The Unwritten Rules of Steemit - Vital Information for Steemit Success

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

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Truth, Love, Respect, & Honor.


Updated with new sub-section: "Interaction"

I really like the idea, that people that have become fed up with many other 'social media websites' are now coming together and slowly create the sort of community a social media website should (as in my opinion) entail. We begin to recognise what was missing in our old ways and begin to apply these lessons to a new and still quite'wild west' type of internet.
What I already witness now in the few and small interactions I have been privy of in here is just plain awesome.
It's also quite ironical and funny that rules need to be written down where no rules ought, best case scenario, to be necessary.

What I though really like best, is the 'small penny type of mind'. Whenever a post engenders 'only a few cents worth of attention, deserved or not' is already a marvel, because honestly what did we ever get on all the other platforms?
That is the first few posts or however long that situation will last... Patience is a virtue.

Where I work at, at the camping, I do outside maintenance, to keep the grounds for the visitors clean. Like this I've already found smaller and bigger worth's of coins, as I typically am quite discerningly picking up even smaller trashes when I know that's trash. I have keen eyes one could say.
Among these are also foreign valuta. These I then have the chance to swap with visitors from these foreign corners of the world. There's always some fun to be had, and another reason to connect with strangers, besides what my work already entails.

With every penny I find, I just see that as a gift, from Providence, as Alexandre Dumas would write.

As the dutch would say, whomever turns down the small, won't appreciate the big either.

Over and out.

Thank you for your thoughts @thematoog, I prefer to say the smallest things matter the most. This is because all the small things everyone does collectively has a big impact, so the more people the wake up to this, the more people will realize that their actions always matter, even if they seem small.

Well @elamental, in my view yes the small things are very important, to show someone else, even in say a 'crazy way' that there are other possibilities of behaviour that to that person seem unlinear to what they already consider 'everyday behaviour', and through this might begin their own march in a direction where they slowly uncover they're own unlinear behaviour, which is close to magical all in its own right, if not the most magical in this here beautiful world.
To really settle into this unlinear behaviour and make it genuinely and unforcedly your own, truly world shattering, mind breaking and rebuilding thereof experiences are needed.
Normally for each person having a possibility of becoming their own, such experiences come unto their way without needing to look for them luckily, especially through the wonderful subconscious, the silent hero behind everything.
How these persons then fare with these experiences I don't know, safe for my own experiences.

Great article! I agree with your take. Following respectfully.

@elemantal thanks for this immense amount of heart felt information! goodness...SO FELT! thank you deeply for the amount of time that went into sharing this from your ALL of step up what's expected here! integrating it. much to ponder....and put to action. i'm a late comer to the steem all the etiquette...and expectations/hopes....have all been a learning curve for me BIG TIME! i'm a HUGE fan of what @exyle has shared on his vlogs..since i joined up here. his sharing of how this steemit/blog was the pioneering stages of the blockchain...then came the dtubes, dlives, steepshots, appics ...and so many more coming. he made me feel deeply at ease...where i was once intimidated to even share. especially on new areas of the blockhchain/communities developing steepshot/appics etc. when steepshot added 7 made it much easier to add more content. whereas was only one. still...i feel like steepshot is somewhat frowned upon compared to a juicy steemit blog post. i'm curious how it will all evolve...and am excitedly watching as an investor, curator and content creator. i'm thinking some people who don't enjoy all...will find themselves using the blockchain via @appics or @steepshot ....without feeling the they're "not doing it right".....and still help a TON of people through their images etc. thanks for creating @earthtribe and bringing so many good people with good the table of joy! it's so felt and i've said. but...i hope...if at some content doesn't "cut it" for the group...that ya'll will just let me know. i love steepshot...and will continue to use it. hoping they create a i can help it grow more. i'll let @thegardeningchannel ...know that if he posts a video...he's expected to type a little something. ;) he can step it up too....or just be cool with not being in earth tribe. he's trying hard to understand what's expected of also...but he's answering a few hundred comments a day on youtube lol. baby steps...i keep telling steps. just like..."what about bob." baby steps to the elevator bob. lol. i loved that movie! anyways...thanks again for all you've shared here. dude....just so felt and appreciated! steem ON ya'll!

