Enlightened Self-interest and Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago


People may be surprised by our willingness to share quality content here on Steemit, but when seen through the eyes of enlightened self-interest, our seemingly altruistic attitudes are better understood for what they really are: the manifestation of our desire to make our own lives better by helping those around us make their lives better too.

Wikipedia puts it like this:

Enlightened self-interest is a philosophy in ethics which states that persons who act to further the interests of others (or the interests of the group or groups to which they belong), ultimately serve their own self-interest.

We ultimately make our own lives better when we help others to do the same.

Great examples of enlightened self-interest happen every day right under our noses. When the company you work for improves your working conditions, either tangibly say by making your work environment more comfortable, or intangibly by making your schedule more flexible, they’re not doing it out of the kindness of their hearts – they’re doing it because you’ll be more productive and they’ll make more money and their lives will be better. In fact, everyone’s life is better as a result. It’s a classic win-win.

Open source programming obviously takes things to another level, and with this we instinctively grasp the significance, size and scale of what enlightened self-interest really means to us when truly unleashed!

Blockchain technology goes even further, and then when you build a financially incentivized social network on top of it, with a commensurately just economic reward system built in, you’ve got the prospects for the culmination of real, 100% enlightened self-interest.

As a result, and just like you I hope, I’m here to share what I know so that you know more too, with the hope that you’re doing the same, and in that way we're all making all of our lives better.

Okay, but there's another reason too: I’m also here because we’re getting rewarded for our efforts! Let’s face it, we also need to bring home the bacon!

That’s why Steemit is the perfect platform for enlightened self-interest to work its wonders with its resulting real interchange of knowledge of real value: it gives us that very necessary short term financial reward to offset somewhat the costs of those very long term efforts being made, often with an “ROI” that’s never ever seen.

It’s the perfect platform because, along with the reward system that facilitates the rewarding of others for their valuable contributions, you can also rightfully reward yourself and those actively engaging with you adding value to your quality content. We're actually rewarded for what we share here, both in original posts and comments! Guaranteed! As I specifically outlined in my power up post, Why I powered up, and why you should too, I not only destine my voting power to others, I also send some my own way too. Mine is a 50/50 split, and I have no misgivings about it. In fact, I encourage others to do the same; I mean, if you’re really posting quality, don’t you deserve it? Perhaps it might even be a useful filter for posts: ask yourself if you think you deserve a self-upvote or not, and if the answer is no, perhaps you shouldn’t post it to begin with.


I would never be here if it wasn’t for the novel financial integration into the platform.

I’ve “blogged” since the late 1990s, before the word existed, in a much more primitive way back then, when you did so with your own website and the comments section was still science fiction. Over time, as things progressed, I did too, participating on various forums, publishing on 3rd party sites, and even doing a stint on Disqus that lasted for a couple of years . . . until I completely burnt out.

Why did I burn out? The STEEM Whitepaper explains the reasons quiet well and best sums things up with this:

Since the free market is a proven system, it is tempting to try to create a free-market system where content consumers directly pay content producers. However, direct payment is inefficient and not really viable for content creation and curation. The value of most content is so low relative to the cognitive, financial, and opportunity costs associated with making a payment that few readers choose to tip. The abundance of free alternatives means that enforcing a ‘paywall’ will drive readers elsewhere. There have been several attempts to implement per-article micropayments from readers to authors, but none have become widespread.

Pay-for-view doesn’t work on a small scale. Neither do “newsletters”. Do I need to mention the “Donate” button? Traditional blogging is a lot of work for nothing, other than the psychic rewards of knowing you’re doing some very nice volunteer work that is greatly appreciated. “But wait”, I said! "I’m writing about finances to an audience with financial where-with-all, not helping with food distribution at the Salvation Army!" The only logical conclusion for someone in my shoes was to send my audience packing, realign my calendar in a more rational fashion, and do some real volunteer work (or donate with the extra money I was making now that I wasn't wasting so much time on projects with zero compensation).

Why am I back?

Steem is designed to enable effective micropayments for all kinds of contribution by changing the economic equation. Readers no longer have to decide whether or not they want to pay someone from their own pocket, instead they can vote content up or down and Steem will use their votes to determine individual rewards. This means that people are given a familiar and widely used interface and no longer face the cognitive, financial, and opportunity costs associated traditional micropayment and tipping platforms.

STEEM Whitepaper PDF

It’s obvious, don’t you think? Steemit could work! Steemit just might be the answer.

In the final analysis, I believe that Steemit itself is a reflection of where enlightened self-interest can take us, and this is what will separate Steemit from other social media, but most importantly, from a contributor’s point of view, Steemit has given us the rational motivation to once again share our expertise in a social media setting (even if it still is only a fraction of our hourly worth).

