Recent price dips will not stop Bitcoin.Here is why?

in #steemit7 years ago


What is up ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another post here today from the @crypromechanic hope all of you are having a good one.In today's post we're gonna go ahead and discuss something that is obviously very relevant to pick one.Let's go ahead and break down why crypto and why Bitcoin despite being down a little bit for the day's trading period is still ultimately going to do quite well.
So first things first let me say that interest in Bitcoin and adaptability and adoption rates of people buying and selling the coin transacting in it using it for sales or purchases that is rising almost indefinitely and in terms of adoption we are seeing the Robin Hood app expand its crypto operations even more which is good for a couple of reasons.
First of all if you didn't know Robin Hood is a free stock trading app where you can buy and sell stocks for free.It's very good, I use it quite a bit and they are integrating cryptocurrency trading.Now they actually announced cryptocurrency trading back when Bitcoin was booming in 2017.So toward the end of the year when prices were really taking off, they figured they would jump in make some money off of the operation and basically allow cryptocurrency trading to be much more viable.Now a lot of people were skeptical after they announced that because shortly thereafter bitcoins price began to dip and it currently is still dipping a bit but it actually came off of 2017 with a pretty significant loss and a lot of people at that time said Robin Hood is going to drop crypto.Well Robin Hood has not dropped cryptocurrency trading and in fact they've redoubled their efforts to make it more accessible and more convenient to investors all over the world and they're adding more and more crypto currencies such as litecoin and Bitcoin cash. they actually announced that today.So that is very good news not only is Robin Hood still working with cryptocurrencies not only are they still optimistic.They are adopting more and more cryptocurrencies and they're going to help push option even further into the future obviously Bitcoin has a lot of different fees right now that's highly transactional.However the transactions are plagued by fees that are not exactly desirable.So when we see a firm like Robin Hood coming in stepping up and allowing trading to be free with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, it is really really good news and it proves that adoption of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies will be higher in the future pretty much guaranteed.So let's go ahead and break this down a bit more I want to give you some more news on the Robin Hood release of the additional currencies lite coin and Bitcoin cash.So let's go ahead and just read a brief article on that really quick and yeah so let's jump right into it.So financial services mobile app Robin Hood has added support for litecoin and Bitcoin cash science Robin Hood crypto platform according to a July 12th blog post Robin Hood's blog post notes that they're planning to further expand our coin offerings and add support for coin transfers writing that the entire Robin Hood platform has reached more than 5 million people.Now Robin Hood launched its zero fee crypto currency trading platform in February originally supporting Bitcoin and etherium with trading available for United States residents in California,Massachusetts,Missouri,Montana and New Hampshire.The app which can now be used across 17 states raised 363 million dollars in May during a series defunding round in order to expand its crypto platform U.S. wide.At the end of June Robin Hood had become the subject of rumors that they were launching their own cryptocurrency wallet after posting a job listing for cryptocurrency engineer .Also in June by Shoebat Robin Hood's Co-founder and CO-CEO said that he believes sovereign nations will eventually have crypto as their default currency.So like I said all of these things point to higher Bitcoin adoption in the future which will indefinitely push the price upwards.This is much fact okay so these people are doubling down.They are extremely confident in their efforts and like I just said the co-founder buys you but believes that sovereign nations will soon have cryptocurrencies as their default currency, pretty bold statement but something that I don't necessarily disagree with.So anyway folks that is my opinion that is my take backed up with some news from the pros.So let me know what all of you are thinking down the comments section below.
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Thanks for the post, cryptomechanic.

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Waiting for the lightning network to make the next big steps, then more payment providers will return to bitcoin's technology.

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