
in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


I’ve been getting quite a few comments and messages from people; followers and friends, asking about my slowed down posting in the past week. People are worried and asking if I’m thinking of leaving Steemit and stopping my photography work because of the bear market. Some are even under the assumption that I have gotten a boyfriend and that has replaced my love for blogging.

I wanted to address a few of those concerns to put my darling followers at ease.

Here but not here

For the past week or so, I have been barely posting once a day, and only been answering comments here and there and thrown votes for my favourites who always put out great content. While it may not look like I have gone fully off the grid here, if you have been following my doings closely for a while, you’ll know I’ve been posting two times per day for over a year now, along with chatting, commenting and curating for pretty much 24/7. That is quite a drastic change.

My life has pretty much been Steemit and only Steemit for the past year, and too much of a good thing will eventually start to takes it toll. The bear market has little to none to do with my current hiatus, on the contrary, it would actually be highly beneficial to post all sorts of bullshit now and then reap the rewards when Steem (hopefully) gets back up at some point.

All In

You might know that I am a full time blogger, and been more or less successfully making a sole living out of it for the year of 2018. People sometimes I ask how to make it in Steemit (which I have made a post of, click click) and wish they could do the same.

I advice anyone who thinks so to be careful what you wish for. To “make it” in Steemit, or to be really successful in anything, you will have to make it your whole life. You will have to have the drive, passion and time to let what ever you want to do or be, consume you as a whole. That is what I did with Steemit and that is why I was able to make it my means of making a living, without investing money to it.

Creating, posting, commenting, curating, all day, every day. Always on top of what is going on in the space, what my friends are posting, always trying to answer comments promptly, networking every day. When not actually online, thinking of what I need to do next to be able to entertain you. There has been maybe 5 days in the whole year that I have not posted anything. So that is five days off during the year, doesn’t sound too hot does it.

Create and/or die

While I love doing what I do, it is also really hard and putting out so much content over the past year, it’s become quite overwhelming. I’m not saying I’ve lost the passion for this, but coming up with two quality posts per day is sometimes way too much. I’m often left stressed by the evening if I have no material ready to be posted. Even shitposting is hard because I have high standards for that too, there is no post that I can make that would only require my brain power and photographic efforts for 10 minutes.

I now want to concentrate on creating only when I’m really inspired to do so and thoroughly enjoy what I’m creating. No matter if it’s nature photography, self portraits or writing some thoughts I have in my little head. SO fear not, I’m not stopping my endeavours in this Wild West of blockchain world.

Scaling back

I always say I prefer quality over quantity in everything, but I have been breaking that rule for myself at times. There is no way to have just amazing posts if I post two times per day, just not possible, my life is really not that interesting. I have decided to scale back a bit and try and only put out content I genuinely liked to create and wanted to share for you. Not to fill out of my own requirement of posting twice per day, but to actually do what I like and feel is good enough to be shared.

I’m also scaling back a lot on the overall time spend in the blockchain, whether it be posting, commenting or curating. At the moment it’s too overwhelming. I hope you understand and forgive me for my lack of engagement. Know that I’m not forgetting you and I’m taking little peeks to see what my favourite internet friends are up to.

More to life than Steemit

What, life outside of blockchain? You must be joking. For me there really hasn’t been much life that doesn’t involve creating something for Steemit, or hanging out with people in the space. While those have been some of my favourites times ever, I need something else too. I have been neglecting other relationships and lacking seriously on the social aspect of life in the real world. This year I really need to work on mending and creating real life relationships, and enjoying my time in my own city, instead of running half across the world.

I’ve been spending a lot of time with my family and with the help of my parents, slowly getting my apartment liveable. I will definitely share you bits and bobs of it soon.

Oh and the boyfriend thing, don’t worry, I’m still single and there is no-one forbidding me from posting nudes for all of internet to see.


I think it's healthy to get away from the blog every so often. Creativity, at least in me, is a battery and if I don't let it recharge, it's a disaster waiting to happen. :)

We'll await your return. Understand that you owe us nothing, and it's a privilege to peek into your life from time to time. Enjoy your break! :)

I feel you on this, because I can only keep a 1 post per day phase consistently, but sometimes I'll break that rule because it would consume too much of my mental energy. I can afford that without bad conscience, but for someone like you, who lives off of this, it's a bit of a different case, and I can imagine you might feel a constant pressure of needing to create/post which in itself can be taxing.

