The Polemic Of Tag Aceh And Indonesia - This Is Described As Opening A Store Inside Store
Since the appointment of two Indonesian curators, various problems have occurred today among the Aceh steemit community.
We all know that the #aceh tag has existed long before the #indonesia tag is presenting, as well as getting support from the world's steemit community, as it provides the variety of original content.
The origin of #aceh tag.
It should be noted that the first originator of steemit in Aceh was Acehnese with the aceh tag, and 90% of the Indonesian steemit community was also Acehnese.
The use of the #aceh Tag in the first steemit is done by @keuudeip @anasz @vannour, @steemvest17, @safar01, @curiesea, also me. From the beginning we have been committed that the goal of using #aceh tag is to re-introduce Aceh into the world, after so long lost, not even known at all.
In addition to introducing Aceh to the world, the rules for using #aceh tag are also related to something that mentions Aceh, for example: "taken in Aceh" or more.
After seeing the rapid growth of the steemit in Aceh, which was part of Indonesia a few months ago, @donkeypong selected two curators @aiqabrago and @levycore for Indonesian territory with a new #indonesia tag.
The selection of two curators as well as the separation of two #aceh and #indonesia tags is not really a problem for us. They both come from Aceh, even they are blood (siblings).
The fact we see in the selection is also the creation of a new #indonesia tag that all 90% of Acehnese are very irrelevant. Tag #aceh has long existed before the #indonesia tag was born, and this is described as Opening A Store Inside Store. This is really very not relevant, after the #aceh tag suddenly appears a new tag in one area, and adds tags within the tag.
The core problem...!!!
Currently steemit users with tag #indonesia already have two curators, and ready to help users steemit from Indonesia, although most of them come from Aceh.
Our request, PLEASE DO NOT USE TAG #aceh if you have used #indonesia tag in the native language, because we do not like it. The use of mother tongue in steemit is a great opportunity for people to do plagiarism as well as spaam, and this is strictly prohibited in steemit.
This is evident as freedom in the use of the mother tongue, I see very much plagiarism going on. Will we let this ...? And this is the reason for us not to use #indonesia tags, as we maintain the reputation of the #aceh tag.
This is the result of the sreenshoot I took some time ago.
@steemworld, someone who is currently very meritorious to steemit, lost somewhere.
In this case, we in this case strongly reject if the #aceh tag should be mixed with the #indonesia tag. On the other hand, our recommendation to use English in the #aceh tag is to support our new governor project, that all generations of Aceh must learn English.
Follow Me : @ejhaasteem

Fungsi TAG itu untuk apa sih sebenarnya? Yang gak ngerti coba belajar tentang SEO ya. Saya rasa yang sering ngeblog di Blogspot atau Wordpress pasti sudah tahu betapa pentingnya penggunaan TAG yang terkait dengan manajemen SEO.
Follow & upvote me @dsatria
Hana saban. Masing2 tag na kurator dan bayaran dgn jumlah yg berbeda. Nyo steemit.
bek neupeureunoe le awak nyan,, kasep carong jih.. lon nak kalon padit droe teuk nyang ikot meulih lage nyan ,, lage hana neuteu oh awak nyan are.. luwat teuh
Ooo karena beda pendapatan makanya terjadi beda pendapat. Hahaha... Ok lah. Lanjut aja.
@dsatria, bek jak peu sama bu payeh ngen timphan, walau on sama asoe han saban....
ban tamaen steemit igata....
Hana long jak peusaban. Droe nyang jak kheun lage nyan. Adak pih ban tamong steemit pue salah teuman long komentar lage nyan. Meunyoe kon karena peng pane na karu. Na jeulaih....?
nyan kasalah prosepsi di gata, kamoe hana perlee ata nyan, yg perlee kamoe bek jak peusapat tag sagai, yg tag indo kana curator dan jai peng. hana perlee kamoe ngen urueng jai peng.
Neu im keudeh bek lee that peugah haba. Galak-galak ureung jak peuget tag. Hana meupue burek keu gob.
hana salah yue nyan....
keleh lon pahami bacut2, blogger atau wordpress sangat beda dengan steemit nyoe, apa lagi tentang TAG nyan,,,,
Before I thank you @ejhaasteem
Very good discussion of you.
