A different perspective on social media on a blockchain
5 years and 2 days ago I opened my account on Steemit.
- They promised free speech and no censorship.
- They told me, here I have full control over my content.
- It will always be my own content.
Not like Facebook or Instagram where the evil capitalists can use my content to get rich.
and that's not all
I get paid for my content. Whenever someone likes my content, I get some money...they said.
5 years later, punish one, educate 100
- If I write something wrong, money is stolen from me by downvotes, legally.
- If my content is not liked, I am made invisible, quite legal.
- I only get paid for the first 7 days after publication. The platform, however, always has the monetary benefit of being able to offer good content.
My content is published without my permission on:
and others
Others say theft about it
All these altruistic developers are selling their tokens, which only have value because they can offer my (and your) content.
Without permission, without compensation, not even without informing me.
And thanks to blockchain, I have no way to stop or undo this, I can't even delete my own content.
full control... my ass!
But Zuckerberg is the devil for wanting to do the same thing?
It's a crazy thing, that with the control over your own content, isn't it?
But it goes even crazier
The same people who stole my content call it abuse if I want to get back at least a minimal share of the profit by using hashtags and selfvote.
...and they get away with it
In truth, at the moment of publication, you have surrendered any rights, any control over your intellectual property. It is no longer yours, it now belongs to the owners of the blockchain, those who have control over the nodes. They can do whatever they want with it and they can do whatever they want with you as the author.
You are without any rights.
@meins0815 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@meins0815 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
Es ist ein alter, aber immer richtiger Spruch: Das Netz vergißt nichts. Und jeder sollte stets überlegen, bevor der Post-Button geklickt wird...
It's an old but always true saying: the net doesn't forget anything. And everyone should always think before clicking the post button...