Having monetized social media and thus giving content creators and contributors immediate motivation to participate, Steemit not only acts as a magnet for content creators and contributors, it also gives those same content creators and contributors every reason to do everything they can to share quality content and to make sure everyone else is up to the task as well, because without quality content, it would all simply go away. Here's the golden goose; it's yours to take care of, and, just like in real life, nobody is going to be “the star” that makes Steemit a success, rather it's a group project. We need to do it together, and we need to do it in the spirit of enlightened self-interest. Steemit gives us the structure on which to build something truly revolutionary that rewards everyone of us, both individually and collectively, but, make no mistake, its success will depend on all of us, all of us working together to make Steemit synonymous with quality, all of us focusing on the positive, in short, all of us making Steemit better and better every day . . . and our own individual lives as well. 😎

Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2018!

Please leave your comments, input, questions, etc., below!

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Hello @cryptographic,

Extraordinary good article which described why you are here & a good reference to people who use self upvote feature so greedy way. I wish you will keep blogging on this platform & extraordinary good & mature knowledge leads us to make good lives in financial wise. Wish you a happy new year & a phosphorous future too.


Even those who aren't exactly part of the open source movement are moving in the right direction!

Looking forward to the day we see Bill Gates on Steemit!!!

Hello @cryptographic,

Extraordinary good thinking, they all are open source users & they made something unique. If Bill Gates join Steemit, that's the day STEEM catch the BTC ;)


Life story time.. I will cover this:

Enlightened self-interest is a philosophy in ethics which states that persons who act to further the interests of others (or the interests of the group or groups to which they belong), ultimately serve their own self-interest.

There once was a former Marine, whom left wars behind and headed home to be part of the family business; the business of working in the trades (painting, drywall, framing etc). He did not do this as he was without options, higher education, degrees or opportunities to be a successful in more "professional areas of expertise". He did it because he was his fathers only son, and it was his job to put his self interest on the back burner and just do the right thing.

You see, this young mans father was suffering from a terminal illness and his only son came home to help him run his business so he could sustain himself as it was his duty. It's how children are supposed to care for their parents. So there he was each day, in the cold, in the rain, in the blistering Florida heat, with his painters whites climbing ladders, with his hammer building walls, and with his screw gun hanging drywall. To most he looked like your typical educationally lacking destined to be a forever low income earning laborer.

But on a particular job, on a particular day, with a particular customer this young man learned what type of individual you need to be if you desire true wealth. You see, this customer was an extraordinarily wealthy Florida real estate mogul in his late 60's, multi millionaire a few times over, residence in Trump tower, wife 20 years his junior etc. The young laborer made the mistake of trying to measure the mans character based upon his outward appearances and simply wrote him off as some rich prick. It's easier to be hateful of others successes even though that hate stems from envy. This young man made the same mistake that aggravated him so, when others did the same to him; judging him not on his intellectual abilities and character but on the stained painters whites he wore to work each day.

On this particular day, while the younger man was painting the rich mans house the older man came outside with his own paintbrush and started helping. This was a very odd occurrence as he certainly did not need to and it conflicted with the young laborers self held views of the wealthy elite. A conversation was started between the two as they both began to work together. The younger man learned that the wealthy man was an Army veteran, a once farm helper, dairy hand, fast food worker, and sign holder for road works. It turned out he was a regular guy and self made millionaire that came from poverty himself.

The two established a friendship and saw each other as men irrespective of profession. The rich man actually took the time to know this laborer, understand why he was doing what he was doing and measure him based upon his character, abilities and accomplishments rather than the paint brush in his hand. He told this young man that the quickest way to success is to always try and help others achieve your level, always be reaching down to help them up, never step on top of them to gain a higher position. He told this young man that "there are enough animals in the jungle for every lion to eat and be full" (there is enough money for everyone, no need to be greedy.).

That young man was "me", and I learned much from my friend David. He introduced me to real estate opportunities I would of never came across without him and I did well. I in turn brought him customers, contractors and street level information he would of likewise never came across that made him even wealthier.

You see because he helped me, I wanted to help him. He helped me acquire a certain degree of wealth and I in turn felt compelled to help him in return. That is the basis of the quoted text. That is how I live now, and how I see @cryptographic acting by upvoting others lesser than him on the platform. It's why I took the time to comment as he has been generous to me and I feel compelled to provide him an excellent comment on his article. It is why I do many of the philanthropic things that I do, and why I will eventually give away nearly $200,000 in Steem. It's helping others to achieve your level that truly makes you successful. Never judge a book by its cover and always get to know someone before writing them off.

He told this young man that the quickest way to success is to always try and help others achieve your level, always be reaching down to help them up, never step on top of them to gain a higher position.

I like that a lot.

Thanks, young man. 😉


The young man and his late father.. :)

Love this story.

$3.10 for this post? Are you kidding me?

100% upvote from my and a resteem my friend. This is some amazing stuff.

By the way, did I just help you or myself? Did I help the blockchain or steemit?

The answer is all are helped.

