SIN: Coming, Seeing and Conquering...The future plan in the modern day world, is it over or just beginning? My vote of thanks

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I always believe that the greatest and true leader is one who will sacrifice his personal gains for the good of others and leadership is not about the amount of noise you make nor by your age, it is by the quality of your character.

Welcome to the Steemit In Nigeria journey: The trip which starts out looking impossible and end up becoming possible. This trip will not be complete without pictures and videos. Sadly, the videos will pop up on another post because they are being edited by the Nigerian Television Authority, but the pictures abound.

Disclaimer: As @camzy rightly says, I just realized that I am allergic to, was so busy, I hardly had time to take pictures.

When they all arrived

I must admit, when the D-day finally came, I was nervous. My first thought was "Would they show up?" Then the first arrival call entered and it was @michaelcj calling, that was how the engine of the bus roared to life and about his direction we were headed.

This continued until we turned The treasure Hotel into the steemit zone, they could literally feel our steem emanating from all over.
And so the trip happened to the Oranmiyan statue and the Ooni of Ife's palace...ish, and from there they all came back to prepare for the movie night.

Movie night was so dope, we went to Glory to Glory cinemas to see the movie "Baby Driver". Imagine how captivating the movie was, you need to see it sometime.
So when the movie was over, we didn't want to leave because it was so interesting that we felt there was, we left with the excitement of the movie.

Everyone got a ticket and everyone had fun till the very end.

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So we got back to our hotel room all chatty and pumped for the next day.

How the conference went down

I will start with an image of the conference center, decorations was done by WAADIV impression

So we all woke up bright and early, the steemians were taken out for lunch at Country Kitchen with the vehicle and were returned back to their residence to prepare for the S.I.N. conference.

The conference center was beautifully decorated and believe me when I say a lot happened within that center. A lot of people who didn't attend the event have been requesting for the videos of "what steemit means to me" pre-recorded specially for the Steemit In Nigeria event by @andrarchy, who happens to be the community liason for steemit, @papa-pepper, @lukestokes, @maryfavour and the message from @ejemai of STACH.

I will share the videos below so as to participate in the event without being there

What steemit means to me by @andrarchy (For SIN event)

What steemit means to me by @papa-pepper (For SIN event)

What steemit means to me by @lukestokes (For SIN event)

What steemit means to me by @maryfavour (For SIN event)

I am unable to get the video by @ejemai as at now, @fisteganos of @onequality was on point and like everyone has been saying, he is actually handsome but shy.
Maybe it was just the camera that was the problem or the beautiful ladies facing him, but the fact is he was composed and delivered a beautiful speech which left everyone thinking.

@tojukaka was also amazing in his impromptu but power packed lecture. Funny thing is he was approached by the team after the last minute blow and he gracefully accepted and delivered. I now know why he is nicknamed "the next big whale."

Extracurricular activities after the conference

After the conference, everyone entered full blown selfie mode and me being myself, my allergies to selfies showed up, although I did manage to take one or two.

I guess the picture above is one of the few I featured in, let the rest roll in...

@sweetestglo-eu doing an interview with NTA, look at how she was striking poses, well she handled it well.

This was taken outside the venue, I just liked the bump on the head of @illuminatus my friend, that was why I uploaded

This was just a random shot
Head count was pegged at about 50 people at the conference and so far messages have been flooding people's phones about their desire to sign up on the steemit platform

So we shift gears to the After party

Truth be told, most of the pictures and recordings were taken with my iPad and it is not currently in my custody. However, I still have a few pictures/words to display/say about it.

The after party was packed and even the hotel guests at Cameron Hotel all trooped out to watch the event. It was so interesting that @mediahousent who was our Mc for the evening got a gig with MTN for a show coming up soon.

The rain threatened to do some damage but it eventually stopped and the event commenced. It was a huge success.

My vote of thanks

First of all, I want to thank God for His amazing provision and mercies,we could not have done this without Him. I want to say a big thank you to @donkeypong for his fatherly love, contributions and continuous support and motivation towards the success of this, we really appreciate and love you sir.

I want to appreciate @thejohalfiles for his support, reviews and upvotes, they really made the difference, to all those who made videos to support the Steemit In Nigeria event ( @andrarchy, @lukestokes, @papa-pepper, @maryfavour, @ejemai )I say a big thank you.

