What creeps you out? Gives you the heebie jeebies and makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up in scared attention? For some, it’s the idea of actual monster. Werewolves, zombies, and ghouls are (mostly) fictional, but that doesn’t mean you don’t pull the covers up over your head when the darkness descends on your most vivid nightmares.
Most Are Pretty
Perhaps it’s an abandoned building which brings out your inherent cowardice. For some, an empty place is just rotting brick and mortar. Others, however, view such spaces as vaults for unsettled souls and spirits and wouldn’t be caught dead walking around in them, let alone spending the night in their ghostly gloom and doom. And then there are dolls. From Annabelle to Chucky, the playtime effigy has found new “life” as a living embodiment of evil.
Some Are Suspect
So it makes sense that the Internet would be inundated with videos showing these creepshow stars, and specifically, offering up “proof” that some of them are even possessed. How? By catching them moving. Yes, moving. On their own. Without any visible means of such mobility. Naturally, there are explanations for most of these incidents, but in the five cases here, the proof is in the visible pudding.
And Then There Are Dolls Who Are Pure Evil
Now, it’s clear that a couple of these clips are…well, let’s say ‘questionable.’ For example, the little girl with the Barbie? She has three fingers visible while holding the doll. Where is the fourth? We’re guessing preparing to move the head as the video offers. And the near lifesize toy which “walks” on its own. We seem to remember a ways back there being a toy sold on the premise that, when you hold its hand, it imitates a real human child and strolls along with you. The others? We’ll let you be the judge. Enjoy your sleepless night(s).
Three Out Of Five Ain’t Bad