My Tips for The Talented New Writers to be Discovered and Greatly Rewarded by Curie

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


I was asked to be a curator for Curie but I just find it hard to dive into the ocean to discover rare species. I'm seeing the same old thing and I have high standards just as Curie. And there's a penalty if my submission won't be approved. However, I'm going to share some tips for my followers and some creative writers out there who also want to experience those rewards. I'm just gonna let you guys be discovered.

If you just like to write freely anything, then that's even better! At least you won't get attached to money. So you can quit reading now and just enjoy writing for the love of it. However, being discovered by Curie also means you will get more exposure and followers.

My early success was due to some of my writings being discovered by Curie, you can check some of my earlier posts and see for yourself. My only important advice is to


It was definitely high times for me and I just enjoyed it until it lasted. Now, unique content or not, I'm no longer qualified due to my reputation score. But I'm happy enough to have undying support from some of my followers. But let's give a chance to others, shall we?

If you are still new and with reputation >25 && <= 52, good news! You are still qualified. But what does it take to be discovered by Curie?

(Curie's rules! Mine is - be yourself, write about anything!)

1. Write unique content - too many quality content out there just being recycled (success, cryptos, be positive, travel with me, how-to topics no more!) most don't even make it to the top. Writing unique content is the key. Now, what is unique? This is pretty subjective but maybe I can give some advice, you can check out my posts, these are my life and travel experiences, totally irreplaceable! If you don't travel, you can check out @anarchospace, @snowmachine content, those are unique. Lessons from movies and books, creative writing, designs and art. Go out and get a life! Try something different in your life then write about it. The content should be providing some value to the community. Definitely no copy-pasta, this is pretty basic!

2. No bots! - I was not using bots before and I stopped using these vote bots now because I don't want to just recycle the same money I earned back to a post. Your content has to be so good but undervalued within the first few hours in order to be discovered. Write a super content and just let it be, and trust the universe will find it.

3. More words than pictures - if you check my earlier posts, I have more words than pictures. And those earned big rewards. I have crappy photos but my writings make up for it. So If you travel, don't just post pictures. It's too easy to just buy a camera and just post a bunch of pictures here. Photography is also discoverable but it has to be exceptional. Words are more important. Hint: life lessons, unique experiences. If you are a talented designer or a video editor, then that would be discoverable too.

4. Topics NOT to write about - No politics, talking about politics when you travel might even get you into trouble. Post about politics if you don't mind getting trolled by the brave members. No Steemit topics as there are other plenty of things to write about - be creative.

5. Properly Formatted - I always proofread my posts and all are formatted properly. I might have some small mistakes here and there but I make sure all my posts look professional. All photos are mine and I sometimes put images from the web. If I do, I make sure to put the image source below just to be safe. Try to go over your article many times before posting it. If you really value your content/art then you will make sure it is flawless and presentable. It's the product of your mind and creativity, treat it like a masterpiece.

Img Src


Before following me, please check my previous posts. I usually write about my travels or whatever my distorted mind has to offer. If you follow me and you're not really interested with that, then you'll only be disappointed! Unfollow @diabolika 😈


Why no politics? That's what's affecting so many people's lives right now. Are we supposed to pretend that doesn't exist on this platform? How is that strategy going to compete with other social media options. Instead of Fake News just live in a Fake World? So many people here seem to be all about freedom and no rules. How is restricting content freedom? Asking for a friend.

@icmultitudes I understand where you are coming from.

This is just Curie's rules, I don't really know... You are free to write anything!

I'm all for being ourselves, realistic and honest. And it won't make any money/be upvoted by Curie/other whales, but who cares?

Are we supposed to pretend that doesn't exist on this platform?

I think my snark was bursting at my seams for completely unrelated reasons when I commented. Well, not completely as I'm immersed in anti hate activism at the moment. But I know yours is only a small project in the grand Steemit project :)

Activism is not for attracting Curie or money, it's about spreading awareness through this platform. Yes, write anything you want.

No one is restricting you from writing anything. Curie is a small project that curates 25 posts per day or so. That's an utterly insignificant part of Steem. There are 20,000 other posts made on Steemit for other curators to look at. Each curator or curation guild have their own prerogatives and subjects they look out for.

I know, I know. It's ok. I should be sleeping instead of typing... 😴

I have no doubts you would be a great contributor to Curie if/when you decide to dive into it.

You'll be great for Curie. Your perspective is unique and so brings something new to them. Good luck.

Thank you for believing in me!

@diabolika59, thanks for the advice. I was blessed to hit the curie list once, and I hope to make it there again soon.

I am glad to hear that the reputation requirements have changed. For a while the limit was 52. I have a few more points before I hit the new 57 limit.

Again thanks for looking out for new content creators.

Ok, there might be changes, I'm not sure... Goodluck! Keep writing awesome content. :)

I just checked curie on Please note the following information about the required reputation level:

General guideline for "new author" would be between 27 Reputation and 52 Reputation.

Thanks, I will update this post! :)

" I have very crappy photos"

That is just a lie :-)

I think you will be a great curator.

Hahaha, ok not all are crappy lol.


Good luck @diabolika
You definitely can and deserve it. Hope curie give the best for you

Your welcome
If you want to see my post today about pigeons you can visit my blog

Ok, I'm following you back. Keep writing.

love your posts. you have special way of writing, really you're on the right path. my best wishes for you @diabolika and steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem on

Thanks - do you know if having been on curie once before decreases your chances of being on curie in future?

This I am not really sure of. But you can ask this question on #curie.

Congrats on becoming a curie curator! I am sure you'll be doing a great job :)

Well, I'm not yet but I'll see. :) Thanks!

You should hehe

I agree with you, no politics because it is just a waste of emotional energy. Lets concentrate on the positive only.

That is good.

Good points, all! We all make some mistakes when writing and posting, especially when we don't have a set of fresh eyes to check our work. My trick is to read my text aloud to myself. If you haven't done this, it is amazing how much hearing what you have written helps catch mistakes, typos, weird formulations etc. I appear a bit too political for Curie, but not all of my posts are. Speaking of which, you might enjoy my super short story The Edge of Dreams, it is out of the curation period, but I think you might like it.

My trick is to read my text aloud to myself.

I do this too. Just when I thought everything is perfect and I posted it, I'll still find out something is wrong lol.

You are a very talented writer and I really like what you write, your pieces are unique and thought-provoking. Yeah, try not to make everything political so curie can discover you too.

I will read it! :)

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