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RE: Meet me at Steemfest

in #steemit6 years ago

It's a fun and great idea to have a heads up on who we might meet at SF. I love that you carried on with the banner, even though you don't plan to attend. The dates I find on your image are pretty weak, though I suppose most people will know that information anyway. I do love the way you tweaked the photo and the overall warm and festive feel of your final image. Thanks for sharing @rubencress.


Thanks, @Everlove! I have to say that I agree with the thin text about the banner ;-). But everything is intended and strategically wise placed, once interest is triggered, the viewer most probably will click the banner, and this will take you to the official website of Steemfest where all the information is provided. If there is too much "in your face" information on the banner it can be interpreted as uneasy to read/process unconsciously. This is why we have to categorize information as "must haves", "wanna haves" and "should haves" without damaging the message of the banner which is all about connecting Steemians. Are you going to Steemfest? ^^

Agreed @rubencress. It's always a delicate and fine balance. Just knowing who is going to be up in the mix is a great bonus over other years. Love the idea!

Krakow is a real possibility--went to the first two, and they were pricesless!
Cheers back at cha, Ruben.

Awesome! I wasn't here yet, but I heard it was great to be there, so I kinda feel bumped out about not going at all.

It was truly an amazing experience both years, and made some incredible connections that are still juicy and alive today. Blessed by the experience, and @roelandp really knows how to put on a party. EPIC TIMES!

Hehe, we Dutch seem to know how to throw parties indeed! But it can be quite nerve breaking when the deadline approaches. Maybe next year I'll be attending!

I highly recommend it. I don't know anyone who had just an "ok" time, or who regretted going. Got WAAAAAAY more than our moneys worth. Indeed a wise investment.

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