The Bitcoin Psyop

in #steemit7 years ago

Yes, the blockchain is truly revolutionary. Yes, bitcoin is Tulipmania 2.0. Yes, cryptocurrency is a nail in the coffin of the bankster parasites. Yes, digital currency is a tool of the totalitarian tyrants. No, these statements are not contradictory. But don’t worry if you think they are. You’re just a victim of "The Bitcoin Psyop."



Brilliant piece, couldn’t have said it better myself, bravo James 👏

You love your own comment that much huh? lol

Crypto cannot be stopped by the Government, that's why they don't like it. As quoted by Julian Assange "Bitcoin is the real Occupy Wall Street"
Thanks for this, James!


The "conspiracy theorists" believe that the plan is to get everyone invested in cryptocurrency, while "the elites" invest in gold and land ...then crash the coins so everyone is broke but them. So use what you earn from crypto to invest in gold and land, if you're worried about it. Problem solved!

Lol, this is what the elites have been doing from the beginning of human history. In fact, it is way easier to achieve if you are able to centralize value exchange. Anyone who thinks this probably underestimates both current power and resistance of that power. Government already owns your land, try not paying taxes and see how long you can live in the home you bought without someone dragging you out. Bitcoin has every major trait gold has only you cannot digitally exchange gold or make a modern payment/settlement system with it.

Right, but at this point I don't see them throwing us off our land IF we pay "our taxes". But if all you have is a $3000 per month rental apartment in NYC, and a new vehicle which you pay for with the money you make trading coins, and if they crash coins, you're homeless and on foot. We make the best choices we can, as we go ...and for me, right now, that means owning land and living off-grid in a very remote area of the U.S. where property taxes are only $100 per month ;)

Yep. As long as we are taxed, we are subjects, not citizens..

land, food, crops, livestock, gold, crypto, silver, fiat -- in that order. paper assets are risky.

id suggest you should puts guns and ammo on your list. else you might find your ownership of some of the assets is not that long lasting

Those items are on my personal list ....just didn't want to get downvoted for adding it here haha

Hey, as long as you're prepared!

Robert Kiyosaki always says to hold gold, silver, guns, and ammo just in case an investment goes wrong

Depends where you're investing in land. In Australia you definitely have to be careful about land because it won't be too long before the housing market falls through.

I read somewhere that preppers (even those who do not drink) are storing booze to use as a form of currency when SHTF. People will still pay for their vices.

Beer is recession-proof. Just sayin'

True. Although RE prices in many parts of the world are highly inflated right now!

When shit hits the fan i can settle my debts with a few cans of peas. I have loads of those :D And rice too, i store it in vats with packs of salt on top to keep it dry. Food is the best currency ever!

Toss in some MRE's lol and you are ready for the apocalypse

The 80's will look like a Joke in ten years time..🤑

Absolutely fantastic video. Everyone in the community needs to see this. Vote with your dollars (as the saying goes) with crypto. Invest your energy in the projects that seek to liberate and refuse to allow this technology to go against the liberty-based mission that, for example, bitcoin has. Blockchain and crypto are giving people the power to opt out of centralizations and put the power back into the hands of the people-powered market.

I keep hearing that but without a bank account, which I refuse to have, I can't touch my crypto.

I can't exchange it for items I pay for, such as rent, power, and internet access, fuel, etc...

While I certainly agree that there is some "Tulipmania" going on, I think that there are some very disruptive applications to the technology. A few examples are
1- The embedded security due to decentralization (so no need to trust yourself or others). This has some applications for cyber contracts between applications owned by different entities.
2- Another use of this is to remove middle men in a variety of transactions. This was something not entirely possible in the current systems (in which middle-men are usually the highest cost of transactions).

I think that if these technologies continue to be used for speculation the bubble will certainly burst, however if the technology is used for it's intended purpose (which was to conduct transactions) it has the potential to be very disruptive.

Lastly, I believe the powers that be are most likely involved in creating the bubble as they have a huge incentive to make this fail, so that they can then insert their own version when they are ready.

Blockchain now, is like the internet in the 70's, very few understand what is actually is, and others are pure scekpticals. But soon enough people will realize what the actual value of blockchain is and what it can bring to the world!

As long as it uses a distributed/open ledger. If the ledger isn't shared we're f*cked...

Hahaha, you can print colored toilet paper or federal reserve notes but I'm repeating myself. It's a good one.
Thanks for the broken down explenation of the blockchain.

It IS a good one! All they do is open the window and click Print!

Ha, I love the comedy and sarcasm in this post. I had a friend basically brow beat me on the idea of Bitcoin being akin to Tulipmania not too long ago, and I tried to express to him that it shouldn't be that big of a deal what other people do with their money regardless of the currency. It's costed me nothing to get involved with cryptocurrencies via Steemit and I've actually learned a lot since being an active participant on the platform.

I also stand behind the idea of not investing any more than you are willing to lose, that goes for any kind of investment.

Good advice!

One of the issues with blockchain, at least from the POV of gov., is that a truly secure blockchain needs to be decentralized. A centralized blockchain is vulnerable to the same attacks as a centralized database.

And how do you (the government) secure your own permissioned blockchain without giving away the very power you're trying to maintain? I believe that the beauty of the technology is that it's most secure and viable when decentralized, thus rendering it useless for governments.

Ahh, I love it.

money money money, its so funny, in a rich man's world!!!

If i had a little money, it would be funny, in the rich mans world

I still know a few farriers and one or two chimney sweeps

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