The Truth About Commodity Trading System
Like everything else the process of trading of commodities requires you to follow certain guidelines. We need to thank the commodity trading system as well as computer simulators to help us get a feel of how the markets work. The system generates its signals on the basis of mathematical formula that have been fed into it.
Trading systems basically make an attempt to predict the future movement of stocks based on the current and past movement.
While it is interesting to observe trading signals do not accept them as the gospel truth. Some times advertisers of commodities try and portray hypothetical results to make them look good. Do not be taken in by this. They may not be lying but they may simply be hypothesizing based on the past market price.
Then they calculate the results keeping the past market prices for their observations. This makes the results look magnificent, with huge profits in a small time frame. Keep in mind that these results do not really predict what is going to happen in reality. It is a completely simulated result after all. Nether was there a price hike, nor was there a real purchase and nor was there a huge profit, it was all a simulated process.
Hypothetic results are almost never in line with past, current or future real time results at the market. The system only creates simulations so if you follow these as a guideline to make your actual investments you could soon be in some trouble. There is nothing wrong with observation, but rely only on your own analytical thinking to make your investments. The so called real time results displayed in the system are not in fact real time, but they will be when you are trading live.
Systems do not take into account your ability to make margin calls or to absorb the losses completely, so you need to judge yourself on that. The system simply assumes that the trader is able to successfully make margin calls as well as comfortable absorb losses. However in the real world, you will almost always stop trading right after you have had a financial loss.
The results that you see on a system does not show a real result, In act in the real world it may not be possible to sell for quite a while as you wait for prices to go up. So none of the info you see on the system is true for current, past of future markets.
Be aware that some sellers may influence system results so as to show a high return during past market time.
Always keep in mind that commodity trading can never guarantee you a profit, only a chance to make a fortune. A little bit of luck and a huge amount of good thinking however, can get you there.
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