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RE: This Is What's Wrong With Steemit - Another User Earns More Than Me For Reposting My Own Content

in #steemit7 years ago

Man that is upsetting for sure and I had this big issue with YouTube and still do. I will become so pissed when I see these people getting unbelievable amounts of views reposting other people's content. I have seen people get to where they were at $3,000-$4,000 just stealing other people's videos.

There are so many different levels to this problem. You have the people who have posted stuff that was someone elses and got crazy good success for years and they never got the boot from YouTube or a strike against them.

Then you have the people doing the compilation videos and reaction videos. They are sort of adding something to it but not really most of the time and it is so much easier to do that then to actually create the original content.

Being a YouTuber and Steemian it does upset me and for years I have gotten really pissed and thought. "it is almost more profitable and time effective to be one of these content thieves"

At one time there was a thing the Prank Reviewer did and there were guys reposting prank videos in Arabic and they were getting more views and money then the creators of the videos.

I'm going to flag that other user and resteem this post.


Hey buddy, appreciate the resteem. To me this is an issue bigger than myself and $2. I really want to see this platform continue to grow. I try to be an ambassador for Steemit and bring new people over and if stuff like this is happening people aren't going to stick around. I appreciate the resteem from a more established account like yours so we can hopefully bring some attention to this issue.

Like you said in your other comment, even if he had written a paragraph and said a few sentences about "hey I saw a cool post from @Rulesforrebels about a new affiliate network, looks like it could be interesting, blah blah blah" even with that I wouln't really have had an issue with him reposting it as opposed to resteeming it but there was 0 effort put into adding anything to contribute to the discussion.

I think to some extent we as a community need to kind of figure out what's acceptable behavior and what isn't. We need to come up with a clearer idea of Steemit etiquete for lack of a better word. I see people compare Steemit to Reddit and on Reddit it's acceptable and it's normal to repost content or links you find interesting. With Steemit, at least my impression is that the community would prefer origional content or at the very least add some commentary or thought of your own to what your posting. I know on Reddit there's a strong set of sort of "unwritten rules" that people abide by and with this being a newer platform I kind of think were still figuring that out.

I know people complain that new people to the platform and minnows "whine" alot about not having as much success as they would like and I feel that's a very valid point because there are a lot of people who are entitled or expect things too quickly but I think this issue I highlighted in the post goes to show there are legitimate issues of minnows having to struggle while established accounts that IMHO don't really deserve to grow or be rewarded are growing and being rewarded for no other reason than they are established and people blindly support established accounts.

I honestly almost take issue more so with everyone who blindly upvoted the other post as opposedto the guy who posted it. There's always going to be lazy content creators who steal/borrow content as opposed to creating it but if we have a strong community that type of behavior won't be rewarded and they'll just fade into obvlivion.

Yeah it is certainly a huge issue and with some platforms like Reddit it is more like a person is stealing someone's "thunder" but on here and on YouTube where people are getting paid it suddenly changes everything.

That guy taking your content like that is really taking from all of us. He drains the reward pool and squeezes out real content creators like yourself. It drives interest away from STEEMIT and makes it seem like an unfair system and people bounce out.

Trust me..... I have had huge frustrations with YouTube overtime and started uploading my first videos back in 2008. It was real upsetting to see some of them not gain traction and then even a couple of years later kept getting rejected from the partner program. Eventually they opened it up to everyone and that became a revenue stream for me.

From the start of STEEMIT we have dealt with issues of people "gaming" the system. It all goes along with Game theory. Some people will take the high ground and stick to strict voting methods that will make them seem honorable in a way. Others will upvote themselves half the time. Others will try to upvote themselves all the time and won't even vote anyone else at all. Those accounts will be a whack-a-mole situation but it is something that @steemcleaners is dealing with. I have submitted it to one of the members. They already had that account on the list but they are going to look into it further.

It is a weird area for sure because you were looking to earn money on the video and letting everyone know about it. It is possible someone uses your affiliate links to the video gets "more exposure" in a way. It is weird and it frustrates me on here and YouTube for sure.

The hope is that people who are making a more positive contribution will eventually have enough power to just smash abusive accounts and then they will have to go through the constant trouble of recalibrating what they are doing by making new accounts or powering accounts down and trying to load up other accounts but that it will become so hard for them to do it that they learn it is just easier to just positively contribute to the community.

You brought up a couple interesting points. The first being in some ways I may look my content being reposted as a good thing as like you said I shared an affiliate link for RunCPA so the more people who watch the video the more chances I get at getting that link clicked and profiting that way.

I can kind of see it that way but I think I dropped my link in the writing below the video. While the link is in the description of the Youtube video, someone would have to from the Steemit post that guy reposted click the Youtube video at the top, be redirected and read the desciption but I have a chance most people would just view the embedded video and move on so I doubt I'd have too much upside in terms of exposure but you never know.

As far as people gaming the system like you said it happens on every platform, on Youtube I have one particularly popular video that went semi viral and I get 3-5 people per week reuploading it from various accounts. Ever since Youtube implemented the 10k views to monetize its helped a bit but no instead of people trying to make money off ads they repost my video and link to a jvzoo product or some ecommerce course they have or some other cpa offer.

Yeah I think it was a good idea for YouTube to implement the 10K rule to be honest. It helps keep these crack babies from just popping up accounts left and right just to get monetized off someone else's content.

Good news. @teamsteem upvoted your post and flagged that guy's post of your stuff.

The bad news is that guy has literally sharted out like 20 more posts doing the same thing since then. One including another one of your videos.

I talked to one of the members of @steemcleaners and they have a little bit of a track history on that user for plagiarism but they are always toeing the line of what is acceptable according to there criteria so they don't flag a lot of the posts.

haha of course he did lol, thanks for bringing it to my attention. i flagged that one. the least the guy could do is at least @rulesforrebels me instead of leaving off the @

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