I reached 1000 followers today and 3 very important lessons for newbies

in #steemit7 years ago

Today I got my 1000th follower. I am pleased, of course, but I am also fully aware of the responsibilities that such a number entails.

To have more than 1000 followers means even more that every post I make has to be an interesting, good post. There is no obligation to do this, but it is an obligation I personally feel.

I feel also, more than before, the obligation to help newbies to get a start on Steemit. I met a lot of newbies until now and there are some lessons I can learn them I think. (I am afraid, that I not only was a teacher once but will stay a teacher for the rest of my life).

It is only to help you to get better, I don't want to offend you in any way or make 'smart remarks' or whatever. But:

to get better you have to invest before you can grow.

There are some remarks I can make to help you.

Lesson no. 1:

There are many newbies from countries such as my own country (the Netherlands), where English is a foreign language. In the Netherlands, English is a mandatory course at school, but many Dutch people speak what we call 'Steenkolen Engels'. that is English without the use of good English grammar and a very limited vocabulary or even wrong word use.

Of course, I am also guilty. My English is not bad, but it is far from perfect. But every day I try to get better and learn by using a good translator and a dictionary where necessary and reading messages written by native speakers.

So, my first lesson for beginners is to learn to write 'real' English if English is not your first language. Why? Sometimes I receive comments that I do not understand at all or that are written so badly that it is difficult to understand.

I know that it is not easy for everyone to learn English well. But either you have to write in your own language (which is fine) or learn the English language better because otherwise, you will never get full attention to your writings, however great they may be.

Lesson no. 2:

Create posts that are really interesting to read. Every topic can be interesting, but you have to pay a lot of attention to a post. Do not create posts with a promising title and no real content.

It is a very simple rule, but not always followed to say it mildly. I looked at some posts and I thought: 'what is he talking about'? There is nothing really in it.

Do not expect to have any votes on that type of posts. You will never grow if you keep posting like that. Most of us spend hours writing a post or making a video. It is not only making the post but also doing research, finding the right photos or quotes etc.

Lesson no. 3:

If you write a comment, make a comment that:

  1. actually says something about the post you are commenting on. " Very nic posts", is not good and not enough;

  2. never ask for an upvote for yourself or vote on your own comment. Never say: "I follow you, you follow me". Such a demand only will make people angry and they will certainly not follow you;

  3. write a comment in your own words, do not copy/paste a comment from somebody else. When you do that, you will or can be flagged and it is also certainly not what we call 'good behavior'.

I think this is enough to start with.

I respect newbies and I know it is difficult in the beginning. It will be so much easier if you know and follow the written and unwritten rules we have on Steemit.

Steemit FAQ

If you want to know more, look under the three small lines in the upper right corner of your page. If you click on those three lines you see the letters FAQ. When you click on those letters you see a lot of information, read the information and you will be so much wiser than before.

I thank my 1000 followers. I like to write, but it is also very nice if there are people on Steemit who actually take the time to read what I write and give a comment.

I wish all the newbies good luck in improving themselves and I wish them success on Steemit!

I wish you all a nice day,


certainly a happiness for you by getting 1000 followers on this day. just like the happiness of soccer players who got a goal to 1000. like ronaldo, lionel messi, maybe I imagine your facial expression like that.

Your happiness on the day that you reveal in the post is a happy picture for the beginner steemit. because it is an honor for beginners. including me. because you have appreciated the beginner in steemit. because all beginners complain because nobody cares about posting. you can see in my post, no one visit what else give vote. because it may not be able to give a decent reply. I understand that.

my advice.
you as one of the steemians who care about the beginner steemian, you invite your friends to build steemit beginners. sort of create a community for them, if this you do is certainly a good deed of charity. for helping each other weak. I wish you success. thank you if you would like to accept my suggestion. apologize if it is not acceptable.

Thank you @yogaunimal for your comprehensive answer. Your English is not perfect of course, but you try and I admire you for it. I am indeed happy to reach 1000 followers. I know it is difficult in the beginning. But maybe, if you follow my advice, you get more followers.
I am not in a position to ask to create a community for beginners, I am not a developer myself and I would not know who to ask for something like that. I am just a blogger and write posts. It is an acceptable question only you are not at the right place by asking me for it. I know there are already several communities on Steemit, so maybe you can ask them. In any case, I wish you every success here on Steemit. I will give you an extra vote to let you know that I really appreciate your commitment.

I admit the English is less than perfect. but that is my language skills. I'm glad you can understand me. I will try to move forward in steemit. I just want to learn and share in steemit. because I am in college so I continue to learn in various ways. I want to succeed. but I'm sure by meeting you in steemit I will always be motivated. thank you very much support for me.

You are welcome, and I wish you all the luck in the world.

First, congrats on your milestone!

Your lessons seem great for newer users, to help them understand the level of personability that I believe, is ideal for creating a more human experience on this type of platform. I like to think that I have a similar approach and hope it proves succesful, not only for me, but more importantly in the sense that its enjoyable to whoever is interested in and willing to interact with me.

Now for a question related to the following excerpt from your post:

Lesson no. 3.2. "never....vote on your own comment."

