Recruiting New People for Steemit?

in #steemit6 years ago

I was just reading a post by @whatsup and the comments, all very interesting, and part of the conversation was about inactive accounts and why there are so many of them. And about the difficulty there's been attracting new people to the platform, with the new RC limitation of HF20 making it even more of a challenge. (

I'm just a few days shy of being here for 6 months so I don't have an opinion worth listening to about the internal workings of Steemit. But I have some thoughts about bringing in new people.

I have dozens of friends in real life who are interesting, creative, funny, and intelligent. Do I tell them about Steemit? Yes, sure I do. Are they interested and intrigued? No. But why?

  1. They have zero interest in, or negative opinions about, cryptocurrencies.
  2. They have real lives that leave them no extra time to dedicate to making posts.
  3. They don't like the idea of committing to making regular posts.
  4. And if I'm honest with them about how little they might earn at first they see the time as truly wasted. They don't understand why I would do such a thing.
  5. They don't know how to share photos except through their phones. (Basically computer illiterate.)
  6. They have no clue how to add HTML code. Not even how to center, use different sized fonts, make things bold or italic. And zero interest in learning. (I learned HTML markup years ago and still rely on it to fine tune my posts. I don't know what I'd do without that basic information.)

The one person who was interested already had an account from a year ago, but didn't know where she'd put her password information. Which is a shame because she makes wonderful videos.

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So, obviously it's not going to be my group of friends who will come to Steemit. (Full disclosure: they are all in the 40 to 50 age group.) And yes, my list is a list of negatives and I don't expect there is anything that Steemit could do to change any of them.

But I still believe in Steemit! When I invest I invest for the long term and I see great potential here. Even though I see the value of my account decrease day by day - I have less now than the total I've invested. I could cut my losses but I'm curious enough to see what will happen, so I stay.

I'd like to hear from people who have a brighter perspective, or brighter ideas, on the subject.

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Well.. I have a group of friends who interesting to join steemit, but because they're too busy with their real life activities, only one who really sign up 3 days ago 😂 and now he's on hibernation because running out of RC because he deleted 2 comments.

I don't know how to bring people to steemit, I don't tell them unless they ask because they've seen me laughing and seriously staring at my phone or my laptop or busy with taking more and more pictures everyday.

I think people will join steemit soon after the steem price reach more than $10

I think you are right - things will change when Steem's price gets higher and stays there, or keeps growing. If people can make real money here it would make it more attractive. At least worth the time spent to learn how it works! The RC situation is a real problem and I feel bad for your friend. But raising the price of Steem is out of our hands so in the meantime we can at least have fun!

Actually steemians from my country would love to power down in this situation while the price of USD is highest then ever to IDR, but.. they are powerless nothing to withdrawl 😆 lucky that my friend is an easy going one.. he say nothing about the RC but try to adjust the situation with his eagerness.. so I think to have fun is not really need much RC, unless we're the investors.

Gotta post something today... be right back 😉

I hope your friend stays with it. I believe that better days, and higher values are ahead of us!

What is your friend's user name? I'll stop by and give him a vote or two!

I hope he'd stay.. because He has friends on steemit.. check on @pehteem.. he's on hibernate now.. RC probs but He'll come back later.

I recognize that name! He followed me the other day. I think he is following the people and groups that you do? That will give him a good start for sure.

a good follower ... and I like the way he interacts with other and trying his best to use the RC wisely, and I think I can encourage him to join the pifc this week too

You are absolutely right. I mean Was having the same problem with my group of friends... Once I even got a reaction like I was trying to sell something 😅
So I've kinda stopped talking about steemit...
I only managed to get one friend to try it and he liked it a lot, but after a couple of months he couldn't find the time to post regularly.
So, yeah, I'm looking for ways to make this platform more appealing to the masses. I think the Partiko app is great start, but still it's difficult to convince people to get on board.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, I got that too, what are you selling or what kind of scam is this? But mostly huge disinterest.
One of my friends I tried to teach how to copy and paste. She couldn't get the concept of dragging the mouse. So we are talking about that level of computer know-how. It would be a huge learning curve, and that would be if they were seriously interested!

I see the use of Partiko more and more. I haven't looked into it because I assume it would mean using my phone to type stuff? And that's not going to happen! If I have that wrong please tell me!

Tnx for your contribution... We, people, who are reading it everyday, we appreciate it. I am firmly sure, Steemit will do just fine. Look at for the instance what just Facebook did. They banned 800 „alternative media“ pages. They banned Alex Jones; this is everything showing that the freedom of speech is being censored!!! Steemit IS FREE SPEACH!
Please keep doing what you do! Thank you.

I was just reading about that purge this morning. Pretty shocking. And you're right, at least here that sort of thing won't happen!

Tnx for your contribution... We, people, who are reading it everyday, we appreciate it. I am firmly sure, Steemit will do just fine. Look at for the instance what just Facebook did. They banned 800 „alternative media“ pages. They banned Alex Jones; this is everything showing that the freedom of speech is being censored!!! Steemit IS FREE SPEACH!
Please keep doing what you do! Thank you.

