Why is Loyalty The Most Important Factor of Success in Life, Business and Steemit ?
Contracts are a business guarantee, but that's not enough to win the highest peak of success in life. There are many reasons for success, and we also have a number of reasons for failure. When you do something good and useful to people you can never lose because the universe rewards our actions. This does not mean that you need to be a fool and reward people who did not deserve to be in the support list. Since I've been working on Steemit, I have made a lot of donations and challenges to support new users, and I must admit that 90% of these donations ended in the wrong hands. I sent one member a $ 1,000 support and he respected that with good and justified work to help Steemit users. One person did not have internet in Africa, I sent $ 300 and after 30 days, that person asked me to send $ 300 money again for the Internet. People have nice words, but they have to work on their character to be more beautiful than the words themselves. Many of the users I supported now have Steem Power, but I have not seen them support my posts, Thanksgiving is the word that leads us to the top of success if we use it with a pure heart. I sent some users to 300 Steem or 1 ETH, I do not want to mention the names of people, but I want to transfer an experience that can help you to succeed in your life.
Gratitude is a powerful habit that gives you the perfect recommendations in the business world. If you promise something, then do it, your word is the most expensive thing in this world and does not let yourself lose it. Interest is a normal thing in the material world of business, but trust is what is most expensive in the world market. Trust comes with years of work and can be lost in 5 minutes, be a person of trust because it is a real magnet for people, businessmen and investors. When someone helps you do not forget that person, money does not change the character of people but when people have money then reveal their true nature and traits. It's not hard to say thank you or to show your gratitude through the work. Today I had a meeting with One Mister from Vienna, he is a top chiropractor. He put my back and the hips from my wife, he fixed a long-standing problem. He did not want to charge us his services, but I used to give him lunch, gifts, and in the end, I persuaded him to receive the money from gratitude. In this way, I opened the door for the next 100 years of cooperation and has given me strong contacts for my primary business. Everyone wants to work with people who are honest, grateful and loyal.
We are preparing a campaign to open Steem Schools offices around the world, very few people feel the spirit of this project and mission. Steem Schools discord channel has over 8000 users, a large number of people invest and donate our project, but these are users who do not have money. That is why I have launched private contacts and projects that will enable the opening of offices with the Internet and computers, for me this is very important because in this way I justify my words about promises. Steemit has very great benefits from our school the business, we make from spammer excellent bloggers, we raise enthusiasm for users and give an excellent vision and strategy with which they can earn money for basic living needs. When you work from the heart, then your work gets the dimension of the mission, the higher level of consciousness that is related to the principles of the universe and spirituality. The biggest support for new Steemit users is when you give them the right knowledge because this is a value they cannot raise on the gaming table and can always bring them new jobs and money.
Knowledge is power only if it is applied in the right way and with the right moral codes. And if you become the biggest digital currency expert, and your word and character have no value, then I'm sure that you will fall to the bottom at some point. When a man who is not honest falls to the bottom, no one will give him a hand for help. Lack of morality codes and basic education brings distorted values into the life and business world. Money can not make us happy, but it can eliminate many things that make us unhappy. Steemit is an original and innovative project, Steemit is Monaliza and I'm sure people will make some modifications and improvements that will lift us to the star. Many users are preaching about other projects, many see only quick wage modes, Steemit is looking from us loyalty and persistence. If you are working on a single project, then respect the opportunities and people who have given you the chance to succeed. From our focus and daily activities depends Steemit and Steem campaigns, so the value of Steem can quickly reach a value of $ 100, be persistent. When the value of Steem rises, then the value of our voting power rises, that's the way we should move.
Knowledge about business and Steemit, loyalty and life school, these are the topics we have in our business school. If you want to be financially independent, to transform your idea into a project and a business, then Steem Schools is the right place for you https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n .
See you on the top @dobartim
We win together - Steem Schools https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n
Honesty and gratitude are values that in my understanding should have been sown in the home. Money is good, but it is not the best thing in this world, it helps us to live better, to help more people and that is why I bless you, and I agree with the dishonest and ungrateful when you fall into disgrace again, nobody wants to reach out to him. My father used to tell me "I am a friend of my friends and I wish my enemies good", continue with your fabulous work @dobartim that as well as here in Venezuela many people speak well of you, surely in other countries they will also do it.
I visited your Discord channel a little because I was having some problems with the Internet, by solving them you will surely see me more often by Steem Schools Venezuela
Welcome to our family
dear sir,Greetings, Great Dobartim
Excellent steem In this steemschools you were actually in a class of class on the Steem?? I find it very interesting this type of disclosure, because each "lesson" in this way tends to disseminate more the content of Steemit and show this new social network more and more, bringing many people here knowledge is success
In your photo, you look a lot like a friend of mine, who did graduate with me. He's a fireman.
Thank you for posting and we will all learn more at Steem-school.
See you at the top!???
See you on the top
Sir, I don't know properly how to work over here..!! If you help me, I will deliver my best..!! I need support sir.. I have so many steem it friends they don't know English language properly and can't grow over here.. Due to lack of steem power we all remain sad.. If we help us we will deliver our best..!!
Be part of Steem Schools https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n and learn about Steemit and business
Thank you sir.!!
You are welcome
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Thank you very much
you have a very big heart @dobartim sir. Don't worry you have done good to support others. God is watching you and he will shower his blessings on you sir.
I salute you sir
We win together
Yes together we rise :D
Steemit es una excelente manera de hacer negocios, no solo porque obtenemos ganancias en dinero, sino también ganancias en conociemientos.
Estoy seguro que es la mejor ganancia que podemos tener, ya que podemos dejarle un gran tesoro a nuestros hijos.
Yo apenas estoy comenzando en este camino, pero es mi sustento y es genial.
Espero seguir subiendo y llegar a la cima para seguir ayudando.
Thank you very much for your nice comment
loyalty is a good tool when we start a business, whatever it may be, in this case of this steemit network, where we learn and teach quality content, what is important is that we obtain knowledge, and therefore it gives us gains. always maintaining loyalty among all users. and getting success.
Welcome to Steem Schools https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n
Perhaps they thought you just did it in the name of God and not expecting anything in return. Gratitude to them may a disease.
It is a little bit disheartening to hear what some of your beneficiaries did, i am sure there are others who have not strayed away from your tutorage. I am also sure the few that have gone astray will not stop you from doing more.
God bless you for the good work are doing sir.
See you on the top, thank you very much
Amazing post! Keep up the good work @dobartim! :)
See you on the top
You writing here is 100% true and real of some people's character, what most people need is training to be discipline and they have to make up their mind also to stich to the discipline. Someone that cannot apply knowledge or that does not apply knowledge is like a person that has keys of doors to mentions but cannot enter inside, until he or she enter inside the mention he or she can never know the content or benefits. Knowledge is power indeed.
See you on the top