I'm curious to hear why you think that voting on your own comment should never be done?

Unfortunately, there are people who write a comment like: "nice comment keep posting", and then vote on themselves. There are also people, even whales, who have two or more blogs and write comments on their own posts and earn a lot of money. Steemit generally does not like to vote for yourself, especially on your own comments. I think almost everybody, including myself, votes on themselves on a post. But on a comment is 'not done'. It is not forbidden, it is not neat. So when you will have a good reputation on Steemit never vote on your own comment.

Ok that makes sense now. I see how and agree that once someone gets to a higher reputation level self voting on comments would be counterproductive. Thanks for the enlightenment, as I wasn’t looking at it from your perspective (a user with much higher influence and reputation level)!

Also a sincere thank you for the response and the time you spent to write it.


Of course, I give you a sincere answer. You asked a sincere question and when somebody takes the time to write a sincere comment I think it is only respectful to give a sincere answer. (this is four times 'sincere', but I think you know what I mean!

I do understand : ) Dank je wel !

Graag gedaan!

Congrats Madamoiselle!
A 1000 people who are reading what you have to say. Dont you always find that funny? I have a little over 600 people reading what I have to say, imagine all those people in a room. Ridiculous right????

Good going on the tips for newbies! I think there are never enough help-the-newbie posts, because every one has a different approach. The basics are the same, but in the end every one has their own version, so in the end the message will get through. Lots of new Dutchies coming in lately, good stuff! Really getting some community feeling in that!

Keep doing what you do @clio, just writing about your life!

Thank you @Karinxxl. Let us hope the message gets through because even on this posts I got 'wrong' comments. Unbelievable. Do we have a tag for us Dutchies, like 'nl', do you know that?

We do indeed! #NL is an oftenly used tag and also #alldutch .Its not only for Dutch language but also for stuff from Holland. So Im gonna use it for instance later today for an English post about the island of Saba (which is actually Holland ofcourse).

Even on this message you got 'wrong' comments?? How ironic :D

Hope to see us soon with 5000 followers..
Have a great weekend..

Thank you! A have a great weekend, our Dutch men and women are doing well at the Olympics and it is nice to see how they enjoy what they are doing. I know, of course, that there are far more important things going on in the world than these games, but these two weeks I am what you call a passive athlete, and I enjoy, among many other things, looking at those men and women from all over the world perform the best they can.

I like all the three Points you mentioned and yes they are kind off important.

For the first point let me suggest you to use Grammarly. It is an add-on for Chrome Browser which automatically detects if you are writing good English or not. It will prompt you and highlight the Word in red for you. It will also provide the Proper word for you.

Try that out.

It could be helpful.

Thank you for your comment. I do use Grammarly for Firefox. My son @exlyle told me of the existence. I find it very helpful. I don't use the Premium (yet). Do you? To be honest, I find the Premium rather expensive. I am curious to know (if you use it) to know if you think it is good.

Up until​ a Minute ago, I​ didn't even kno​w that there was a Premium Version.

I am happy using the Free one it is more than enough.

I really don't know what the Premium offers extra as I find all I need right in the Free Version.

Thank you for your reply. The P.V. is supposed to give more grammar corrections.
But I am also satisfied with the free version.

Great post! Very nice! Please follow me!

Lol, no, you are so right! I tend to mute those people who make comments like that. And I like to see your teaching skills are still up to par!

I'm sure newcomers will benefit from posts like these!

Have the best Sunday!

I agree with you.
Have a nice day

Yes, I heard that before (the muting I mean). When some won't become better I will do the same I think.

It is, in my opinion a lot friendlier than just flag someone. Sometimes the person does not know how to behave on Steemit yet. And with muting, he is still able to learn.

Congratulations @clio on reaching 1000 followers!

Some very useful tips for those starting out, and a good reminder for us all to try to keep our standards as high as possible.

I have never been a teacher but I do find satisfaction in sharing what knowledge I have when possible. It does sound like you will be teaching long after retirement :D

Well done!


Thank you very much!
I find you a good teacher also (but you have a real teacher at your side, so you can learn more daily :)

Thank you!

Yes I do, but as it stands I am the one giving the lessons, the Steem/it ones at least! :D

That's right!
We won't discuss the other lessons, but there must be many !) Women!

Oh yeah, my friend, there was a momentous event, you reached a certain level of 1000 followers and let me congratulate you on this and wish you even more followers and successes in the future! Your lessons for beginners are 100% true and everything you wanted to say to beginners is absolutely true and timely, so that this allows to achieve recognition and success on the Steemit! Thank you Clio and congratulations once again!

Thank you for your nice words @serkagan and for your congratulations.

Congratulation bro, I hope I can achieve your achievements someday..
And thanks for the tips.
Btw I am newbie, i just joined this platform.
Really nice post

Here comes your first lesson !) I a not a brother, I am a sister (a woman).
But thank you for the compliment and good luck to you.

Amazing... haha

congrates mam for your success on steemit its mean that ur giong on the right path so u have got such follwing keep itup u will do many more!

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