My I ♥ Journey - Steemit Day 82
To achieve what 1% of the worlds population has (Financial Freedom), you must be willing to do what only 1% dare to do..hard work and perseverance of highest order.― Manoj Arora, From the Rat Race to Financial Freedom

Hello, my Steemit Fretz!
Welcome to my I ♥ Journey Series, where you’ll get to know my journey towards financial independence through Steemit and how it has changed my life since I started.
You can read my 1st post HERE.

My I ♥ Journey Post # 2
Username: @dawnsheree
Steemit Day: 82
Reputation: 52
Followers: 249
Number of Posts: 92
Total SBDs from Last Cash Out: $105

Two years ago, I’ve decided to invest my time and effort on getting a house of my own. I’ve been traveling around my country for a while and I’ve come to realize that I still got to build something for my future. I’m still living with my parents, typical for a Filipino Family. Majority of the time, we only move out when we get married. Lol
My house is pre-selling so it’s not up yet but will be ready to move in, in the next couple of years. It’s still cheap but if you’re only earning with a slightly above from the minimum salary, it can still be a challenge to keep up with the bills plus my travel expenses.
Then I thought getting a condo would be a good investment since Cebu is also a tourist destination. Now, I’m paying for both!
I’m not here to brag. I’m here to let everyone know that if you want to get your dreams, you have to put in a lot of work and effort. You’re not going to get it just by sitting pretty, unless if you are born rich, which I’m not.

Getting a Part-Time Job
In order to keep up and do what I want to do (travel) and achieve my goal (get a house), January 2016, I went on a job hunting spree online.
I got hired as a transcriber and worked part-time. 8 hours on my full time job + five hours a day weekdays, then more hours on weekends. It’s crazy! That’s how I’ve been working for the past two years.
It had paid off well, I’ve been able to pay for my mortgage every month and get to travel once in a while but I’d be super tired and I get less sleep every single day. But I like the challenge, I like the work and I realized that I still need to earn more so I can have a savings accounts so here comes Steemit!

Discovering Steemit! My Third Job!
My fret @junvebbei was the one who introduced me to Steemit. At first, I was hesitant to join because how could someone earn this kind of money by just posting. I have joined different paid to post sites before and wasn’t really paid for what I did.
Nonetheless, I got very interested with the community. I met different types of people, learned about cryptocurrency, learned about different countries and I learned about life.
First Cash out was the most surprising to me and this opened my eyes that I can actually get to earn more here if I just work hard and be more consistent.

Joining the Berserkers

A selected group of Steemians who’s aim is to improve oneself each and every day.
Our chieftain, @valorforfreedom, he was the one who inspired and convinced me that I can actually get what I want through this platform. Philip was the one who really knocked my head (a million times) that I don’t have to work for someone else to earn and that I can be my own boss.
This led me to meet @hopehuggs as well. A very strong and very empowering woman. She helped me to love myself a little bit more and there’s more to life than being locked up with the way things are going on with my life.
Then there’s @eonwarped a very wise man! He has been very helpful to me when I need more information on something. Introduced me to apps and stuff that can help me improve on my financial journey.

My Journey to Financial Freedom!

At the end of the month, I’ll be cashing out and I’m officially saying goodbye to my part-time job. I’d be able to concentrate on my health and I’d have more time improving myself instead of spending my time working for someone else.
This time, I want to be my own boss! I want to be debt free! I want to travel the world!

Discord Channel: Berserkers
Earn Upvotes: Steemfollower

Nice post. As I started reading, it was breaking my heart that you work so hard and so much.
I'd like to add some thoughts on this too... there's smart work vs hard work – be efficient and spend only time that's worth it. I've seen people work themselves soooo hard and have nothing to show for it. The system is stacked against us. The cost of living is rising much higher than salaries. Effectively, most middle-low earners get a pay cut with each government budget. Many full-time workers in the UK earn barely enough for rent/mortgage, bills, food. Some never get a holiday or have enough for proper days out with the family. These people work hard.
That extra is about not only putting effort into something but about discovering something other people don't do – thinking. They're taught to go to school>college>university>career. Work till you drop. That's the path. It's not the way to riches though. That's the way to mediocrity. I know because I did exactly that. I worked at the job and worked on my writing and my parenting and my socialising and and and eventually came the exhaustion. When there's exhaustion, there's no real joy. Everything becomes a chore. Your time and energy is precious. Spend wisely.
For me... Extra is about ingenuity, perseverance, finding your passion and believing/applying your abilities.
I'm glad the Beserkers helped you see the way to success and enjoying the real value you bring to the world. It's yours. Take it. Don't let those bosses steal it from you. I feel very blessed (as far as it's possible for an atheist) to have met them too.
Very well written comment, +1 on that 🙏🏼
Thank you anjakara! Despite the things happening to me, I still think that I'm blessed. There are still those who've had worse. So I"m still grateful in any way.
Yes, the Berserkers has been a great help to me. I've had learned many things in Steemit as well.
I'm Catholic by the way. ^^ No worries, I won't even question what you believe in nor judge you on how you think of things. We are what we are. :)
Yes, gratitude is a wonderful thing. It helps put everything into perspective.
Beliefs... I don't have a single belief in anything. It keeps me curious and honest (hopefully lol).
Have a great day :)
Wow friend such a great journey for you! I am so happy to have read this and I am also on my 90th day post and have continued to power up and also cash out a couple of times.
You are such a great writer and indeed Steemit has been good to both of us.
You can be the master of your own ship, the maker of your own destiny, the guide to your own journey.
On to financial freedom and better health for you!
Thank you friend. I'm looking forward to reading your post.
Thank you so much. :) I know Kaya natin ito and we will reach them. ^^
Congratz to taking the next step towards financial freedom at the end of this month, as you say, put in that effort that only 1% are willing to do and receive the results accordingly. Keep it up 💯
Thanks @williamwest. You just do what you got to do. ^^
Thank you for sharing your path thus far Dawn, it is an exciting journey and I'm glad that we are on the same road as fellow travelers. #berserkers
That's very impressive. Before steemit was able to enable this extra level of financial and physical freedom you still strove to live life on your terms. A rare quality. Happy to see that steemit has enabled you to a better life, and happy to meet all of us bears.
Evan the Wise! :) Thanks for your sweet words! You just got to keep on working to achieve your dream.
you are doing really amazing work keep on going :D
Thank you @blazing!
oh, and I'm glad I've met you too :)
I'm super glad I met you as well. ^^
<3 :)
The first link doesn't work :/ :)
Thanks! I will check right now!
Really interesting article!
But, I curious. How long did you wait until our first cash out? :)
First payout did it after a month plus. I didn't really keep track at first. I thought it wasn't much and when I did I was shocked because it was way more than I expected. :)
I see. I'm new in here. I don't really know how much I have ahah
How can I see the value? xb
Other question. Now, you are just writing or do you have another job? :)
I'm very curious about your story :) check your wallet.
I have a full time job. ^^ Check my second post it's there. Steemit is my third job. lol
Hum... 0.86$. I'm rich ahah
Oh, I thought you give up one of the jobs. So you have a full time job, a part time and Steemit. Am I righ?
Well, I consider them two now Steemit and my full-time job. My part-time job, I didn't quit but still help managing th business, doesn't pay loads.
I checked So in this week you will earn 333$. Am I right? :o
Really depends. I sometimes use bid bots so might vary :)