How Can Steemit Prove To Be A Valuable Asset and Platform For Independent and Investigative Journalists?

in #steemit7 years ago

The internet has given greater access to information and transparency to individuals than ever before, but there is a lack of platforms that allow for true and 'unbreakable' free speech and information. 

While a platform like Reddit, Facebook, ect. may allow this type of content to be posted for some time, these platforms are legally obligated to remove any posts, content, ect. if they receive an order or request from the government. I think one of the most undervalued qualities of the Steemit platform is its ability to remain 'uncensored', and could allow for individuals to release information and content without any fear of the content being deleted or erased from the platform. While hoisting large files on the platform is not possible currently, utilizing the platform as a method of linking to and describing discoveries could be very useful in many cases. 

One of the biggest hurtles that 'uncensored' platforms could run into is how to remain uncensored while 'hiding' low quality/ offensive content. Even if a post is down-voted to oblivion, the underlying contents and data of the post will forever remain stored on the blockchain. I don't see having the ability to 'hide' posts through down-voted as censorship, and I believe it is very important in order to provide a platform that is truly controlled by no one besides for the stakeholders of the platform. The concept of independent journalists and 'whistle-blowers' utilizing the Steemit platform is nothing new, but the idea has yet to gain serious traction. The Steemit platform has the unique ability to really be useful for a wide range of different cases and tasks, and I believe that the aspects of true decentralization,  immutability, and lack of censorship could really prove themselves to be valuable assets to a wide variety of different activists. 

Steemit could offer advantages for releasing evidence of everything from government corruption to evidence of backdoors in software. 

Sites and services such as WikiLeaks have given journalists and whistle-blowers a better chance at remaining anonymous and protected than ever before, but I believe that more outlets are still needed. If the government wanted to issue an order for something to be removed from the Steemit platform, where would they even send the order or subpoena? They could easily serve Steem inc. with such an order, but not even that would be sufficient for removing the content from the platform. The worst that could happen would be that the content would be down-voted to the point where it becomes invisible without searching for it explicitly, but even then the content could never be removed from the blockchain itself. Regardless of whether or not the Steemit platform continues to exist into the future, the information and data would be accessible forever assuming that the Steemit blockchain is still live. I do think that Steemit will continue to grow and thrive into the future, but that would have no effect on the underlying immutability of the data that is stored on the Steemit blockchain. 

The ability to take part in the value that individuals create and generate on the platform is very powerful, but the aspects of lack of censorship and immutability are likely just as important. As traditional social media and blogging platforms continue to become more censored and controlling, Steemit will become more attractive for a greater number of people for reasons other than the reward system. As individuals become more concerned with their ability to freely express themselves without the potential for recourse that is present on traditional platforms, platforms such as Steemit will continue to look more attractive to more individuals into the future. Social media is one of the most restricted and censored areas of the internet, and Steemit could likely start a domino effect of individuals beginning to acknowledge the power of true freedom of speech online. 

The problem with attracting journalists is that it's likely that many of them simply don't know about the Steemit platform and therefore would be hesitant to using it. I currently have no connections to any significant members of the community that I am discussing, but it's likely that someone on the Steemit platform does. Journalists would likely be hesitant to use a platform before it has more users and activity, which I personally believe Steemit will see in the upcoming months and years. Journalists and whistleblowers using the Steemit platform may seem like it could have a negative impact on the platform, but I think the exact opposite would happen. After a major revelation is brought to light, there is so much attention and interest for many weeks following the release which I believe would be an amazing way to increase the user-base of Steemit.

 The reward system on Steemit is truly great and revolutionary, but I feel as though it sometimes is focused on a bit too much when promoting or advertising Steemit. While it's an excellent way to attract the users of traditional social media platforms and everyday people, I feel as though the fact that the platform is truly censorship free could be a huge motivator for many individuals around the globe. As individuals begin to become more concerned with their data and its uses, a platform that gives users more control and ownership over not only their data, but also the value that it creates is so revolutionary. The underlying ideas and philosophy that accompany the reward system are more powerful than the rewards themselves in my opinion, and regardless of the future of the Steemit platform, the concept of users having the ability to take part in the value they create directly likely isn't going away anytime soon. 

I really hope that you enjoyed reading this post, and as always I urge you to leave any comments, questions, input, ect. in the comments below! Thanks for reading!

image sources:1-2


The whole idea on immutability of content actually got me excited the first time I learned about it. Yes, negative content will always exist but the way steemits system naturally repels negative content effortlessly is such a revolution in social media! I feel that down voted content becoming invisible is sufficient for the community to thrive. Great post!

Beinng able to "hide" negative content wothout removing it is a huge step forward as well, because nothing could ever be truly deleted. thanks for reading and your input.

well said, I forsee a big future for steemit if they are able to balance it. uncensorded is good :) not sure what effect this will have, time will tell us, in the meanwhile we are making our contribution

great post i agree 100%

Impressive report. Thank you for the contribution.
Resharing @phibetaiota
Will follow your work from here on.
~The Management


Excellent idea. Resteemed.

Certainly did enjoy the article. Thanks for your thoughts and thanks for @phibetaiota to for re-blogging.

I think word will go out organically - and independent investigators will find the blockchain an invaluable tool - no manipulation - hash built in. No government likes decentralization - as they are not able to control it at this time.

Let's keep spreading the news.

What's Good for the Coin is Good for the Word.

Thanks for reading. 😎

ch @globocop

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that's a great analysis thanks a lot for sharing and keep on posting ;)

There are many advantages and disadvantages to a site like Steemit. As Steemit gathers more steam with more and more users, I am sure that there could be an overload of information.
The trouble today is finding sources that are reliable and with content that is unbiased. And that is not controlled in some way. A site like Steemit can offer a great platform for content that is reliable...but it may be difficult to weed out all the noise as there are so many people added to the site.
Time will tell what kind of overall platform this will turn into. I myself am interested to see the forward progress of such a site.
Thanks for the post.

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