I was thinking about the ecosystem and how all affects all. Whatever is done on here, is multiplied across the entire ecosystem. That is why the growth is truly exponential. My upvote added to your SP (since I know you arent powering down) which will add to each of your future upvotes which helps everyone who you upvote down the road.

At the same time, this comment is lengthening your article which will only help the google search and Alexa rankings.

In a magical way, you described the circle that we all operate under here. Sure it is self-serving altruism...yet none of us can escape the fact that the only way to truly get ahead on here is to help others and the blockchain itself.

In a magical way, you just summed everything up! 😃

Fantastic article and the reason why I’m sharing steemit with all my friends. When I succeed this model is so In The Flow of empowerment that others also succeed. I love it! Shared this with more friends to help them wrap their minds around it!

Empowerment is the flip-side of the same coin - enlightened self-interest and empowerment are symbiotic. Glad you mention it, because they really do go hand-in-hand, and I'm confident your sharing of Steemit will be much appreciated by your friends. Good job and best wishes.

Yes I see steemit as foremost empowering because it doesn’t drain us but has the potential to lift so many of us up... and 6 of my real life friends have already joined and are making money! I am happy! Thank you and many good wishes for you this year. Excited to follow your blog for More thoughtful and inspiring posts like this one. I like the way you think. :)

@cryptographic - Sir your have a width vision about Steemit... Due to this platform I learnt a lot Sir... Found good people & heard a lot about the world... As a housewife this powerful network helped me to learn a lot about crypto world too... Grab knowledge, absorb good things & experiences is my life style... Thanks to Steemit I can understand a lot of new things & I also earn rewards from generous people like you do...

Sir, you won't share this, I see big whales who self upvote all BS... Sometimes it's just few words & they drain the reward pool by using their supreme powers... But I never ever see such a thing from your self votes Sir... Your stack you used wisely... Your generosity helped us to enjoy rewards as well Sir... Therefore, you won't share this Sir... Your SP you never wasted for BS... It helped the community to build further more & motivate us to think & absorb your great skills into us Sir...

Finally I wish you a Happy new year... In this new year STEEM also got big projects like SMT... Sir, I have no clear idea about it... But I heard a lot of people say it will demand STEEM... That also mean you will be a billionaire in 2018 Sir... Therefore, I'm again wish you Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2018...


What a great testimonial, and content contribution as well! You're so right. We all have so much to learn, and we're fortunate to be here doing it together! A billionaire? I'm not so sure about that, but I'm not going to complain - like you said, with projects like SMT, 2018 looks like it's going to be big for Steemit.

Your post reminds me my first few dates of STEEMIT! Yeah I have joined this platform without a proper idea, and I thought this is a promotional media like FB (I feel FB like that :D)
But after couple of weeks I could understand I was entirely wrong at the beginning! I was not a good writer (still I am not) but due to STEEMIT I start writing. English is not my mother language, it gives me a lot of troubles, but I think I have made an improvement!
Moreover, I could find people like you do! I don't know you, but I understood your knowledge and experience about crypto world and trading techniques are remarkable. So I am trying to build my portfolio by following your steps, so far worked well and hope it will too!
Actually reward, yeah I like that, as a Sri Lankan (a small country at the Indian Ocean) 1 STEEM is much more worthy thing for me! Yeah it also changed my life in a good way! I could remember last year how I was suffered, and now I could manage myself due to this amazing platform! So as you said we also need to bring home the bacon Yeah I have a small son 3 years old, these rewards helped me to build his life and I am using this to build his future as well!
So this is truly a life changing platform for me! I hope I will do much better in future and I am glad I have found you! Wish you a happy new year and all your dreams of this upcoming new year need to be true!


By reading the comments section of this post it is clear that yours is a shared experience of people coming to Steemit with modest expectations and staying because they were happily surprised by the difference! And what's even more encouraging is the international flavor of the Steemit platform - I've yet to see any demeaning behavior on the part of native speakers with respect to non-native speakers. This is highly commendable, and the effort being made by non-native speakers to "pitch in", in spite of their language challenges, is even more commendable! A misplaced comma or forgotten auxiliary will never affect the substance of a Steemit post! Great to have you on board, and many thanks for your participation and comments.

what a creativity!!

Thank you so much. 🙂

An excellent article and everything that you focus on is an ideal explanation of what and how to do and how it should be done. Here I fully agree with you that there is no such platform as the Steemit on its scale and popularity, because our ecosystem has a number of advantages and achievements, to which some platforms are still far away! Thank you for the excellent post @cryptographic and Happy New Year!

Absolutely correct. Steemit is the leader and nobody else is even close. We've got all the advantages and it's ours for the making - the only way Steemit can fail is if we fail Steemit!

I completely agree with your article Steemit an amazing platform which has no equal. It's a social network where you can really earn and meet a lot of good friends and share their experience. We are all part of this platform and it keeps and grows from behind us. Thanks for sharing. With the coming New Year!!!

Looking forward to our working together in the coming year. It's going to be great!


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