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RE: Apples and Oranges

in #steemit6 years ago

And it’s not even the dollar amount as much as the lack of concern by the people in the tending section. It’s not good for the platform and they’re still doing it... “lack of concern,” that bothers me. Monetary value, sure, a big reward is awesome but really, with you, my wife, Sweed, Sive and the other many loyal followers we both have, it’s each of your opinions that are valuable to me.

Ruining the platform is worthless to me. What do you think, really? You’re seeing the spam accounts in full force just like I am.. ‘they’re baaaacccckk.’ Add the current idea of a trending section plus the lack of registrations and what do you think? Is the platform sustainable? Somehow, something or someone has to squash those trending posts, no?

I’m glad you liked this article brother Splatts, I gotta admit I didn’t want to hit post for fear I would come across as a cry baby or something.. that’s not it! I’d just like the people in the trending section to understand they’re killing us. <— not figuratively.

Thanks for stopping by @jlsplatts, I love your responses.


Most of not all have paid their way there with bidbots. You know for visibility :wink:wink. Most people don’t even look at the trending page anyway from what I have gathered. Yet I do see lots of engagement on some of them.
We just keep grindin’ out here in the real world doin’ our thing.

Most people don’t even look at the trending page...

Touché. I only looked there for this article. Ha.

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