regularly for a few years, turned it on recently.... ITS STILL THERE! UNCHANGED! If he had even the SLIGHTEST idea how goofy that promo sounded, he would've changed it LONG AGO.
Not sure if he is able to notice the crappiness.

It was a FULL ON DUMPSTER FIRE (the debate)

PS- I followed you. Us anti-Darrylers need to stick together...

followed right back Sir!!
Stick together we will.

yes, he's not smart.
But everybody there seems to think so.
He's a BIG negative for the show. Ian can't see it.

I stopped listening to FTL when Darryl started out as a regular. I agree. He lowers the intellectual quality of the show. Ian and Mark make a much better duo. There's a ton of articulate people out in Keene....

be patient ... stay cool :d

...He almost seems afraid....I would assume its just his nature

Jeff Berwick is the man.

I've sat and listened to this entire thing (the soundcloud link), and by the time it ended, Darryl had reached such a level of fervor, hair-splitting, and even purposely using terms that he knew did not qualify (multi-level marketing) with his objections that it truly seemed like he was speaking solely from a position of someone who was absolutely terrified that this might be a competitor to his precious Bitcoin.
He didn't seem to be coming from a position of someone who was skeptical, but someone who was actually angry that the currency and system even existed.
It was just very strange and even surreal, the level of vehemence he had.

@hoopatang - I agree. I find Darryl quite nauseating. I thought @ftlian was open minded. @dollarvigilante did better than I would have done under Darryl's blah blah blah... But I think that a more knowledgeable representative like @piedpiper (if @ned and/or @dan can't do it), would be a better guest on FTL.

@freedomengineer I agreed with your view. Even though @dollarvigilante did a great job to the best of his abilities to expand on some concepts/features related to Steem & Steemit in the course of the show (considering that he has been around barely a week now). I will like to ask @ftlian to consider getting someone who has been around much longer and has much better understanding of Steemit like you suggested.

He reminded me of a child defending the existence of Santa Claus. Or this panda

it was getting silly

Great points. On the anger piece: I listened to the entire episode as well and it occurred to me while listening to Darryl that people who are concerned about their ability to create meaningful, insightful, entertaining and / or engaging content will fear Steemit because it really is a platform that aims to reward valuable content whereas Facebook just promotes whoever engages with you the most onto the top of your news feed. Steemit is more of a meritocracy and less of a troll-fest. It definitely seems to threaten Darryl.

great show overall

for brian I would start by clarifying steem rewards are not tied to steemit inc nor investor rounds. bitcoin does not pay miners by soliciting investment capital

Ian I liked that you were trying to learn. for faster route to BTC, send SBD to Poloniex and trade using the pair SBD/BTC

Ah - that's helpful info. Thanks!

I just noticed that this comment from @bobsunday has the most $ amount and the most qty. of votes, yet it is not at the top of the thread. I guess I still have a decent amount to learn about how the nesting / ranking is set up here.

Great to be on the show with you tonight @ftlian & @dollarvigilante! I'm excited to see where Steemit goes!

I look forward to reading more and connecting more with the community here! Here's my intro post for anyone interested in learning more about me: I'm one of 20,000+ libertarian/voluntaryist activists moving to New Hampshire to stop big government! I'm also the author of 3 cookbooks! Now, I’m learning how to write/talk more openly about my feelings & beliefs

Its amazing to see how quickly steemit is catching on, and im proud to be a part of such a new and revolutionary platform. This talk answered alot of questions I had about steemit, and lets me see how so many people are coming to their own understandings of this new economic fire called crypto currency. Keep up the great work!

Thank you for listening - please share it around!

Will do, showing my family and posting it on twitter as we speak :D

👍amazing video and discuss @ftlian

After watching this Podcast I made a video showing how this works from an average guy that has made money from Steemit.

Because you were able to cash out your steem is not proof that its not a scam.

It's showing proof that a lot of the accusations being thrown around are not true. Most people that are talking shit just have no idea what they are talking about and are jumping to rash conclusions.

Free Talk Live on Steemit for 3 hours?
I knew this insomnia was good for something.

I found the show fairly one sided with a lot of skepticism against steemit and the cryptocurrency steem in general. The hosts were using the white paper as gospel and every time there was a delta such as the current price of SMD compared the the white paper states, they attacked it.

It is our belief that these rules will give market participants confidence that they are unlikely
lose money by holding SMD purchased at a price of $1.00. We fully expect there to be a
narrow trading range between $0.99 and $1.01 for SMD under most market conditions

There were many aspects of steem and steemit that they did not understand and unfortunately, there was no opposing debaters to challenge/help them. The few call-in's they brought on the air were cut off before they could make any corrections.

They say that any publicity is good publicity ... but without proper information, the public will remain weary of anything blockchain.

@gikitiki, thanks for the TL;DL :)

I'm just about to give it a listen but, from what you've said, it sounds like these folk are barely comfortable with Bitcoin and just aren't ready to accept yet another coin. Or they're just Bitcoin maximalists. People who don't like ground floor opportunities are weird...

OK then, why does SMD trade in a 40-50% range... and not the projected 2% range (in terms of market spot prices which is what matters)? And why is the interest rate on SMD seemingly always stuck on 1% after several weeks of underpriced SMD (though I've never received any actual interest payments ever)?

Oh man, Free Talk Live in on Steemit now, too? I knew it, this is how all the ancaps are going to get rich :D Hope to see you all in a private community in Chile one of these days, boys!

Or, you know, wherever... I hear Chile is nice, though!

I'm going to Mars just saying...

I hear Panama's nice.

For me it'll be Argentina. ;)

I was one of the callers that gotcut- off. The other point I was going to make was about selling Steem Dollars. You don't have to do the conversion and wait 7 days. You can transfer your Steem or Steem Dollars directly to an exchange such as Poloniex and sell them for BTC. The conversion uses a 7 day average rate price. You would choose this option if say the price of steam shot up dramatically. Instead of paying the higher market rate, you could convert at the 7 day average and get a more Steem for your Steem Dollars. This helps smooth out the volatility of the Steem price.

Exactly! He selected convert to steem instead of transfer..this has happened several times today.

@ftlian thank you for posting all the audio and letting us know about the show. @phoenike thanks for the further explanation. That's one good thing about platforms like steemit, we get the opportunity to post comments about the show and get the chance to fully explain what we meant .

ah, I did that last week. Got them released this morning.
I would rather have transfered them to Bittrex, and if I'd known that, the transferred value would've been a bit better than the $ amount I got. Not much though...

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 66256.41
ETH 2643.78
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.68