LiveSteem: Livestream TV #1 : November 6, 2016 💓 Archived 4 hour Re-Broadcast 💓 Live Art

Hello, Everyone! This is the first livestream/TV program of LiveSteem. This is the first video archived. Re-watch it here.
We began the stream at 8PM EST, November 6, 2016.
Each livestream is archived on it's previous live page after the live feed is over.
Here's the Youtube version archived:
Snapshot from this program:

Live embedding problems: I did not realize this was a problem until just an hour before going live. I'll be fixing this so the stream is located on the page.
Steemit Links Mentioned/Read in this Episode
- Proposed Changes to Steem Economy
- Steem Commercial Video #1 - Get Paid to Post
- 100% STEEM to Winner! from Mr. Steem, Guess how many coins game! Successful Coin Snatching for Steem. Steem On Dudes!
- SteemDeck - A Social Media Dashboard for Steem Accounts by
Daily Bitcoin News Links Mentioned in the Program
This page will update as the livestream is on. As soon as Youtube is done processing the video we'll archive it. I'll do a weekly episode blog reflecting on them all.
Previous posts about LiveSteem:
- LiveSteem: Livestream TV #1 to Launch November 6, 2016 @ 8PM EST
- Coming Soon: LiveSteem - An Online TV Program Live with the Steemit Community
Please visit the official website: LiveSteem.Online