Tnx for your contribution... We, people, who are reading it everyday, we appreciate it. I am firmly sure, Steemit will do just fine. Look at for the instance what just Facebook did. They banned 800 „alternative media“ pages. They banned Alex Jones; this is everything showing that the freedom of speech is being censored!!! Steemit IS FREE SPEECH!
Please keep doing what you do! Thank you.

Tnx for your contribution... We, people, who are reading it everyday, we appreciate it. I am firmly sure, Steemit will do just fine. Look at for the instance what just Facebook did. They banned 800 „alternative media“ pages. They banned Alex Jones; this is everything showing that the freedom of speech is being censored!!! Steemit IS FREE SPEECH!
Please keep doing what you do! Thank you.

I have had a few friends join and quit, because there is so much emphasis on it being a "blog" and "quality posts" instead of just hanging out with your friends on FB, that they feel like they don't know what to write about. After being here a while, I understand both sides of the "quality" argument, but I've come down on the side of letting that go, or we'll never have mass adoption. Not everyone wants to blog, some people want to just Instagram and such.
Maybe some of the other portals like Partiko (for phone users) would be easier for the computer illiterate friends?
It is a hurdle though with the instant gratification vs. slow start, with everyone. It's that marshmallow psychology experiment. Most people nowadays want their marshmallow RIGHT NOW, lol.

Posted using Partiko Android

I wouldn't mind having a marshmallow right now! ;-) But yes, a good point, people like that instant gratification! Sure, I like it too. But as a gardener I'm used to waiting for the best results. Even sometimes putting in the time and work for a low return.

Of course they can write about anything! Or skip that part. They can be here as they would be with other social media. They could just make comments, or post a photo now and then. They can just be who they are and hopefully make friends they'll enjoy while earning something at least, which isn't happening on FB for all the time they spend there!

I think you just brought up a good point - lots of Steemians are gardeners, crafter's, and homesteader types - people who are used to long term effort to achieve the goal, and plenty of flubs along the way!
I think a lot of the dapps will help the non-bloggers; they can Steepshot or DTube or Dlike, and feel more at home

Posted using Partiko Android

I might have brought it up but you thought it through more than I did! And you're right, people who have the gardening 'temperament' would do well here.

I can see I'm going to have to learn more about the dapps.

I keep meaning to tell you I downloaded your book from Amazon. I have another book to finish before I start on it, looking forward to reading it!

Oh, thanks! I'm honored. I hope you enjoy it! :)

I am sure I will and I will let you know!

Tnx for your contribution... We, people, who are reading it everyday, we appreciate it. I am firmly sure, Steemit will do just fine. Look at for the instance what just Facebook did. They banned 800 „alternative media“ pages. They banned Alex Jones; this is everything showing that the freedom of speech is being censored!!! Steemit IS FREE SPEECH!
Please keep doing what you do! Thank you.

Tnx for your contribution... We, people, who are reading it everyday, we appreciate it. I am firmly sure, Steemit will do just fine. Look at for the instance what just Facebook did. They banned 800 „alternative media“ pages. They banned Alex Jones; this is everything showing that the freedom of speech is being censored!!! Steemit IS FREE SPEECH!
Please keep doing what you do! Thank you.

My real life and my steemit life don't intersect much. I am somewhat disappointed that some small account holders that I would chat with each day are gone. Makes me wonder how in the world someone new would get started. And the answer is buy in. But then that person is thinking about money first. Not the best way to build community. I'm still here. And not going anywhere but I would say I'm hanging waiting for the next big improvement because what we have now doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

So, people you know here are disappearing? I don't mean in a mysterious or strange way, just that they stopped posting? Was this before the HF?

If the answer for new people is to buy in, yes they'd be thinking of the money but also I wonder if (or why) they'd buy in to something they haven't tested out yet. And buying Steem isn't like an easy click of a button, it's a whole series of steps and registering. Unless they're already into crypto and have accounts set up. It took me months to decide to buy and then another month to figure out how to do it!

I still think Steemit has potential but I agree the changes aren't making it easy for new people to get in and start swimming with the rest of the fishes.

No, quit at hard fork. People with small accounts. Couldn't post and just quit. Little guys that hardfork shutdown. Just gave up. They didn't have any steem power and frankly didn't care. They were just posting and commenting on others peoples posts. Had no interest in making money. Votes weren't worth anything. So they would never pay money just to be able to post and comment. You know, they were using it like social media :(

Oh dear, I was afraid that was the case.
For those days when I couldn't post, comment, or vote, if I was a new person I would wonder if it was worth the trouble. And they decided it wasn't. I think if it had gone on much longer I might have decided the same.

I'm not the one with the answers but if it doesn't become easier to be here I'm afraid they're going to have a lot more inactive accounts than they do already.

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