Help Me Steemit, I Have Some Votes and Some Replies, But Shouldn't They Be Worth More?

in #steemit9 years ago

Someone just told me that if I bought some Steem, then my future posts, votes, and replies would be valued much more, compared to what they would be worth without having the Steem. Does any of this make any sense to anyone??? Help me, Steemit friends. And furthermore...

How much Steem do I need to own to make my posts, etc. be worth how much exactly? In other words, what is the scale to this. Is there one? Is there a scale of sorts, that is either fixed or one that we can extrapolate from the curve involved? Does it both increase simultaneously? (the number of posts/votes/replies AND the amount of Steem in wallet? Does the increase of one affect the other, and vice versa? And equally? Or not? Oh, my!

Am I totally offbase here? For brief moments, I myself think that I am so totally unknowledgeable about this, that my questions themselves don't make any sense! Oh goodness gracious, I sure hope that they do. At least that would be a start for me, in trying to understand this complex creature that is Steemit.

Thanks to all for any help or insight. Even speculation at this point would be helpful. It will give us a rough slate to begin. I'll definitely respond to all replies, in my quest for understanding and knowledge.


boo hoo... steemit doesn't want to help me...

First of all you have to wait more than 5 minutes for a response. The answer is yes. There is a scale. And the more power you have the more other people will put your post in response to you uploading theirs which will also make your vote count for more. Also your steam power Rises with inflation.

first of all, thanks for noticing the timing... I know, I know... I was a little frustrated. Sorry. Secondly, thank you so very much for your most helpful response. You've given great actual information, just the facts, and all that. But you also spurned me on to further check out (research) these concepts. Wonderful of you. Thanks and cheers!

by the way, like your name... george michael has a nice song called It Doesn't Really Matter on his Older album, and Paul Anka, many years ago, wrote a cool song called It Doesn't Matter Anymore. They both have lovely sentiments, about not caring anymore, but also in a way, about rising above it all, like... who cares anyway? you know, like a cool stance, realistic, yet one I find quite hopeful. Perhaps that's what you were feeling. Disillusion but hope. Perhaps...

hi again, can you maybe confirm these things for me, it'd be really helpful. When you said "the more power you have the more other people will put your post", I guess you meant 'the more other people will vote for your posts'? And when you said "in response to you uploading theirs", I take it you meant "in response to you upvoting theirs" Thanks. Also, thanks for confirming that there is a scale at play here. Do you think possibly, that you can tell me what that scale is. Or what it might be. Or kindly elaborate or provide any other information that might lead me to answer. Thanks once again so very much.

Good article

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