Blockchain appendix/layer
Blockchain editing, in terms of our posts here (after 12hr payout). Appendix assignments could be where the edit-block placed after the original-block position uses its block-number, hash or assignment number but also the Original-Block's identifier. So you could have multipul blocks for a single post, with a single connectable set-up. Layering posts would be when additional-block identifiers are noticed with the searched/pulled/called block identifier. The output/hud/display would have tabs (order#.Tabs) above the top of the post-field. These order number tabs would allow the user to switch from each post from each block within the post-field. Even if a user was to completely change their post the original (at 12hr payout post) would still be available and this multi block could be:
have a start time for multi-block use per post
have an end time
@steemit could charge for adding blocks.
#steemit #blockchain #after12hrpayout
My terminology may be slightly off but please use it as a general idea to get my concept