RE: MONEY TALKS! Your voice is worth something Join the community that pays you to Post and Curate High Quality Content. You May Even Win A Holiday!
go and find out what spam is and get of my feed please @clixmoney When some one opts into a landing page for further details its not spam can some one else please tell this guy to leave me alone. I am doing my genuine best to promote steemit in the mot ethical way and this guy clearly thinks his time here over me a good reason to try shoot me down. Stop making yourself look stupid @clixmoney this is a free community to support who ever you like lets not try force a dictator ship here. It is not me trying to force people to PAY to be part of Facebook group that is facebooks business not yours not mine. When you have your own list of people who have opted in for further details then thats what you call email marketing. What planet are you from hello wake up lose the ego this is why with 18,000 your precious facebook group has less than 20 daily active people. What Im doing is actively looking for people from all niches. Just because you don't have the attitude to learn does not mean you are right to judge. If a new person started now I would be open to learning something new. You still dont get that this is my email landing page which you have no idea about plus its tagged with a phillipines group that im looking to support. You should go away and have a look in the mirror when you realise that your uneducated responses are wrong. We are all equal here at steemit we climb by lifting each other up. Your response has done nothing but the opposite now please leave me alone and carry on doing what you are doing enjoy your day breathe and you might just smile, breathe more and have more fun rather than losing your head in stress. I pity you right now what a shame :)