Moving to Patreon!

in #steemit6 years ago


Aloha beautiful and amazing people! Over the past 3 months I've been writing articles here on Steemit. In credit to the creators, I think Steemit is a really unique idea, however as it currently stands it's very hard for independent content creators such as ourselves to make any real money without buying up-votes and using bots etc.

This summer will see a lot of doors open for Elysium Project, as we will be doing weekly podcasts, filming YouTube content, and will be on the road working on the preliminary stages of a documentary. Obviously this all takes a lot of time, and has financial costs associated with it. In order to help with some of these costs and to ensure we can continue delivering the highest possible quality of content, we have officially launched an Elysium Project Patreon page. For those who don't know, Patreon is a crowdfunding website that helps independent content creators who release episodic content, such as YouTube videos, podcasts etc.

Over the last while we've been brainstorming what we can do to add incentive to those who are generous enough to help support our vision. Although it takes much more time than most people realize to get a podcast and YouTube content off the ground, we're the kind of people who want to make sure you know how grateful we are to have your support!

With that being said we've decided all future articles will be for Patreon subscribers only! Additionally, I have been working on a short book which should be available in the fall, also only for our Patreon subscribers. The podcast and YouTube content will always remain free, but for our insiders we are going to work hard to make sure you receive extra content for your support!

I can't begin to tell you how excited we are for what the rest of 2018 has in store for us. The past few weeks has seen a lot of behind the scenes work, but we're pretty much ready to go again and start pumping content out. Whether you support us on Patreon or are just a casual listener, we are grateful either way to have you on our side. Together we will change the world!

-Brian Johnson

Brian Johnson is a writer for, and founder of Elysium Project. A collective of individuals passionate about fostering positive social and spiritual change in the 21st Century.

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