Censorship... No more thanks to Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago

Due to the censorship of the stock traded global platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google to name a few I am a proud member of steemit. where we decide who's content is worth seeing and who's is not. Much to often we find corruption in Platforms I.e. Twitter banning conservatives, blocking true trends all while letting the far left get away with radical nontrending post and putting them as the top trending. YouTube taking down videos that does not fit their agenda, not letting true and good videos get the attention they deserve. What I found to be the most disturbing is Google tampering with search results to help the Hillary Clinton camp. As soon as I saw a YouTube video from the dollar vigilante with Jeff talking about steemit I was in! I knew Steemit would be the future of all the systems combined! I don't know much about making website or app creation, But I figured one day someone smart would come along and make a platform free from the Censorship and corruption. Taking the power of the wing nut left that grip, twist and distort the truth on the old censored platforms that they so corruptly benefited for so long, No more! My hats off to the Steemit crew of two and I think it will grow like wildfire as they Steemit through the World Wide Web with truth busting through the bull!