More than 700,000 Steemit accounts / Mehr als 700.000 Steemit-Konten
Since my post 19 days ago, another 100,000 accounts have been created. There are now over 700,000 accounts here.
There is also a new record for the number of new accounts per day. In the following diagram you can see that over 20,000 new accounts were created yesterday.
Seit meinem Beitrag vor 19 Tagen wurden weitere 100,000 Accounts erstellt. Nun gibt es hier bereits über 700.000 Accounts.
Außerdem gibt es einen neuen Rekord bei der Anzahl der neuen Accounts pro Tag. In dem folgenden Diagramm könnt Ihr sehen, dass gestern über 20.000 neue Accounts angelegt wurden.
700000 | 2018-01-30 18:06:24 | zoraidalrg |
600000 | 2018-01-11 13:55:24 | buhl2 |
500000 | 2017-12-15 20:37:33 | bestdronevideos |
400000 | 2017-10-06 21:11:12 | btitrex |
300000 | 2017-08-05 13:22:21 | yanickite |
200000 | 2017-06-16 13:16:54 | spaarzha |
100000 | 2016-10-01 04:44:39 | shasoezseche |
nice! really positive sign!
Yes Please More Steemit Statistics :D
yeah, I agree with you
I see nothing but room to grow from here. I know lots and lots of people sick of facebook, who are looking for something better. I'm trying to convince everybody I know on facebook to quit it and move here!
Are these total accounts on the Steem blockchain or accounts created by Steemit?
It looks like we are going to continue this exponential growth - this is astronomical!
1M will come fast...
well i hope to see that in 6 months or less. Fingers crossed
It is impressive to see how quickly the network grows - clearly exponential. This is adding value to the network every single day!
Very true
Does it make a threat to other social networks?
And do you think steemit will ever be on such a low niveau?
It is always a good news to have more people join Steemit blockchain but it is really the number that stayed and contributed through contents or investment that really mattered to me.
A lot are joining on the wave of the hype and will be swept away when they discovered it required hardwork and Patience. It requires more than hard work especially at the initial stage, what happened when their well researched and constructed posts are getting cents as reward.
New users adding value should be welcomed and supported with up generously with resteem, comment and upvotes too. It should not be the case of whales rolling with whales and minnows rolling with minnows. Because with more people joining, climbing will become harder for the planktons. To make the increase in number worth the while, we should do less 'cliqueing' and support good content creators more.
@golddeejay I am olnly two weeks here, but as far as I understood - What is best in the beginning is to concentrate your focus not only on your posts but also, and it seems on early stages more resonable, on getting around, leaving comments and supporting people who follow you or support you. Meaning - to become more familiar to steemians. Than, I am not really sure when, you can start gradually pay more&more attention to your post consistency. Am I wrong?)
Yes! You are definitely starting on right track. It is all about producing values in your comments and posts whether you get rewarded for it or not.
One thing that is certain is the value you are adding, the more people starts noticing and upvoting you.
Be consistent and keep steeming!
Hey there. I landed just here three days ago. While looking around I found this article from @taskmaster4450 which was helpful.
And after wandering around more I started noticing some people with higher influence who had just a few dozens of articles posted but 2-3 thousand comments. So yeah, I guess engaging with the community matters more. And that's a great thing.
@vladcraciun Because it's all about expressing information and information spread. Comments are same posts, same information, but delivered directly to the person so the feedback level with comments is much higher than with posts in early stages .
Same though...
I came here to follow one particular "channel" that was deleted from Youtube but then I found out that Steemit has a big potential.
To watch content that I like and supporting the author without actually giving anything from my pocket and even earn something from it is great!
Every cent and every upvote should encourage them to continue! After all it means that someone is enjoying their content!
I am only but a week old in steemit and yet i feel like i have been here like forever. This concept is indeed wonderful. The great content i have seen on steemit is indeed a sure indication that we are making great progress. Truth be told, i have no regrets and i am absolutely enthusiatic about steemit. I am just getting started, more is yet to come. It is important to note that we all are of great Value and as such we just make great comments and posts that showcases that greatness.
yeah. agree with you
Agree. The curve does have a “parabolic “ look to it....a feature we see a lot of with crypto currency markets. Are the new members in such a wave likely to stay and be involved ?
follow me
Hell Yeah... Feeling very demotivated at the moment. But resolved to give it at least 6 months before giving up. I've had (mild to wild) successes on other social platforms, but with all the changes going on it's becoming increasingly harder to get organic reach on FB, YT and even IG nowadays.
Organic reach on a new FB post is lucky to crack 10K nowadays, whereas I frequently cracked 100K reach on every other post, with 1/2 the number of followers I have now.
Anyway... I've only been here for 3 days... so saying that it's demotivating is not fair on Steemit. #WatchThisSpace :p
Leider auch zu viel Spam und Bots.
great info ..

you should repost it every few days
lets see how it looks going forward!
great info...

scares me though.
could be a problem with foreign actors setting up for the upcoming political season!
seriously we need to be vigilant about this!

What I would like to know is how can 464 votes only get a $7.05 up vote amount? Can you answer that riddle?
Most of the upvotes come from relatively new users with little SP. Therefore, a large part of the upvotes is worth less than 0.01$.
That is sad that when you start your vote is worthless. They should fix that and make it easier for minnows to find a place to hide from the big fish before they are eaten.
That does make ( i think )in the end a Suchtfaktor...addictive factor?... :D
I think it's made to addict you a little bit...
Theres the possibility of the post getting flagged, which reduces the payout depending on the voting power ( i think its the vp, may be another metric ) of the person who set the flag
well... if 464 Minnows upvoted it would be worth $4.64
I guess my investing $900 in a platform I believe in should put me on the same level as a spammer, is what @iamstan is saying, that doesn't fly with me!

Wow! Geht echt ordentlich voran hier. Bin schon ziemlich gespannt wie es weiter geht... Cool, dass der Blogger mit den meisten Followern hier auf Steemit aus Deutschland ist :)