Got Bull? A Smart Way to "Follow for Follow" on Steemit!

in #steemit8 years ago


On Steemit, very few go the extra mile. Hell, you're lucky to find someone who will go a mile, let alone any extra distances. Some use that dynamic to bitterly complain, and that's of course their prerogative. But for the smart and shrewd Steemit user, you can use this to your advantage.

Steemit is young. But I guarantee you as the network expands, more people willing to go beyond the consensus standard will find their new home here. It's just the inevitability of the law of large numbers. Once this occurs, it will be much more difficult to implement what I'm going to advise you below.

In the last month or so, I've noticed a big uptick in "follow for follow" (F4F) requests. As I mentioned in previous posts, I don't mind them -- I just don't respond to them. It's nothing personal; it's just that your content probably sucks.

But I'm a very positive and productive person, so I don't like to leave things in the negative. Here's a surefire way to un-suck the suck!

You Want Followers? You Need a Brand!

So you want to become a huge Steem success but you don't have a following. Obviously, the problem is that you need more followers. Now, you can go the lazy route by pestering people to "F4F," or you can stand out and be original.

One great way to do this is to develop your brand. Solidify what you're about, and then communicate that in a visual format.


For me, I'm about all things financial, and providing my viewers with great investment market insights. So I took a picture of a bull from Pixabay -- which is free licensing -- and inserted the tagline "Got Bull?" I then added a few blurbs, then pasted on my Steemit logo.

Boom! In 15 or 20 minutes, I've got a great branding message to share with the Steem community!

Share Smart!

When you want to get a following, it helps to find people who share the same passions and interests as you. So search for that content on Steemit, and make relevant comments to the posts that you find. Then, at the end of every comment, paste your new brand image, and make sure it's clickable (this is done by bracketing the "insert picture" command, and "paranthesizing" your account url).

That's an interesting perspective! Do you think other international central banks will follow suit with retaliatory benchmark rates, or will they let this one slide?

The idea here is to not necessarily get the original post author's follow, although that might occur. Rather, your brand image is displayed to other people who may want to comment. Since your image -- if you do it right -- is pithy and catchy, you have a greater probability of attracting more viewership, and more followers.

This is a much better way than pestering people to follow you, or worse yet, demanding it. I'm sure you don't like people telling you what to do. Well, imagine how other people feel about it!

Using this methodology, you appear more sincere about your efforts and purpose, and you'll get a FAR better response rate!


I appreciate you sharing this content. It is short and to the point and will help a lot of people grow within the steemit community. You also point out how simple it is to put together a great post in 15-20 minutes. You definitely got BULL :-)

Totally agree, branding is key. I started 45 days ago and made a huge team on steemit. It's simple guys!

I'm having fun creating a brand for my account and my wife's account. A simple straight forward idea that you can get pretty creative with.

this is great advice... I am struggling with the interface I dont have a computer at home so use my cell phone more and am struggling tryimg to post reply search edit etc just working the site seems difficult. to me? I will keep trying .

Yeah, I don't think it's just you ... the interface is very difficult for cell phones because it's not really optimized for that platform, unfortunately. But when we get out of beta, I'm sure this will be an area that will see significant improvement!

Boss! Makin those moves 💪🏼🙌🏼💯

Is this to me? :) Well, if it is, you know I'm moving every single day! :)

Interesting post, thanks for sharing. I agree this is a way better approach. Focus in your brand is essential but it’s also hard since there is so much great content across a variety of topics on steemit!

Yes, there's some great content but nominally speaking, it's nothing. People right now can develop even a mediocre brand and still do well with it on the Steemit platform. But you can be a professional studio on YouTube and no one will give a flying F unless you have the marketing machinery working non-stop.

I have only been around for a short time but I have noticed this, frustrating isn’t it! I wasn’t too clear in my comment, I meant: to really focus your brand you mentioned even making sure your upvotes and comments are in line with your brand / area of interest which I find hard, since my interests vary so wildly.

Sorry I am not a content creator but I like to be on the network so I surf my followers. I am definitely F4F and try to make some pocket change too.

Great Tips and advice from a smart guy. I also follow you on Youtube. thanks so much!

Thanks for your kind words and support!

great post!!!.. thanks!

Haha! VERY nice! :)

Good advice. I'm all about rationalism, so I went with the relief of Zeus from the 30 Rockefeller building for my avatar, and the quote that goes with it as my tagline.

Yeah, it's a very catchy avatar, I must say! :)

Hi @bullishmoney
Your Title captured my attention. I'm glad it did because your post was a good read.
Are you able to tell me how to make an image clickable? I would love to know how to do that to improve my own posts.
Thanks very much and steem-on. . .

Sure thing, so when you drag and drop your picture file into your text box, your picture will be converted to markdown language like this:

![blah.jpg _blah]( https://steeitimages./blah/blah/blah.jpeg b)

Just put brackets [ ] around the above, then, follow it up with parenthesis ( ). Inside the ( ), you copy and paste your desired hyperlink.

So, using the example above, it will look like this -- [![blah.jpg _blah]( https://steeitimages./blah/blah/blah.jpeg b)](your desired hyperlink)

I get it!
That is great! Thank you very much.

You're welcome!

when I see F4F
I instinctively

I usually don't even give that courtesy! :)

I erase them from my life, never to be seen again...ever.

Excellent article. Thank you. Am now following you with interest.

I'm very honored, thank you! :)

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