Leadership skills
1.Lead-up: leading up is the process of influencing a leader. This process includes lightening the leader's load by being willing to do what others won't, while knowing when to push forward and when to back off..Lead-up: leading up is the process of influencing a leader. This process includes lightening the leader's load by being willing to do what others won't, while knowing when to push forward and when to back off..Lead-up: leading up is the process of influencing a leader. This process includes lightening the leader's load by being willing to do what others won't, while knowing when to push forward and when to back off..Lead-up: leading up is the process of influencing a leader. This process includes lightening the leader's load by being willing to do what others won't, while knowing when to push forward and when to back off.
2. Lead - across: leaders in the middle of an organization are leaders of leaders. These leaders help peer achieve positive results, let the best idea win and garner mutual respect. These leaders must develop and maintain credibility and continually exert influence. [source] (https://www.canstockphoto.com/leadership-skills-6923987.html )
3. Lead - down: leaders at the top who lead down help people realize their potential, become a strong role model and encourage others to become part of a higher purpose. This involves walking through the halls, transferring the vision and reward for results.