A dream about advanced typography and customization in steemit!

in #steemit7 years ago

The Harriet Series - typeface

I'm dreaming that some day social networks like steemit will give us an advanced tools for the customization of the layout of the article.. In reality it's not that hard at all. Not too much code and storage needed to implement this. I wonder how many writers and bloggers would die to have such kind of possibilities. And what a great possibilities could be for the font makers to promote and sell their fonts here. For example, if you have bought the font it will appear in the editor. This could be BIG.

More freedom - more users.


В газету превращать не следует. Дизайн должен мигрировать в сторону других социальных сетей и блогов.

Никто не говорит превращать в газету, я говорю про расширенные возможности типографики, есть шрифты куда более приятные, да и редакторы более совершенные, чем этот кастрированный маркдаун.

This would truly be a dream! Let's make it happen.

Yes, that can become a heaven for the designers and writers and other content creators and a great experience for the daily readers not only to read but also just to discover the variants of typography. There are so many great fonts in the world that can be used and so many font creators that just watch their font to be stolen. I think it is possible to create such kind of platform.

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