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RE: Could You Be A Steemit Editor?

in #steemit7 years ago

This seems like a STEEM Gigs sort of thing.

How would they share the edit?
I guess the person who wants to have a post edited, would need to send a STEEM to the Editor with a memo stating their email address. Then the Editor would have to contact the Author, then the Author would send the unedited post to the Editor. The Editor would edit the post with the proper markup and resend it back (preferably zipped up with the images).

Would a preview be required before payment?
How would you prevent someone from steeling the preview? (Image of the article and not text?)
Would there be a STEEM price per word, per picture?

Just spit balling here.


Me too mate. :[)

I am sure all of these sorts of issues could be worked out if there was a desire to do so and with the formatting being sent via email for example and cut and paste into the submit a story it would show all of the coding that the editor has used to create the presentation and this would hopefully lead to the person making the post learning from what the editor has done as all of the coding is there to be seen and learned from.

That's how I imagine it anyway. :[)

Hope your day is going well @deanlogic.

Thanks for the great comment buddy!

Maybe if there was a way for Steem Writer to link accounts to a draft, then that would be useful. I wouldn't know how much work would be involved, but maybe something in the transfer memo could be the key to link the accounts. So, the Author could provide a down payment and then the Editor does the work. Then the post would be released when the Author agrees with the final draft. The final cost could then be calculated on the word count.

:[) I have only just discovered steem writer thanks to your comment. :[) See how little I know about these things? And I'm sure there are many who have even less knowledge than me at this point which is why I feel it would be a useful idea for anyone who might want or need to improve their posts but doesn't yet know how and why it might also be useful to someone who is able to provide the service.

I have no idea how it would be done either but would love to hear more ideas from anyone who has any. :[)

I knew of another writer before I commented, so I checked the STEEMit Apps to see what I could find.

perhaps a go between (trustee) to hold both the finished edit and the payment...before completing the final transaction. The edit work could be reviewed through a screen shot...I play spitball as well, as long as I'm not out of my skill range.

I think the initial contact would be the hardest to setup.
People dealing in crypto probably like to keep their emails to themselves.

I think an app that would allow an Author to connect to an Editor would be the best bet. And the app could hold the article until final payment is received and then post it.

Interesting, I know very little about apps. I avoid them whenever possible. ;)

Technically, STEEMit is an app. ;)