I meet different kinds of mushrooms but I don’t gather all of them.
We usually gather them after rains in summer. As a rule, I find more mushrooms from the north side of fur trees where the ground isn’t so dry. Once there were so many old and young mushrooms in the fur wood that we were afraid to step on them ))))
It seemed to us at that moment that we were in a fairy wood!
My favourite mushrooms are chanterelles. The grow chanterelles in families Sometimes their heads are covered with old leaves and fur needles and you can see only small hillocks. The chanterelles - an edible woodland mushroom with a yellow funnel-shaped cap and a faint smell of apricots.
The road to this mushroom place is bad in rainy weather and we often stick in mud for some time but this situation doesn’t spoil our mood. This extreme walk always gives us only pleasant feelings and impressions!
Also, the forest give us a lot of vitamins. You ask WHAT? My answer is DELICIOUS !!!
Time passes and we wish to go there once more because there is nothing more interesting than this adventurous trip and more delicious than fried chanterelles with butter and potatoes prepared .
You doing well :)
Thank you ))))
Super! Very cool post!
That's a wonderful story and mushroom hunting is a fantastic hobby.
Сам хотел о грибах, но вы меня опередели ))) Классный пост!
I like to collect mushrooms:-)
That's amazing !!!
This is a beautiful post. Love it. Although I absolutely hate mushrooms :D
Great that you can actually gather all those berries from the forest.