Here is a Steem PriceTicker I made with CoinmarketCap API

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

This #priceticker can even be denoted into #BTC with a little bit of help.  It's a simplified version of my #HBOM ticker I made a few months back.  I'll likely include it on the site in due time, but in case you'd like to jump on and use it now: here you go.  Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated 😁

I've embedded Jquery so it's easy to use the $GET() requests, but if you have a more efficient method that could get rid of JQuery I'm open to advice.  Take care and and cheers peeps.

<script   src=""   integrity="sha256-BbhdlvQf/xTY9gja0Dq3HiwQF8LaCRTXxZKRutelT44="   crossorigin="anonymous"></script><div id="tickerBox"></div>


    var tickerBox = document.getElementById('tickerBox');

    var divTicker = document.createElement('div');

    divTicker.setAttribute("id", "ticker");


    var checked = document.createElement('div');

    checked.setAttribute("id", "checked");


    var dataLast;

    function priceData (){

            var ticker = document.getElementById('ticker');

            var lastUpdated = document.getElementById('checked');

            var datetime = "Last Updated: <br/>" + new Date().toLocaleTimeString();




        function(data) {

         data = data[0].price_usd;

         if (data > dataLast) {

   = "green";

         } else {

   = "red";


         ticker.innerHTML = "$" + data.toFixed(2)+" <span id='super'>USD</span>";

         superscript = document.getElementById('super');

         checked.innerHTML = datetime;

         dataLast = data;





    setInterval(priceData, 5000);"10px";"-14px";"black";"2px 2px 1px #4ba2f2";"right";"1px 2px 2px black";"10px";"13rem";"10rem";"1rem";".5rem";"5px";"url('')";"contain";

    //"40px 0px";


hello, i have the domain and but i don't have helpfull purpose yet that benefits the community . Neither am i a programmer, can we maybe work together? Or at least put this ticker at the or/and ?

Of course...shoot me a pm through social media channels or elsewhere if you need more help. Some Quickstart Directions:

here is a link to the code block - steemit editing doesn't seem to play nice when I tried to share the code above and in this comment :(

  1. put this code into a new document or on a page...end that page with .html
  2. it works.

thank you, but it doesn't work yet. How can i contact you?

shoot me a pm on reddit or twitter. I'll help you get it figured out...though it's not responsive, I'd have to change it around - its set to a fixed size and keeps the same background, I could make it full screen to take up the entire space if you liked.

i messaged you at reddit

Post your code in < code >this is my code < /code > without spaces.

I tried it a few different ways and resorted to using the monoblock button on the editor as using your suggestion didn't seem to work above. Thanks for helping me figure the formatting out.

I am getting into programming here today and started with this. How on earth do I run a file that pulls the JSON api data? :P

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62260.20
ETH 2431.98
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64