Human Experiments Become Experimental Rabbits in World Wars 1 and 2
In the trial of the discovery of weapons, science, medicine not only involved animals and plants, but also humans as experiments. These guinea pigs were taken from prisoners, slaves or spoils of war. Countless numbers of how many human experiments became the most terrible guinea pigs in World War 1 and 2, friends of incidence, we just scratched the information.
Test of the United States Navy's Mustard Gas Weapons
In 1943 the US military once exposed sailors with mustard gas. This trial is done by the US Navy to find out how powerful mustard gas weapons are. The sailors were given protective clothing and then tested directly into their bodies. Mustar gas attacks proved effective as one of the most terrible weapons of mass destruction in World War I.
And the worst experiment took place at the Naval Research Laboratory Research Laboratory in Washington. Hundreds of teenagers aged 16 to 19 were put into the training camp for 8 weeks. Previously they were persuaded whether they wanted to participate in experiments for the advancement of their country's military technology in the face of enemies in World War 2.
But their fate was not noticed by the American Navy who recruited it. During the experiment all participants suffered severe burns, until they suffered permanent disability and the rest died. Friends of the event, you know, even though the name gas does not mean that this chemical weapon is in the form of a gas, but a volatile thick liquid.
If exposed to mustard gas will cause burns to the skin. In addition to burns the victim will also become permanently blind and if directly inhaled will damage the respiratory tract which leads to death in just a few hours.
Adolf Hitler's Nazi Sadistic Experiment
During the heyday of Adolf Hitler Nazi forces had conducted rabbit experiments against German, Roman, Gipsy prisoners and most of the Jews. This medical experiment was carried out in the central camp, with tens of thousands of prisoners being used as guinea pigs ending in death and those who survived having permanent disabilities.
This sadistic human experiment to be a guinea pig includes bone transplantation, nerves, genetic manipulation of twins, chemical gases, reproductive sterilization and many more trials conducted by Nazi Doctors at that time.
After the end of Adolf Hitler's regime, these Nazi Doctors were sentenced by the Nuremberg International Court for their war crimes. And since then the Nurnberg Medical Code of Ethics was born, the basic code of ethics that was made based on human rights after the end of World War 2.
Unit 731
Trial of war technology in which humans become victims does not only occur in the European region. In East Asia precisely Japan from 1937 to 1945, the Imperial Japanese Army developed experiments on biological weapons research and secret chemical weapons known as Unit 731.
Located in Harbin City, Unit 731 has carried out a series of the most terrible war crimes in the history of human civilization. The object of their guinea pigs are Chinese and Russian prisoners from male adult women, parents, children to babies.
They also take organs from humans who are still alive, amputation for blood-drained studies, and weapons testing. Some detainees even underwent surgery on the stomach and esophagus that are still connected to the intestine. Many scientists were involved in Unit 731 which became politics, academia, business and medicine.
Human Crime Experiment in North Korea
A group of North Korean defectors witnessed experimental human cases as guinea pigs that occurred in their country first. In one alleged trial, 50 healthy female inmates were given poisonous cabbage leaves. Not waiting long 20 minutes later, the 50 women died.
Other experiments included the practice of surgical operations in prisoners without anesthesia, aka immune injections, hitting on the head before using the victim. They are like live zombies to target training. Then use a room where the whole family is killed by gas to suffocate.
It is said that every month, the van black known as the 'crow' gathers 40 to 50 people from a concentration camp and takes them to known locations for their sadistic experiments. And the fate of the bodies of the victims was simply put on the streets until the families of the victims / residents themselves buried them.
Testicle transplant experiment in San Quentin
Throughout 1913 to 1951, Leo Stanley, Chief Surgeon at San Quentin Prison, used his prisoners as a test subject in various strange medical experiments. Stanley's experiments included sterilization and treatment for the Spanish Flu.
In one very strange experiment, Stanley transplanted surviving prisoner testicles with testicles of executed prisoners. He was so crazy he even used testicles from goats and wild pigs to be cloned to human testicles. Is it successful? Of course, all humans who become malpractices are sure to die tragically.
Syphilis Experiment in Guatemala
In late 1946 to 1948, the United States government along with Guatemalan President Juan Jos Arvalo, and several Guatemalan Health Ministries, collaborated in a strictly humanized secret experiment from the public.
Doctors intentionally infect soldiers, prostitutes, prisoners, and mental patients with syphilis virus and other sexually transmitted diseases in an effort to track the development of their natural immunity untreated or given serum anti-virus.
Then they are only treated with antibiotics. This trial resulted in at least 30 tragic deaths recorded in medical documentation. In 2010, the United States Government made an official apology to Guatemala for their involvement in the sadistic experiments of poor people who were made guinea pigs.