I have never used Steepshot personally, however whether it be a video or photos, a minimal introduction is so easy and quick to accomplish, and will garner much more respect for you and groups you are affiliated with. @gardneingchanel's videos are some of the best I have ever seen on this platform, and an intro is not necessarily expected of him per say, but doing so will almost definitely increase his rewards to some degree, and make it look like more than just a copy and paste from YouTube. It is all part of Steemit's learning curve, that is why I create articles like this occasionally, to help others understand what I have come to know, so they can help themselves in the ways that I have.

thanks again. i understand where you are coming from. i feel others may be a better fit...for your group. i don't feel i can personally measure your expectations on steemit or earth tribe. please remove me and @gardeningchannel from the earth tribe discord and group. we are deeply grateful for you considering us...and deeply hopeful that others will benefit from the massive amount of heart and SP...that ya'll are dispensing. for me....i feel less oversight on how i can share or post....on fb and yt. you've encouraged us to return maybe we will. love this blockchain...and the people on it! so much for hope for the earth....and all life upon it! aloha brother

The things mentioned in this article are not rules you must abide by to be in @earthtribe necesarily, they are just suggestions to help yourself advance. You were chosen to be in @earthtribe for a reason, and so was @gardeningchannel. We will continue to support you both, and hope you will reconsider leaving our Discord server. We are absolutely honored to have you guys with us, and it would be very disappointing to see you leave, but if that is truly what you want, you have the right to not participate. We understand that everyone has different lifestyles and schedules, and sometimes you just cannot put as much time into your articles that you would like, absolutely NO WORRIES about this. The intent of this article was certainly not to scare you guys off, just know that we only expect you to do what you have been already, that is why you were selected in the first place. I just wanted to influence people to better themselves, which is the true intent of this article. Please take some time to think about it and let me know, blessings friend.

brother....thank you from my heart to yours. i feel you so much and appreciate you beyond measure! i receive your words...and you've influenced this be better. a larger lesson...for... life...way beyond steemit. please forgive me for any confusion on my part....and deeply thank you for your patience. i'm absolutely honored to walk by ya'llz sides...on steemit and earth tribe/tribe steem up. hoooponopono brother. smoked one down with you here too......felt! your laughter and your heart! "discord on discord...with a discordian lol!: :) aloha my friend...and so much LOVE!

I am so glad you have reconsidered leaving, and thrilled that my lessons here have been beneficial for you. I will admit I was a little confused why you and @gardeningchannel wanted to leave, as I am pretty sure I hand selected both of you for your quality, conscious content. Just know that many people in the @tribesteemup community are fans of both of your works, and are more than happy to provide support for you guys. Also remember that @earthtribe is here for you in more ways than up-votes, and almost anyone that is a member will always be willing to lend a helping hand or provide advise/wisdom. If you ever need anything please do not hesitate to DM me on Discord (ELAmental#2433), and I will always get back to you as soon as I see your message. Blessings friend, and I look forward to interacting with you more in the future.

See a lot of sense in this. Our topics should be able to pass something beneficial to others - truth, inspiration, comfort, etcetera

...understanding, love, compassion, healing, exactly.

I see quite some blog posts, and I write some myself as well. Facebook-style updates, this is what I'm doing, this is where I've been, that's where I'm going. Does it pass the acid test? I've made my thoughts on it, but I'd love to hear the opinions from others.

I only WISH everything you said above were true. I've been here just over a year and have written a number of posts I'm proud of without similar results. Aside from a period when I tested buying upvotes, I've never had that kind of support for even my epic posts.

If you use an upvote service, they get angry. If you don't, your work doesn't get seen. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't...

First time

I've also not seen anyone else say (until now) not to ask for upvotes, follows or resteems after the end of a post. All of the whales I learned from had a blurb or even a banner asking for such at the end of their posts.

My last post was about domestic violence and steps women can take to avoid it. After six days, it sits with 1 actual comment despite my best efforts to promote it. I participated in a curation show which got a bit of attention for a prior post but cannot always be available to do that. I'm also grateful for the Steemians who gave it 20 cents in upvotes. I have seen WAY too many bloggers publish a pic of their neighbor, a half-eaten meal or blurry images of their street with more interaction than my last post.

If an article about ending domestic violence can't spark a discussion, I don't know what will...

New users should not be given false hopes that if they consistently put out good articles, they will attract engagement. Unless you're friends with a whale or buy upvotes, it's a crapshoot.

I think the problem here is you need to change your approach to networking and post promotion. While participating in a curation show can usually render at least short term positive results, it requires a little more effort than that to really achieve acquiring proper support. What else are you doing to network and promote besides a curation show? I really liked a couple articles on your blog, but you have not tried reaching out to me until now, likely since we both did not know the other existed yet. Sometimes hard work an patience pays off brother, we want to help people like you that care about the platform, and have quality content. Take a note out of your book and "keep on posting" buddy, stay positive, and the good graces will flow to you. Groups like the ones I am involved with seek to get rid of the need for paid bid-bots by conscious professional Steemians. I personally do understand why some people must use them, but am also aware of how they are a negative aspect of this platform, we are doing something about it.

Thanks for the reply @elamental but I have done everything "by the book," my approach isn't the problem at all. When I publish a post, I promote it in Discord and Steem Chat. What I find in Discord particularly, is that people chat with others they know. I tried over and over NOT to just dump my links and leave, yet found my attempts at polite interaction ignored on Discord.

