in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Cop 1.jpeg
I have a home office that overlooks the 100' driveway of the two family house we rent. Yesterday two police SUV's units came blazing in with light blaring. As I sat in my office checking emails and social etc I got to witness it. One male officer aggressively marched onto the property with a full sized Mag Light in hand, holding it by the end that illuminates, like a weapon. Then I heard a commotion going on outside the apartment downstairs. Naturally my large breed dog instantly detected his presence and began alerting the whole house of this aggressive man on the property. Dogs know about people instantly, just ask any dog owner. The officer shouted "don't run, you're detained" at the now gathering crowd forming in my driveway. Then another vehicle pulled onto the property and a woman got out. Turns out my neighbors thirteen year old daughter is friends with a girl who ran away two days ago. The woman in the car was her mother.

Instantly several things came to mind as I watched this event. What was the cop going to do if she ran, bash her head in with the Mag Light? And what crime did she commit to justify a detainment? After about fifteen minutes the situation resolved itself and all parties left the property.

Albeit, this situation was relatively benign however it did spark the inspiration for me to talk about something that needs to be addressed.

Every officer goes out of their way to pursue a career that requires the initiation of violence to enforce victim-less unconstitutional law. They do so for a paycheck that derives from stolen money. They claim they serve and protect yet have no duty to do so according to the several Supreme Court rulings on this issue and when one of them dies, the media likes to call them peace officers. Again, they initiate violence for a living. How is that peaceful?

Believing government is a necessary evil is believing evil is necessary. If you're wondering how I arrive at them being paid with stolen money it's simple. When you file taxes, you're forfeiting your fourth amendment right to privacy and seizure of property, your fifth amendment right to not self incriminate and your sixth amendment right to confront the victim of your crime. Stand firm on these unalienable rights and surely at some point a man with a gun shows up to violently coerce you to pay up or place you in a cage. Counter this violence with equal violence and you'll simply be executed. This is the only reason people pay taxes and the reason we hear the phrase 'taxation is theft', because it is.

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When I critically think about what it would take for me to become a cop I always reach the same road block. I just can't get by my moral compass. No one has the right to initiate violence or take property without consent. It doesn't matter how many people write it on a piece of paper. The constitution says that their authority derives from the consent of the governed yet the governed do not have the right to initiate violence or take property without consent therefore the governed cannot delegate what it does not have. On this basis alone their authority is illegitimate. When considering these truths it becomes apparent they're nothing more than a well organized, well funded criminal organization. They almost never stop crime but instead profit from it. After all, if cops stopped crime there would be no crime. It always amazes me that they're rewarded on the number of arrests, convictions and revenue generated. Wouldn't it make more sense to reward them on declining arrests, convictions and revenue as that would be an indicator of a reduction in crime?

We are so brainwashed into believing they're the good guys we ignore our intuition. Fortunately there is a part of the human brain that is immune to this psychological conditioning. It's the same part responsible for sex drive, satisfying appetite and self preservation. To prove this I'll put forth two scenarios.

You're driving down the road and a cop speeds up behind you. Instantly we all feel fear. It doesn't matter who you are or how much you support them, the reptilian part of your brain kicks in because it knows the person behind you believes they have the right to execute you for nothing more than a subjective emotion.

Another proof we're brainwashed is, you're driving down the road and you see someone else pulled over. Again your instincts kick in, you feel fear and respond by slowing down. What pops in most peoples mind is 'gee, I wonder what they did to get pulled over'. Not realizing in our own minds we're defending the cop and assuming guilt when we should be thinking 'what is that man in the silly costume, with a gun, doing impeding on this persons unalienable right to free travel?' After all, wouldn't you want to be seen as innocent until proven guilty by a jury of your peers? Irrefutable proof of psychological programming.

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I believe many people who support cops, do, so they feel better about themselves. That needs to stop because it's not only selfish and foolish but it gives off a perceived legitimacy to what amounts to nothing more than a criminal organization with a monopoly on the use of violence and theft.

Someone who's perspective I admire on this issue is Adam Kokesh. He once stated "we don't hate you, we just wish you'd quit your job". I think this statement sums it up perfectly.

It's difficult to breakout of the brainwashing paradigm that has been in play for decades. It took me about four years to realize all of science, religion and politics are not only complete total lies but work in concert together to keep us as economic slaves. When we realize this truth we attain a clairvoyance about the realm we call Earth and the human experience.

Instead of supporting this criminal organization, that assures to keep us from our true potential, we should be shaming them out of their ridiculous costumes, reminding anyone who should seek to impose their will on others, you are committing acts of violence. That is unacceptable period!

Almost no one of rational thought and mind trusts the government anymore. Remove their enforcers and the political control mongers are powerless. Ending government rule / tyranny is that easy. Stop supporting their mercenaries. Instead, encourage them to reach their full human potential by taking off that stupid costume and rejoin the rest of humanity.

Being a Cop is not being a good human.

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