Posted using Partiko Android

I had wondered what had happened to you :) doubted you were leaving us, though. It just don't sound like Eve. I get what you're saying, it can get so overwhelming, always creating. There's no endless fountain in your head that can just spew out content and it's good to take a break every now and then. Helps you recharge and I think it's healthy :)

Life outside of Steem, you say? Real like relationships? I've heard of that...but I don't get it, you mean with people who aren't on Steemit? :O

For most people it's normal to post only once per day, but I've taught my followers to expect at least 2 posts per day so now you worry I'm leaving 😅

I think I just need to bring more people to Steemit so I can have every important person tone Steemian and I don't have to be with real life people :P

Caravaggio of self portraits

Thank you, that is quite the praise :)

Yes I know :)

Well you are extremely good at balancing the light, especially the shadow like Caravaggio :) But it is also interesting that your day light shots are very ordinary. As if you are seeing the day light for the first time in your life or let me make an another analogy, you are like a rabbit stunned by the car headlight and what that rabbit sees is your day light shots.

You like to dance and dancers develop awareness about how they look from outside maybe thats another reason you take good self portraits. You are master of it thats for sure. Of course maybe you take millions of photos and we can expect few good light arrangements from them.

But it is also fun to make a correlation between your introvert character which is known for making a rich inner world inside the person so maybe thats the reason you can reflect your inner self by self portraits more precisesly with rich expressions through photos. And you are not good in the crowd in day light photography because maybe you are not self confident and focuse as much as you are alone.

After this amateur psychoanalysis when I start to see a progress in arranging the light exposure in your day light photos, I will conclude that Eve is landed on earth.


Well now you are just making me blush! I have never thought of the dance aspect in relation to self portraits, but you might be onto something. I've never been a professional dancer but when I first started taking lessons when I was 11, we were thought to look at ourselves in the mirror the whole time. I still dance at home in front of the mirror, to add to my narcissism.

What comes to the daylight shots I think you speak of, is that I hate taking pictures in the dull even daylight, but one doesn't always have the luxury to just shoot at golden hour. So it's not about exposure, but about the actual conditions. One can't make up shadows and highlights where there isn't any contracts to be found. Of course I always have the choice not to shoot, but for example, when travelling, I'm not gonna miss out on interesting things and people to shoot, just because there isn't the best possible light.

You are definitely right about the focus when shooting in a crowd, I really do not like it when there are other people around. I wouldn't say I'm not confident, but there is a level of limiting myself because I just can't all up in other peoples business with my camera, unless I can do it undetected.

ET calls home and has no desire to land on earth.

Hi Eve, I was less present on Steemit too. I'm trying to fix it ;)
You could talk to us about where you would like to go on your next trip.
Tell us about your dreams and aspirations.
I would like to know more about the place where you live, the traditions, the most important parties. Typical food and your favorite.
I would like to visit Finland :)
Your favorite book, the song that puts you in a good mood and reminds you of something beautiful that you have experienced.

I do not want to tell you what you have to do.
You're an interesting person, you're magnetic :)

oh trust me, I've been there...the pressure to post sooner rather than later, not having quality material and getting anxious about creating something...a break is good sometimes! And I was indeed wondering where you were, glad you are just enjoying real life =) Hugs!

That's good advice. I definitely don't want to be successful here, given all that it takes, but have enjoyed watching your success. It sounds like you are where your ought to be right now.

Yes in this low market make lot here to think like it is the end.
Same me I not stop... I want this steemit go big and more then it was last time. HODL a lot and Make more cool blog :)) I try also make more photos and hold my 2 legs town and not think bad things.

Now I think who was this who ask this ? :))))

This year I really need to work on mending and creating real life relationships, and enjoying my time in my own city, instead of running half across the world

that is a good step forward, i wish you the best in 2019.

Hi eveuncovered, I know how you feel - and i struggle to post once a week sometimes. I really admire your drive for quality and content and I really wish more bloggers here had your passion. It's a shame you'll be posting less, but slowing down can sometimes lead you to the real treasures. Good luck!

Hey you'll never know, maybe I get the drive back sooner rather than later and all of a sudden your feed is full of my posts :P

I look forward to that day :) - your randomness makes me happy

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