in #steemit2 years ago

Seeing children grow Healthy, Seeing people free from health, and living a healthy life has always been my number one love. So today marks the 6th Day of October, Ghana Health Service embarked on a four-day NID Campaign for the nOPV round 2. I happen to be a regional supervisor, so I was stationed at 3 Districts '' Wenchi, Banda, and Tain, in the Brong Region of Ghana. As regional Supervisors, we were made to go observe, teach, Correct, and support the program in order to enhance its success but not to witch hunt. So far so good, the Day 1 of the program has been brought to a successful end with the 3 districts on course to achieve their target. The main motive of this program is to help kick polio out of the Country. now let's dive a little into polio.

Even 15 to 40 years after polio, those who appear to fully recover from it can still develop post-polio syndrome, which can lead to increased discomfort, weakness, or paralysis.
The UN's Global Goals, which include promoting global health and wellbeing, are being worked toward via Global Citizen projects.


In 1988, polio impacted 350,000 kids worldwide, including in the US and Europe. It's a terrible illness that can lead to death or irreversible paralysis.
Now, polio has been eradicated from all but three countries around the world: Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nigeria. That means it is 99.9% eradicated, with just 22 cases recorded worldwide in 2017. We're so nearly there, and that makes our fight to end the disease all the more pressing
Polio is an infectious disease caused by poliovirus. There are three strains of poliovirus. Type 2 was officially declared eradicated in September 2015 and type 3 has not been detected since November 2012. It is assumed that type 1 is the only type that remains and the cause for the few cases of polio that occur each year.


The first significant outbreak to affect the entire country occurred in New York in 1916, with more than 9,000 illnesses and 2,343 fatalities. There were 27,000 cases and 6,000 fatalities nationwide.

Most victims of polio are under 5-year-olds.

Polio is extremely contagious, and an infected person can pass the virus on to others even before any symptoms appear.
90% of those who contract the poliovirus will not exhibit any overt symptoms, according to Rotary.
Even those who don't exhibit any symptoms can spread the virus to other people.
When people do exhibit symptoms, they typically include those associated with the flu, such as a sore throat, fever, fatigue, nausea, headaches, and stomach pain.

polio 4444.jpeg


The post you made. You have copied 70-80% of his writings from this link. You posted randomly. So that no one realizes that you have copied. This type of work is called plagiarism Copying someone's post without permission is not right. So you stop doing such things And try to post using your own ignorance.

Thanks very much for drawing my attension. Am so much grateful. And I will work on that in the times ahead.


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