I see developments in the steemit (specifically aceh) as you describe.
Only those two people are the brains of the troubles of #tag aceh.
Even though they are all aceh people and we admit it.
But they are allies, lickers, not follow by to sincerity. But they only expect in upvote. Because on them as the perpetrator's brain, currently has a loan (licker) from a person who does not know the background of aceh.
That is what we deserve.
Once again, thank you. Let us both watch and we wake up #tag aceh.
Please do not fool yourself and others steemians, You think donkeypong who chose us to be curator? And who gives us a SP delegate ?, if you do not have enough information do not have to start a problem, you can ask yourself to donkeypong what is he who does it all. I write this in english to finish this nonsense. For you know They all laugh at you.
segolom ku komen... ku kheem ilee beuraya....
Nyoe sengaja ku kutip ilee segolom ka edit kadang... 😀
peu perlee ku upload hasil dri scrinshoot tentang percakapan salah sidroe dri kamoe ngen donkey tentang pengakuan, juga penyesalan jih terkait pemilihan kurator indon...?
tapi lon rasa hana perlee... bek sampe cre bre dua keuh, tpi apabila memang ttap ka inginkan ya terpakaa akan ku upload...!!!
dan mengingat bek sampe di peukhem kah dengan ke omong kosong nyoe lom.
Upload Aju😂
I do not need to respond to your nonsense, I just need her to make that statement, So I will prove it. The system does not steal a secret, All can be seen, maybe you yourself fool someone else.
to @levycore and @aiqabrago
Greeting, allow me to comment.
Regardless of the use of this tag the use of that tag
Every tag that becomes trading has its own developer, for example the indonesian tag developed by @levycore and @aiqabrago
So also with #aceh, the aceh tag itself has a developer who has been working long enough to upgrade the #aceh tag by focusing the use of english in the aceh tag, they are trying very hard to advance the #aceh tag, with the small group services making the steemit known by the imaginary Crowded in aceh and very reasonable when the developers of the aceh tags become angry when the tags built so long to use english,Misused by some for personal gain.
As far as I know, you @levycore and @aiqabrago belong to that small group and then you are impressed betraying the group. Of that which becomes a big question mark for us newcomers in steemit are:
Regardless of the use of the tag, I agree and agree with the comments @curiesea and @steemvest17
I sincerely hope that you do not keep giving doctrine related to the use of language. And appreciate the steam power loan from others to you. I hope it is enough to get here an ideology conflict related to #aceh. I'm saturated, you should focus on posting using #indonesia hashtag. We are building #aceh in our way, until we actually find the right curator. Please do not ruin it all.
From your history to the curator, I can conclude that you are very unworthy to be a curator because it seems to have eliminated the privilege of steemit users to use English and use a tag that is #aceh tag
How do you think the new members, Which has been eliminated freedom?
@jamhuery, @ijoel, @green07, @munawar1, @sunbahri, @fooart, @fataelrumy, @masdika, @kardevis, @zikri, @muhajirnyakcut, @bulex, @muchsin, @awonk, @andrainsta, @azirgraff, @albuluhi , @armiden, @jafaraceh, @tmr.est96, @akilzafran, @azizali, @putrakhan, @elfaisal and many other members have been eliminated freedom in steemit
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Bereh bg
beda pendapat boleh-boleh aja, asai bek pake sabe keudroe-droe beuh.. hahaaaa...
good article....
Before I comment, I apologize in advance if there is a mistake in my comment, I am still a newcomer to Steemit, I still learn a lot in the world of Steemit. Tag #Aceh or tag #Indonesia what is in the debate again we are still the same brother and blood in Aceh blood, for me just finished. Civil War we have ever experienced before, do you still remember we have conflict in aceh between Gam and RI, I really do not want In the world of Steemit also happened something similar (war tag) and for us tag user #Aceh do not get Hal It happens. . . .
Sorry I'm a newcomer and again learning
I really agree with @ejhasteem
Aceh is more global than indonesia
Bereh bg.. Pu na payah long tik link long saboh teuk bak komentar, ngat dhi baca lee indo