Ed Sheeran 'One' Vocal Cover, by Crypt0
Ed Sheeran is one of the only authentic creative artists eyed upon by the mainstream. Honestly, his music guided me through a very tough break-up in my life. We've all had that one song that came on and the lyrics were so powerfully touching to us, in every instance it played, that you couldn't help but fall apart.
4 am. Food truck in Miami "Pinchoman".
Delicious burger in hand, and this song comes on, as I'm eating. Parked.
Tears add extra salt to my burger...full on, I fall apart in cries, eating in my car.
Look to my right and see a police officer parked, and eating, and noticing this crying buffoon to his left.
Keep crying. Alone.
Thanks for listening, Steemers.
Simply Great Information and Presentation