365 Days That Count - Day 29 - I’ve been locked out :( PLEASE HELP! 🙏

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I’ve made the fatal Steemit error and logged myself out of my account! But it seems to be a bit of a glitch as I never actually changed my password. I’m hoping beyond hope you can help!

How ironic that a few minutes after I wrote a post about how much I’m loving Steemit and mentioning @ned I am emailing him in a panic asking how I can get back into my account!

About 2 weeks ago I was trying to access Steem Chat but for whatever reason it was rejecting the automatically generated password I had written down when first setting up my account. I’d recently heard you could change your password on Steemit and I assumed you could change it to what you liked. When I saw the button to automatically generate a new one I clicked it hoping that could then be edited, when I saw it couldn’t I went back and did not confirm the change as the page was asking me to do at the bottom.

Since then I’ve had no problem getting into my account, every time I open the page it automatically goes into my blog with the safari saved password.

This evening after writing my post I wanted to change my profile picture, in order to do so I had to click proceed to the saved info for my account. It told me it was invalid, so I went back to my blog only to find I had been logged out.

My password saved on Safari for Steemit is the same one I’ve had all along which is now being rejected. I have no idea why everything has been fine for 2 weeks since I first tried to change my password, why when I definitely did not click confirm it obviously did and why I am still logged in on my phone.

I am quite literally praying for a solution. I’ve put so much energy into this little blog and have got so much out of it personally as well as the little bit of money I’ve made so far - when you are a self employed freelancer every little bit counts. Starting again would not only mean loosing everything but building my reputation back up in order to continue growing momentum.

For now I seem to be able to post off my phone but I’m sure at some stage it will realise it’s logged in with an old password and log me out here too.

There’s no history of a password change for my account but obviously there has been. I am flummoxed and so upset. I was asking for help last night, but now I am begging.

If anyone has any idea what I could do, what I’ve done or how I could save this page pleeeeeeease let me know. I really don't understand.

Having started the day rather depressed over all this, it at least ended better than it began. We went to the Kerzner’s to watch the final of the Australian Open and my boy won!!!!

And then we had a delicious lunch and a few glasses of Moet over looking the beautiful Hout Bay. I certainly felt happier getting home than I had when I left, but I’m still logged out of my Steemit account and I’m still praying for a miracle.

For now, there’s nothing I can do. I’m hoping posting through my phone will work and I’m hoping all you clever people may be able to help. I can’t set up a new account without logging myself out on my phone and I don’t want to let go of my one in to this account.

Fingers crossed!


Daisy xx

( @daisyd )


About 2 weeks ago I was trying to access Steem Chat but for whatever reason it was rejecting the automatically generated password I had written down when first setting up my account.

Steemit.chat has nothing to do with steemit.com. If you have entered your steemit.com credentials on steemit.chat then it is a possibility that your password got stolen and reset without your consent.

I think there is a recovery process that you can set up to help recover stolen/lost password, but if you havn't set this up it is unlikely you will get your account back.

Hi @snowflake thanks for your response. I really don't know what happened other than I started but didn't finish the process of regenerating a password and 2 weeks later my original password is no longer recognized. The fact that I can still get in on my phone I don't understand either but I'm very grateful for!

Are you able to log out and log back in on your phone with your master password? If so then your password is still valid . Steemit.com is the same site whether you use laptop or phone !

@snowflake Nope, that's what's so strange. I can only log in with my private key, it's telling me my password is invalid. Do you know if I can generate a new password using my private key?

Missing authority means that you are using the posting key to log in, which explains why you can post but not do other things. You need to find the master password, the one you first used when registering on steemit. Saving password in browser is not a good security practice, you won't find anyone with a lot of steem power doing that. Just a heads up

Thanks for the heads up @snowflake I've now changed the password so I'll try change my settings again and fingers crossed it works. I think saving the password in the browser was actually the problem. It obviously updated in the browser even though I didn't complete the change and therefore didn't save it elsewhere. We live and learn :)

At the end of the rest process you get logged out from current session, so it looks like that's what happened to you. However I still don't understand how you are able to post this lol ( posting key gets reset too when you change password)

@snowflake Every time I've opened the steemit.com browser it goes straight into my account as I saved the password on safari. It was only when I tried to change my pic that it locked me out but not on my phone. Thank God as thats where I found the key to log back in on my laptop. The whole thing is so bizarre!

It's weird that you were able to submit this post though, because if your password was changed then the posting key would have also changed and so you wouldn't be able to submit a post even if you are still logged in your account.

I hope that this situation will be solved ASAP, Daisy! Thanks for sharing this great post btw.
Upvoted & Followed you as well.

Thanks @lazariko12 :) much appreciated

@gavvet do you know if I can change my password or recover my account using my private key? It's not accepting my password...

If you can post you are logged in ;)

therefore your password has not changed

you can recover passwords from advanced browser settings

@gavvet I got my password off my browser settings but it still says it's invalid. I'll try again now incase it has resolved itself. Until logging in with my key I couldn't do anything off my laptop but my phone was still logged in and able to post and like etc. Doesn't make any sense...

then you are typing the password wrong or changed the saved one after logging out, because if the phone gets in the password on the system has not changed

@gavvet both my phone and laptop have stayed logged in with the saved password since I first created the account. The saved safari password matches exactly with what I wrote down in the beginning but is being rejected. The only thing I can think is that when I generated a new password a few weeks ago it saved even though I went back and didn't click confirm and therefore didn't update it on safari. But having said that wouldn't the key have changed too? Do you know if I am able to transfer funds and generate a new password using the Private Key only?

Just do a stolen account recovery using the old password

@gavvet what I mean by I could get in on my phone wasn't that I re-confirmed my details, it just opened straight into my account as I hadn't closed it - thankfully.

steemit chat #help channel can assist you

@gavvet it says I'm missing required owner authority when I try and change the password????

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