How to be successful on steemit. Pro tips. Read before downvoting. NEW USERS MUST READ!!!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

This post is not aimed at @barrycooper or @dollarvigilante The only 2 real whales who give a shit about anyone else but themselves.

I am just sharing what many many others are feeling. If you don't like it then fuck off. Also some stupid ass hole did say my content was garbage then said i should choose meaningful subjects. I'm sorry the story of my cousin hanging herself was not meaningful enough to you steemit.

I apologize.

5 people have about 300 accounts and all the power. CONSPIRACY. Decentralized? You are as corrupted as the rest of the world. This is to every whale out there.

If you are new do not waste time here. Go spend your time doing something that can put food on the table because steemit has only made me poorer. (I can't afford to be any poorer)

don't comment stupid shit about promoting my post in chat. I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO. The fact people have to go to another website to promote a post is an absolute joke. The reason my posts never got many upvotes was not the content (my cousin killing herself because of drug abuse is hardly lacking content) Its because whales only upvote things that give them curation and the people that are gagging on their cocks. All the whales on steemit can get fucked. May i add.

  1. Write thought out, well written content.

  2. Suck the dick of a whale.

If in 2 months you have not made much here you never will. Power down and quit is my advice here.

All my posts in the last 2 weeks combined are worth about $5. It's degrading being worth so little. I felt better about myself when i was a loner recluse.

Actually read my post before down voting. Especially the last bit. I am mad for far more reasons than personal ones.

New users have nothing to look forward to here. I try and try and regardless. Unless i suck yours or neds dick i won't make anything of myself here. Thats how it works on steemit. Suck whale dick or fail and eventually leave.

Curation has gave all incentive to upvotes dolphin posts and the little guys are left with nothing. I have a choice. Leave steemit and stop wasting time i could spend actually putting food on the table instead of wasting my time earning Zero. Or i suck your dick? which i wont be doing. (metaphorically)

Then you get the steemit fan club losing their shit any time someone like me points out that there is virtually no reason for someone like me to stay. Anyone who claims people haven't been leaving steemit in mass is deluded. Many new users join thats what is keeping the numbers up.

I'm sick of whales only upvoting for curation rewards or upvoting posts of those that are sucking their dicks.... @smooth is a good example. I won't waste another second of my time writing posts here. I'd rather stick to facebook where at least people look at the content. Steemit is in denial. Hence the self support you always see here. "steemit is fucking great" with the same logic i am unbelievably sexy. I think so, so its true right? No.

Just because you all scream about how amazing steemit is, is 1 of 2 reasons. 1 being that you do it to try and lure a whale to your posts. 2 being you have made a nice amount of money and just licking the ring that payed you.

You can shove steemit up your ass untill you sort this shit out.

Also it has nothing to do with content. I was giving away a £50 item for free. Still nothing? when i post on the chat i get the upvotes just based on my title. So what does that leave? a fucked up broken system that buries all posts unless you suck the dick of a whale while cupping his ball bag.

You ignore the very people who make this website great and people will just leave as a result. I won't waste another second here. Go upvote the post talking about how fucking great steemit is instead of the one about someones personal struggle with drug addiction.

My advice to anyone wasting their time here. It's a lottery. Go gamble if you want those kinds of odds.

For the majority steemit just proves a waste of our time.

Look at the trending page. Fucking disgusting steemit. You can decentralize all you want. You will never stop lack of empathy and compassion within humans. We will never change regardless of the system we use.

#fucksteemit :)


You make a lot of valid points, but are wrong in some places. You need to remember some things:

  • There are a finite number of whales.
  • There are tons of users posting comments.
  • Getting consistent payouts is all about critical mass.
  • Whales are people too.

These factors and bad luck have worked against you. Your posts just haven't passed through any whale's radar. Most likely you just haven't resonated with them. It says nothing about the quality of your posts, but more about the whales. They may not identify with your experiences or may not be exactly what they are looking for in an author. And you are right about this: you may not know any personally.

Whales are people too and they vote for people with whom they identify and they often identify with those whom they know.

You look like you are a pretty good writer. You get your point across.

If you want to gain a critical mass, here is a pathway for you, offered by me, a whale: Go read my favorite libertarian author Robert J. Ringer. He wrote two books that have helped to form my own libertarian-like philosophy, Looking out for Number One and Winning through Intimidation. Read the former and summarize it here on steemit.

You can say it sucks and that steemed is a misguided idiot. I don't care what your opinion of Ringer's philosophy is. Just let me see what you think about it. If it's a well-considered analysis (positive or negative), I'll get you in the rotation.

To be fair, he has been all over Steemit chat shamelessly promoting his posts, even in channels that aren't even related to his posts. I know for a fact a lot of eyes HAVE actually seen his post and chose not to bother with it because of how he has chose to promote and present himself.

I could destroy you with my bare hands.

I have read about libertarianism and it does have good ideas. But it is not the state or government that's at fault. It is the people that rise to the top, the psychopaths that take advantage of the system and game it. Just like here on Steemit. If you only follow your greed and want to make more money you lose the sight for the beauty. Long term, life is about having great experiences. The most important part is meeting the right people. No sucking up. Either you upvote or not. Offering someone money to get naked is not philanthropic. If you are a globalist, multicultural society supporter, who advocates open borders for hordes of under qualified Third World invaders, you are part of the problem. These people don't give a fuck about your money. As a matter of fact, you'll likely make yourself a target. The have nots and Patriots will be after you. Your money will only attract the weak minded.

Actually the biggest problem is human nature. Those at the top will generally be oblivious to the problems of those at the bottom and vice versa.

Everybody thinks their situation is hard and everybody else has it easy.

