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RE: So voting bots appear to become the norm here

in #steemit7 years ago

It's also a case of needing bot votes to get any exposure. If you are just starting out on Steemit, you could write literally the best article ever written and go entirely unnoticed.

The trending feed will be 99% clogged with paid votes and automatically upvotes posts. While it's very harmful to the platform, I do not have an alternative to suggest...


Another total noob here ~ first comment ~ and the thing that puzzles me is this.

If bots matter so much, how come I saw this post?

But this (eventuality?) is not an entirely unforeseeable phenomenon, given what's happened to Facebook advertising, fake news etc. I wonder what Steemit's founders think about it, and what's more important, what they intend to do about it?

Are they taking the fatalist point of view (if we break it, we own both halves), or don't they think that, in the grand scheme of things, this doesn't really matter? The platform will evolve, and as often happens, when the web encounters damage, it routes round it?

I was hoping to build a platform on/with Steemit, so this definitely has me thinking about actions and unforseen censequences. Hopefully Steemet's founders are thinking along the same lines.

I don't what Steemit, Inc is working on. My view is that they don't this social network better, as with more quality content and interactions.

The sad part is, no one takes the time to read. I worked hard for the last 20 months to get people interested. I am not saying I get tons of comments but I get at least one so this more than fine for me.

I am not here for the money. I am actually a witness but I don't make enough to cover my costs.

So good luck here!

My first payout was a comment. Most of my rewards come from interacting to people so I would say stick to it and go to work. I will stick to not use them as long as I can.

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