How's Your Crypto Portfolio Looking Like? Here's Mine, For Starters

in #steemit7 years ago

Almost without noticing, after the last 12 months, I ended up with a micro portfolio of cryptos. By portfolio I mean a collection of crypto assets on various blockchains, and by micro I mean really, really small. But as small as it is, it does consume a significant amount of my time, resources and attention.

Some of these cryptos are just interesting concepts, consumed for a few minutes while I read their white paper or some news about them, while others, like Steemit, or RUNCOIN, are full fledged projects to which I'm allocating time, resources and skills.

Crushed by the information overload which is plaguing the crypto universe (it seems that literally every minute a new project is launched) and a bit confused about what exactly am I doing every day (I go to sleep feeling that no more than 10 minutes passed from the moment I woke up), I decided it's time to put some order in my activities here. As a long time sufferer of the "look, something shiny" syndrome, I know how easily detracted I can be, if I'm not enforcing some discipline.

So, here I am, with a list of the most interesting projects / coins that I'm following or supporting. The list is divided in 3 categories:

  • created / owning
  • involved
  • watching / played with it at some point

Let's take them one at a time.

created / owning

It means that I actually created that coin and I'm actively devoting time. These are long term projects, with roadmaps longer than one year. Also, they are very "edgy" in technological terms, meaning I can change the underlying technology very fast. You'll see what I mean by that when reading about each project.

  • Hubcoin - this is a very close project to me and one that I'm really, really involved in. I don't get to talk too much abut it on Steemit (or in any other circle, for what matters) but it's probably the one to which I dedicate the most resources. I tested many approaches and, as of now, I'm very close to the MVP. I'm actively working on a backend in a Tendermint blockchain and the app logic is close to an initial, working model. I did wrote a series of articles about Hubcoin on Steemit when I launched it, a few months ago, but you can always check the official website (you'll also find a white paper, there).

  • RUNCOIN - it's a project started mostly like a game. I'm an ultra-runner, and I just wanted to see how a coin created for runners will actually do. As of now, the coin is created and trading live on OpenLedger. There will be 10 distribution rounds (sorta like the faucets used in the initial stages of a crypto launch, just done manually) and after that I will launch the corresponding app logic. I didn't necessarily plan to launch this coin and it's half play, half business. Usually, this is the best combination.


These are projects which are not started by me, but in which I'm regularly contributing time, assets (servers, bandwidth) or skills. They don't have necessarily a roadmap, but I'm in for the long haul, hoping to get the best ROI for my investment.

  • Steem - as you may already know, I'm a Steemit witness (meaning that some of your posts, comments or votes may be validated by yours truly, among other stuff that a witness does) and I'm building a couple of projects on the Steem blockchain. One of them is, which tends to be quite popular lately, and the other one is, which is in closed alpha right now. Apart from being a witness and building stuff on the blockchain, I also write regularly on Steemit.

  • Slimcoin - this is a project I've been writing about for a few months now. It was initially launched in 2014, then it was abandoned and almost collapsed, but during the last 6 months there has been a fantastic reversal on the activity and the latest version of the wallet is stable and functional. The coin has been recently re-listed on Coinmarketcap and it's doing surprisingly well. I'm not only following the Bitcointalk thread very closely, but recently I also started to play with the code base, hoping to contribute a bit of code too (a tiny virtual machine could be embedded at some point, which will have very interesting results for a coin with 3 minting methods: PoW, PoB and PoS). I admit I've been attracted by the discussions on that thread, which are a strange combination of anthropology, economics and psychology.

watching / played with it at some time

It means that, at some point, I went as far as even installing the client or downloading the blockchain, or I experimented with it in some way, but right now that coin is in a frozen or abandoned state.

  • AKASHA - it's a social network built on top of Ethereum, I even interviewed the founder, Mihai Alisie, on Steemit. I watch the project not only because the team is Romanian, but also because I really like their core values (and their UX skills, to be honest)
  • Storj / IPFS - at some point, "mining with your hdd" seemed like an interesting idea, so I installed and played with these blockchains (even with Sia, at some point). After a couple of months of playing with it, I decided it's not yet the time for me to get involved more
  • LBRY - it started like an interesting concept, but then I was really turned off by the noisy Slack room and the apparently chaotic development. I'm still keeping an eye on LBRY, but I'm not holding my breath for it.
  • Boscoin - it's an ongoing project based in South Korea and I've been successfully participating in their ICO. Still not trading yet, the expected date to see the token in exchanges is late September. That blockchain came with a very interesting time frame: a distribution for more than 100 years. Long term project, I like that.
  • BitShares - I entertained the idea to become a witness on the BitShares blockchain (and I still think it's a good idea) but a combination of lack of resources and lack of time prevented me from doing it. It may happen at some point.
  • PeerPlays - same as above (it's worth noting, if you don't know that yet, that both BitShares and PeerPlays are based on Graphene, the same blockchain technology that powers Steemit, created by @dan)
  • Magicoin - a colored coin on top of the Bitcoin code base, with a neat interface. Briefly played with it, now it's way under my radar.
  • Bytecoin - same as above

