
Yes I want to expose the BLATANT corruption of these government worker scum trying to rob ius for $70, BUT WITHOUT hurting the reputation of Ghana as a whole

I am a VISCIOUS anti government proponent that feels governments are all bad, all evil, all unecisary, private sector can do EVERYTHING governments ca do and better, taking away money from peopel for taxes is a crime, its theft, PERIOD, and this stuff angers me
But i will refrain from making boig posts abouyt it untill we get a dialogue with Ghana government

WE WILL threaten to make them look TERRIBLE
we will threaten them with MEDIA, we will TEL them if they do not lower the costs of these criminal tarrfis than we will make a Post about how they want $75 for items that cost me $16 ... a 460% increase in price,

if we publish a news story about this, NO ONE will EVER send a package to Ghana EVER again! is that what the government wants?!? IS THAT WHAT THEY FUCKING WANT???

I swear we will take over that fucking government will will bribe who i need to fucking bribe and we will make @ortigas100 the new fucking minister of post offices

I KNOW what they fucking did here, they WROTE in $75 just bevcause they saw expensive looking electronics, and made up their OWN arbiotrary price,s thinking that prtogas would just pay them and not make a big deal out if it, they literally just WROTE IN that fucking number, thinking :hey i could make an extra $75 today!'

it IS corruption! it makes me angry! but for every corruption in Ghana i point out I should also point out 5 equal or worse corruption incidents in my own country

But i just dont want to rock the boat too much, i dont want to get your guys in trouble, but i ALSO get upset seeing this shit and we WILL find ways to totally avoid these criminal mafia government workers, OR i will just go to their superior and BRIBE them over Bitcoin and get them to WAVE the fucking fee, hahaha i bet if i pay the post office workers $10 they would wave the fucking fee

AHHHH MAKES ME SO ANGRY and of couirse i wont get steem team ghana people in trouble BUT we WILL make posts about this and HOPEFULLy after wehave ll government workers on steemit they will quit theri jobs for the MUCH higher pay on steem, and we can make our OWN shipment company using

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