STEEM increased to 1$. what will be it's value in June?
Steem is increasing and it looks like it will gain it's ATH value soon.
Lets look at STEEM value in May 2016
Snapshot is from
This snapshot shows that in may 2016 it was also increased to approx 1$ and now in May 2017 it is also increased to 1$ so this similarity shows that it is following 2016's pattern.
Also look at June 2016 value.
In june 2016 it was increased to 4.3$ so there is possibility that it will increased to 4$ in this june too.
Kindly Research Before Investment and Only Invest What You Can Afford to Lose.
Thanks for Reading
Go steem!!!
How rich do you feel?
Not rich lol only a student :P
Justin Bieber disagrees with you.
That would not be so good, because then we would be back to it being worth pennies later in the year, I am hoping that what is happening is the currency is stabilizing and we will not see such big fluctuations except small ups and downs, with a definite upward tendency.
yeah stability is good for cryptocurrency