To @maryfavour once again, I say thank you for hosting the mission to minnow contest, it really changed the lives of people, not only that, you showed the community the attributes of a leader and elder. We also say a big thank you.

To @surpassinggoogle and @stellabelle, thank you for following up the posts by those posting on the event and thank you for donating your precious upvotes towards the posts, you made a difference in people's lives.

To @andrarchy, thank you for the help in the use of the growth tags, it really gave the project perspective.

To @demotruk, thank you for using your SP to create accounts for the newbies, the accelerated sign up will make all the difference.

To @thecryptofiend, @hanshotfirst, thank you for the support and donations, it made a lot of difference.

To everyone who dropped personal contributions and upvotes, I say a big thank you, those who wrote and donated, I really appreciate and the group donations from @genesis-project and @euronation went a long way.

To the entire members of the steemit community, I say a big thank you. Finally, to the crew of SIN and 360 Lead Entertainment ( @leadent360 ), I say a warm thank you, you guys were amazing.

See you all next year!

Thanks to @camzy and @elyaque for the animated art and badge

Ehiboss art.jpeg
lion badge.png


Thank you, @ehiboss, for updating us about the SIN event. I am so glad that steemit in Nigria (SIN) conference was a success overall. The fun part (tour to historic sites in the city including visit to the Oooni's palace, going to the cinema, & after party) added colour to the SIN event). It is on record that the SIN event held & it was successful. Posterity will thank you, @ehiboss and all members of the event organising committee. Bravo!!!

The conference was slightly delayed for about 40 minutes or so due to the fact that the @steem-lagos keynote speaker not returning his reminder calls about 40 hours to the conference and later cancelling with barely two hours to the event.

An Esan proverb says,

Ewalen, ole a rhe gb' ofen no rhibh' ike akhe

I may not have written the proverb well. Hopefully, the message is understood.

Having worked with organisations (mainly Non-govermental, NGOs) in Nigeria, particularly as event and visits assistant with the British Council, Maitama Abuja, I understand that it is the responsibility of guests invited for an event to call in/send email/SMS (whatever means of communication) to cancel appointments two (2) days before the event, if for any reason they wouldn't be able to attend.
Life has taught me to always have plan B, even plan C etc. The more options you have, the better.

Permit me join you too in thanking all those who have made SIN conference a huge success in every way. May God's abundant blessings be upon them all. Amen!

@maryfavour for @redfishpillar

That quote of "Steem-Lagos" being the reason for their "40 minutes delay" is not true. Steem-Lagos never got a public or formal invitation or post to speak at SIN. Before conclusions are made truth must be heard from both parties involved. I am a team member of Steem-Lagos and no public post or invitation was made to us. It was a personal invite of a team member. Whatever transpired should be a personal thing and not dragging Steem-Lagos into it. I couldn't just keep quiet because I see this as a cowardice act. I detest cowards

lol, I actually got oluwole's point this morning on the crew thing, but if you read my point I also said @fisteganos of @onequality too on my post. Define cowardice please, because you seem to use words just about anyhow (no insult). I was about editing the post because I got the point, but one person calling me proud and the other calling me a coward is totally wrong. Imagine a speaker cancelling two hours before the event and you ckaim it is not enough to cause a 40 minute delay?? Be realistic sister...@jotmax made his point clear without a single insult and the message was well received. I am willing to give an apology on the generalization thingy but you owe me an apology on the direct insult. It is worng, I have a right to be annoyed after what happened, but I should not have made it a general thing

Anyone can make steem Lagos... it is decentralized, there can be multiple steem lagos... you can have your own meetup.... and you can also be steem lagos... any steem user in lagos is steem lagos.... don't worry about These things please,

BUT your post is great! It is drama! hahah leave it to the ladies to make this place vibrant and fun! Women will always gossip and have drama and thats funny to me, we will get A LOT of views if we can strike up some drama! Youtube does this too, when youtube gets boring youtubers attack each other just to make drama videos!

It is really funny and starting arguments like this will be very very very profitable AS LONG as we keep it all in good fun! :D I am giving you an upvote now of 100% 15 cents so you can see I want us all to succeed and i think it is funny that you are a litle mad that I am guessing, someone talked who was not invited? hah its ok everyone in steem should be allowed to come to a local steem meetup!

