@raybrockman God bless you and yours brother! A very Merry Christmas and many many good things to you into the New Year.
You are so correct on time and with the birth of.my first I think it has finally clicked and the young man that thought he knew something now is transitioning into a true father and man.
The hard lesson are alway bitter sweet because like a good love they mean so much but show truth that we often want to ignore. Everything in life seems so important until a moment that brings perspective. Worry about money or going to a concert but then someone you love has a problem.and then all that importance fades. Those people, family, friends, and the connections those are important and I can only pray for.God to grant me the wisdom.to always see that.
Thanks for this Ray! It seems I was meant to see things this Christmas Eve that I have been too foolish to see and this post plays a role. Be well Brother!
Thanks brother! Hope you have a Safe, and Blessed Christmas. When times ( and they will) seem stressed and frustrated remenber, that one day those little ones will be big ones and you will wish they where little ones again.