I'd stop in and say "hello, how's everybody doing?" Then, nothing. I'd jump in again and again (at the right times, careful not to intrude) to complete silence. Hours later I returned to see if anyone had responded, nope.

I'd see the same 20 people come in and chat with their friends. Many of them started in 2016, I felt like I was crashing a class reunion at times. When there was an opening where I might know a fact, I'd offer it to complete silence as they spoke to each other as if I wasn't there. I still remember the day I spent HOURS on a SteemMonsters brainstorming server putting out great ideas and trying again and again to get the attention of the moderator. My images were ignored, links and shoutouts to the host as well, while he only seemed to see the messages from his well-known friends. I even wondered if I was muted somehow and asked if anyone was seeing my messages. @isaria was the only one who noticed my attempts, but by then I was so disgusted I left the server. I had tried to chat in at least six different chats that day (no post promoting) with no response at all. These guys all know each other and it's like trying to join an exclusive club.

Steemit Chat is no better.

Staying the course

As far as giving up, I'm still here. Aside from using post promotion links, I also just generally comment on interesting posts. I don't leave "nice blog" type comments (take a look, they're real) I did a lot of homework before I joined Steemit last year and knew what not to do.

The 20 cents on my last post didn't bother me. The single comment on an important issue like domestic violence did. I was frankly shocked by the lack of engagement.

I know part of this is due to the low price of STEEM, but this was happening long before that. When I used an upvote service, it attracted Plankton who left comments but also angered some Whales. When I stopped, the Whales were happy, but it cost me in comments and upvotes.

I have noticed some traction lately on the MSP Discord server and plan to continue stopping by as they have some great hosts and guests on their audio chats.

So I guess the solution is these "curators" might want to look beyond their small circle of friends and find content creators that care about Steemit for the platform to grow. I have no plans to leave. When stuff like this happens, I just take a break and slow down my posting output. If they want people to "stop dropping your links in postpromotion and leaving" they might want to look beyond their circle of friends and open up their private clubs on Discord.

I have had experiences like this in Discord servers as well. Some of them are just strait up run by rude people who ignore you, even if you have something genuine to offer. There are at least a couple good servers I can link you to that do not do this, and would be honored to meet your acquaintance.

Thanks for sticking in there with us, I am still here as well, and also have no plans to leave. This space is a quite a unique one, and we currently have a rare opportunity to mold it into something truly beneficial.

I'm sorry you got ignored. It happens to me too, a lot! Would anyone do that in RL? It's really rude. I think you just need to find the right server, as @elamental says - persist, because when you find a good one, they're awesome. I always try to engage with anyone who says hi in a server as it's just rude not to and I know how it feels to be ignored x

Also to encourage more discourse, try sharing you philosophical topics in the PhilosoForum Discord Server, here is a link:

It is a problem indeed that many actors here only pay attention to their "feed" - and this "user authority"-idea is not really helping! I can imagine new users being frustrated, I've seen many high-quality posts being totally ignored. Posting good content is not sufficient in itself as long as one doesn't have followers.

What to do? Engage! Write comments on articles written by others. Give generous upvotes. Check out the various curation initiatives like steemSTEM etc.

Right! Engaging in other people's articles is a critical step for networking and something I forgot to add as part of the promotion explanation in this article. Thank you for mentioning this - great addition. I may have to update the article with this info as well.

UPVOTED AND RESTEEMED! Thank you @elemental

Your post has been hand-picked and shared in our "Spreading the Love" weekly curation series because your content promotes our core values of life, freedom, truth, love, and happiness! You can check it out here. Thank you for your conscious contribution to this platform! Steem on! 🙏❤


Awesome thank you! I ham so happy that even more people will have a chance to read this now. @freedomtribe is an awesome initiative!

so much great advice and information on here for all new folk on Steemit, would be great if it was easily accessible for them especially considering all the time and effort you put into writing it. Your 6 questions are great and imagine if everyone answered yes to them before posting, what a game changer it would be for the platform and all the authors xxxx

Exactly! Thank you for recognizing and further explaining why asking those question is important. I am putting effort into making this article as accessible as possible, however only through other Steemians can it go further than that, it will be out of my hand soon. I will recommend all new Steemians I meet to read this as well.

Thank you for these really helpful suggestions, I've just started on Steemit and I'm trying to create "useful" post. Unfortunately people like me who speak another language as first, need to do a double effort to join some interesting english speaking community or just interact. ( Anyway I need to say Italian community works great and they really support everybody).
Do you have any advice for it?

Language can be quite a difficult barrier to overcome online when you are not multilingual, but then again there is always Google Translate. Unfortunately G.T. works better for some translations than others, but Italian - English should be pretty good. Italian is more closely related to English and Spanish than many other languages. This may be more of an issue for you on Discord however.

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