Thanks ma, you nailed it. You are simply amazing


Of course no hard feelings, that's why i upvoted, resteemed and dropped a comment....


@ehiboss! Well done on the event.

@oluwoleolaide made it known that he wouldn't be able to attend the event.

However, from the look of things, I am beginning to see politics, alliances, dislikes, and factions unfold in the cause of the growth of the community; "Nigeria".

When a few people couldn't attend SteemFest, it was seen as an unavoidable cause by the organizers.

I'll refer to this 2016 post of his.

couldnt 1.JPG


Thanks, I got the message, I'll edit the post at night...My normal steemit page is having issues

I'll edit the post at night

Much respect @ehiboss!

My normal steemit page is having issues

Ok now. I hope you fix it. You could clear your browser cache.

You have really done your home-work!

So you called me like once and you pretend not to get my message to you?

I didnt call you cos u never bothered to call and i called your crew who i saw their missed call then explain to them. You should learn to relate well not with pride with people espcially those you think you need nothing from.

If you are assuming that the @steem-lagos camp knew about any unofficial key-note speaker you invited and failed to show up, well it is your choice to assume and not get your facts right.

By the way, your highlighted points explains why you shouldn't directly let me know you had invited @steem-lagos without me knowing about it.

@ehiboss when you gave vote of thanks you mentioned @ejemai (an individial) and not @Stach (a team) then when you wanted to claim disappointment you mentioned @Steem-Lagos. Why? Obviuosly because you are a coward who couldn't confront whichever person "delayed SIN" personally but had to drag a team in. I hope people see the truth.

Steemit community in Nigeria soon will be the largest community. It was really cool seeing great steemains one on one. Thanks for hosting SIN at @Ehiboss 2018 feast will be host by @japfive by God's grace

lol, SIN is a brand, but feel free to host any meet up of your choice.

Thanks for the mention bro
It was a pleasure serving fellow Steemians at SIN with my talent.
You and your team did a good job putting things together
I was blown away by the video presentations by
@andrarchy, @papa-pepper, @lukestrokes,
@ejemai and @maryfavour.

Bro, you were amazing too

It will, watch out for the official announcement soon!

I want to see it sooner

Many thanks to your team and guys for making it happen. Any promo for steem is a win for all steemians. Keep up the good job. Stay awesome.

Thanks bro

You are most welcome

It was truly a sin that I didn't attend SIN. :-(
All the best though, would certainly not miss the next, meanwhile you selfie allergy ehh....😂

stay awesome, take a selfie

According to @greenrun

Hi @camzy, got your mention. Stay awesome.

It was a big sin o, don't miss the next one

Great minds.... :D

Way to go Buddie, sorry i couldn't make love

No worries, turns out the speakers did a much better job Edit (than anticipated), and we have over a hundred steemit reg pending in less than a week because of the amazing lectures from @tojukaka and @fisteganos.
You should check out the video presentations from the lectures, perhaps you could learn a thing or hard feelings buddie, peace.

Did a better job huh? Very funny statement...Have seen the videos and they are great, and pls don't generalise the @steem-lagos keynote speaker; don't make unnecessary assumptions for clarity sake you have a name of whoever didn't return your calls. If you and your team would be honest, you are aware i won't make it weeks before the event...One love like you said.

Please what is the comparism for "better job" here.

Sounds like he really wanted a speech competition if he had officially invited steem-lagos and announce it before all his allegations.

One thing is clear now, not all those you wish well wishes you well!

And to @maryfavor; please get your facts right before making conclusions because you will be surprised not all you read is true!

Trust me, you need to re-read that thing, I meant did a much better job than anticipated. Imagine someone giving a speech with five minutes prep.

Ya right! 😶

Thank God it was a success. Thank you all for hospitality. We hope to host the world in #nigeria soon.

You are welcome, next year will be better

We all appreciate you and join you to thank God for the success of the event. Please next year own should not be too far. i cant wait to see another one cos i missed this. Well done and more of God's blessing on Steemit

Lol, we'll see about the distance when the official announcement is made

Lol, we'll see about the distance when the official announcement is made

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