So, these are my crypto projects - more or less. Since I'm a firm believing in the "sharing is caring" principle, I'mv very curious to know your projects. Do you have such a list? Are you involved in a crypto project like now, as a contributor? If yes, in what projects?

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

You can also vote for me as witness here:

If you're new to Steemit, you may find these articles relevant (that's also part of my witness activity to support new members of the platform):


Great list and really enjoyed hearing your reasoning for investing in each coin. I'm still pretty new to crypto ( 3 months) but I'm trying to devour as much information as possible and post like this I find very helpful in increasing my knowledge in other coins.

My portfolio currently consists of:


My focus is concentrating on coins with the greatest real world applications that have the greatest scaling probability and look to get into EOS but I feel there will be a better opportunity down the road. I'm implementing the SSS investing plan but will be skipping the first 2 withdrawals to let my investment grow some legs.

Great, informative post as always brother and another reason you have my vote!

Nice post. I only own Bitcoin and Steem. I am bullish long term, so I am going to hold and buy more after correction.

You forgot to mention your involvement in Logic Coin. ;)
Currently in development stage.

Articles Part 1 and Part 2

Had no idea I'm involved in that one too, but hey, since I'm thinking, I must be, right? I briefly looked over the first two articles and I think you're on to something. I used a very interesting device, sold for $99, called MindWave ( I even started to code an app on iOS, but at that time, 3 years ago, the tech wasn't very advanced. I saw they now a new headset now, for about $199. It may be worth exploring. Oh, by the way, I never take less than 10% for my involvement in a currency project. Just so you know :)

Ahem... don't get ahead of my articles. ;)

BTW, do keep the app and payout thought active.

ok, will do :)

What's your view on golem?

It may go up, if their execution will be better. It's not very original, there were some other - more or less similar - projects before. The reason I'm not into it, and not into any other ECR20 token, is that I never got the chance to get into their ICO. Way too fast for me. Which means, it's not for me, yet.

20% portfolio weighted in crypto

  • Bitcoin (and of course BCH)
  • ETH
  • EOS
  • VERI
  • PPT
  • PLR
  • LTC
  • SALT
  • ... and of course Steem

Nice portfolio, betting on Bitcoin / colored coins heavily. It may pay out very well :)

I have the BTC as the anchor "no touch, just add" stuff, the others are my speculation as well as in future business plans.

According to Cliff High, Veri is supposed to take off. He's usually a few months ahead of actual action in his predictions, but he did call BitCoins rise in report from last year.

For the long term I am investing in:

  • EOS
  • Bitquence
  • Steem
  • Stratis

I think all of them have huge potential to blow up in the future with some great projects going on.
I got into Bitquence when it was 5 cents and it is doing pretty well now.
I've never heard of slimcoin. It sounds pretty interesting. I'll definitely look into it

What do you think to Siacoin and Safe Exchange Coin? I've been buying thousands in case they're ever worth anything to hold long-term. I think Sia looks promising but not sure about Safex.

Sia looked promising too, but it's a bit of competition there (Storj, IPFS/Filecoin, Burstcoin). Never heard of Safex.

It seems to be a lot like Bitshares' exchange. Currently priced at 540 Satoshi.

Thanks, I'll look into it.

Very interesting... Really enjoy the sharing/involvement of Your crypto portfolio and wish I had some of Your skillsets with programming, etc.

UpVoted & been following You for about 2 months.

BIG Kudos... Keep Up the Great Work You are doing...

Cheers !!

Thank you, really appreciate your support :)

Dragos... You are most welcomed...

Cheers !!

Haven't really studied blockchain tech enough to develop or be a contributor, but in the nearest future it is something that I could do. For now just observing from the background.

I think they need to develop a college major to keep all the bits and crypts straight (-: upvoted