That is the real problem and it will never be solved even if every body has the exact same amount of money like some kind of communist nightmare.

It is part of the human condition.

Wait, does this offer apply to all minnows? :)

I partially agree with you... but don't forget...

  • we are still in beta (they are still trying to figure out how to improve the user experience here)
  • the voting power get wide distributed better as time pasts.
  • It's still better than facebook reddit etc. where you are geting NOTHING
  • Your content stays forever in the blockchain so practically no way to censorship your content.
  • Some of your good content can still be discovered!
  • If you want to boost a little bit your content you can Power Up a bit...And vote up your content like I did with my reply to you to be sure it get noticed!
  • You can have the feed from authors you like, nobody will force you to read stuff from authors you dislike (mute them)
  • You are not spammed with advertisements and banners
  • You can use the platform to make transactions without fees!
  • Get 10% interest on your Steem Dollars
  • Use very interesting 3rd party tools based on steem
  • And many more futures to come!
  • Lastly you can wait for steemit forks and see if they fit more with your expectations.

The changes are constant here! Nothing stays the same! Everything will get better and better since all changes are based on user feedback (there is not better proof about that then the 14 hardforks in about 4 months!!!)
You should check github more often to realize how the developers struggle each day, to find solutions on problems with the help/feedback from our community, to increase the user experience on steemit! And believe me they get also feedback via post's like yours today... everyday...

Nice words. Now deliver.

Wait longer so you can cash out.

Oh man, you mean I should just switch back to FB, where I'm fucking bombarded with ads and bullshit, while being constantly datamined? Man, I'm glad you came up with this idea. Dunno what I'd do without your advice, chief.

I'm saying on facebook people actually read the content. Not upvote it because of curation. Datamined? Maybe you should stop being a retarded cunt and use tor and the facebook .onion link and an alias? I can't help that you are retarded. Also you seem like the whale dick sucking type sooo........

Yeah, cause FB is certainly the place I go for high quality content. Give me a break, chief. If you don't like it, fine, knock yourself out and head back to Facespace. Your astute observations of people you don't know aside, I'm sure you won't be missed.

I am just being like everyone else here. The content here is fucking garbage. (the content that trends anyways) All the meaningful content gets buried. I can't argue with someones who rubs their balls and dick to the steemit logo.

I can agree that some very good content get buried right now, but I don't agree we have garbage on the trending page! At least it's not garbage for our current "audience". When our "audience" grows theoretical the quality will apply to the majority of the new audience... Have you seen what was trending for reddit when they started and what it is now?

Whatever helps you sleep at night, chief.

Look in the mirror. Most of your posts are low quality garbage I would never vote on. Up your game. Put up or pack it up. Create valuable content related to meaningful subjects like facing the evils in the world and ourselves and how to overcome them. Peace.

Oh vey. A belieber. Did Justin send you?

The most times the cons we see on others are the reflection of... ours...

You mean like the post about my cousin taking her own life due to drug addiction? at least look at my content first you drippy cunt before saying stupid shit. You are a useless and self absorbed cunt. Read my content before talking shit. Mental health issues and personal stories about drug addiction and death.

You mean like this garbage on "rejecting reality" My post was about my aunty finding her daughter hanging from a tree and you think this garbage write up of your own opinions and thoughts is more valuable to humanity? So you are deluded and a cunt then? You talk fucking garbage and you haven't even been on my blog to see what i have spoken about. YOU KNOW FUCK ALL of the things i speak of. You never will because you are blessed without mental illness or events such as the ones i have experienced. You utter cunt. Yeh i'm talking to you like this because saying i have low quality garbage when 3 days ago i spoke about one of the hardest experiences of my life and you say stupid shit like that? Go write more about escaping reality while the rest of us have to fucking deal with it. Useless self obsessed cunt.

I believe pretty much the exact opposite ... whales or no whales, I don't care about any of that!

read the comments; people are really remarkable polite here, it's really amazing ... I LOVE steemit

and let those whales be ... so, they own 90% of the power and the shares ... well, the owners of facebook and twitter own 100%

This post is quite succesful though. Maybe you'll start a new trend ;)

The aggressive englishman? :D i was literally just venting on my blog and i don't know... this happened ^^

You're too pessimistic. Try to read @klye's post and @stellabelle's post. You're just 5% of the total population of the steemit who are frustrated because they can't get what they want. You're just here for personal interest, or should I say money. Yeah we all need that thing and we are here for that. But, try to look on the brighter side, some users particiating for they want steem to progress more and more, attract more investors and hopefully be like the two successful cryptos in history(btc,eth).
Actually we dont need you here. Do you think you're the only one whos in trouble making a good catch? Try to look around, read stuffs that are Good, might better than yours but still the same result; did they complain? I was like them too. I'll cut you here, it's hard to give advices to a person whos mind is close to ideals and reality.

Btw! Congratulations! You have been noticed by this post. You know now where you're good at, COMPLAINING. :)

A big concern of mine is that people are simply riding the queue in an effort to upvote content that might or is on its way to hit the front page. Nobody is reading these posts and the comment ratio is extremely low.

I understand your frustration. None of my posts have made much but to be fair I'm not much of writer. I did however, make a significant amount of SD from comments I've left in submissions. Give it a try.

It's cash out time. Even the bots are lying low.

thats all they do barry, chase curation! ignoring the content over rewards. Human greed disgusts me :/

Yet you are showing all the signs of human greed in this post. Do you really don't see this?

i read it all + comments. good luck.

you are one of the people i was talking about.... a whale has picked you as his favorite and now you always get upvotes. Your content isn't even that good. You just happen to have a whale.... Once he upvotes all the bots and people jump in for curation. Everything that is wrong with steemit is shown on your page. :/